Thursday, June 27, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 16, 2019

The alliterate former actress turned A list celebrity has taken to posting on social media in the third person. Apparently it has started to seep into her DM conversations to and she refers to herself in the third person and is becoming annoying because in private, she does it to make herself seem more important.

Meghan Markle


  1. Crazy wants a crown.

  2. the royal family has ways of "taking out" the trash.

  3. Huckleberry thinks this move is always pretentious and annoying.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      It worked for Bob Dole

  4. You've got to wonder if it will come to that soon, @Herbert Arnold.

    I hope not.

  5. Damn, I often wonder if this is a "what came first" scenario....was she always crazy, or has all everything that has happened since she became Her Royal Bitchiness made her crazy?

  6. I ain't saying she's a gold digger....

  7. @Herbert Ginge and Cringe are scheduled to go to Southern Africa this fall. Her idea of roughing it would be a glamping cabana at a rural Soho-House property. She will drive Harry nuts with complaining.

  8. With Diana,she was very young and wanted to do her duty. Meghan is now older than Diana lived to be. It seems like the BRF is just not amused. She thought she could have it her way,but it's unlikely you could gaslight someone her age if she wasn't already off.

  9. Full on narcissist

  10. she seems to have bunny-boiling tendencies

    She won't go quietly or easily.

  11. Wait, does this means she's speaking in the royal "we". We never asked for butter on our toast Jeeves.

  12. Harry got Hewitt's looks and Diana's brain.

  13. @J - Harry looks mostly like a combo of Charles and Philip. Go back and look at Charles' beady close set eyes and look at Harry's beady, close set eyes. Then take a gander at Philip's nose and Harry. The red hair comes from Diana's side of the family (two of her siblings). This Hewitt stuff is getting old and tired after 30 years.

  14. She'd better be careful in those Paris roadway tunnels if she ever finds herself there. Buckle up Sparkle!

  15. @Nutty: She’s going, the question is how. I don’t think they’ll take her out, but they will get rid of her. She’s become too much of a liability.

    @Jen: She’s always been crazy.

    To those who say she won’t go easily, do you actually think she has a choice?

  16. Palace has already denied she's running the SM accounts. Wouldn't be surprising if she logs in sometimes though.

    Puh-leze, they won't "be getting rid of her", more likely in a few years she'll get sick of the gilded cage & divorce the spare & try going back to LA when the kids are in bording school.

    But, yep queue the trolls and their multiple sock accounts....

  17. Diana wasn't stupid, J. She was young and not at all prepared for the media circus that was ahead of her. She got very little support from Charles and the rest of the royal family and responded to the situation as best she could. She honestly didn't know what she was getting into. MM on the other hand...

  18. Yep says to Harry, Stupid you are, breed you should not more!

  19. If I were Meghan, I wouldn't go to Africa.

    I note that she is only going to South Africa, not to Malawi or Botswana, but still.

    Local law enforcement in Africa is notoriously easy to bribe. And roads there are imperfect. And many people get around using small planes, particularly to remote sites.

  20. Diana lived among splendor and glory her entire life. Joining the royal family gave her access to one of the world's finest art collections.

    And when she came to America, Radio, the most important thing for her, the thing she wanted most of all, was to dance with some freak who allegedly puts his thumb into the unwilling ani of cute young masseurs.

  21. Thought it was funny how the story came out a few days ago about MM and Harry spending so much on the renovations and today we have a story how MM makes the Queen laugh and the Queen likes MM more than Kate. Hahah

  22. Yeah, her PR is so clumsy and obvious.

    The weird thing is, locals don't seem to believe that there IS a renovation. They don't see construction debris going out or construction materials going in, for example.

    And during a recent "open day" at Windsor Castle and Frogmore House, pedestrians were able to look right in the windows of Frogmore Castle. Not really royal-level security.

    Meanwhile, MM's publicity keeps pumping out pieces about how she loves living there and is taking long walks in the local park. Nobody's ever seen her there either, or in the local town.

  23. @Nutty_Flavor,South Africa has been very lax on murderers,so getting someone to do the deed may be a simple thing. Meghan would be better off taking what the BRF offer.

  24. @Nutty: When they initially showed Frogmore covered by a white tarp, undergoing ‘renovations’, I was told that those were actually photos of the Mausoleum being renovated. So who knows, but locals keep saying they don’t live @ Frogmore.

  25. @Guesser Oh, sure. The Telegraph just ran a piece today about the many torture murders of white farmers in South Africa. (This was something that the New York Times assured us was absolutely not taking place.)

    At any rate, if Diana - the mother of a future king - was dispensible, Meghan the difficult and annoying wife of the sixth in line to the throne is even more dispensible.

    I'm with you - if I were her, I'd take whatever they are offering and go home to the US, or Canada, or wherever she can go.

    If it doesn't happen in Africa, Paris still has lots of tunnels.

  26. So, more photo ops with smiling black children and ailing elephants? Gross.

  27. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I certainly wouldn't fly in a plane or ride in a car with MM. That would be dicey at this point.

    @Scarlet Peaches that photo of MM and Harry caring for the sedated elephant? It wasn't even MM. It was a vet and Harry was helping her with that anesthetized elephant. That fraud took credit for another woman's work.

    @Enty currently her Strong Write Twitter account is still private. If you want a good laugh read it. The third person narrative is hysterical. Since her fight with Piers Morgan she took it private. She's even added her fake copyright protection notice to that account.

  28. @Ann: that’s not Harry in the pic with the 🐘 either.

  29. Anonymous1:21 PM

    @Aquagirl- well butter my biscuits! They're both frauds.

  30. sounds like something Rupert Pupkin would do

  31. Kate and Meghan both had their eyes on the endgame. One must remain stuffy and one can go rogue.

  32. Markle should take whatever deal or suitcase she's offered. To delay about choosing would be foolish for Markle.

  33. One aspect we have not spoken about is that Markle is a US citizen.

    Anything untoward that might happen to her would have to be investigated by the US authorities - or perhaps signed off by them.

    Guess it would have been a good idea to meet the Trumps last month.

  34. @Nutty: The many torture murders of white farmers in South Africa is 100% absolutely happening. I am a white South African living in SA and can testify that it is true. The farm murders are not robberies. The savage way that the elderly farmers - even children - are tortured and murdered makes it pretty damn obvious that the motive isn't robbery. Especially when only a cellphone is taken! I just want to ask, where are all those celeb c*nts now who held all the "end apartheid" concerts. They got involved with something they new nothing about because it was trendy, now us normal middle class citizens who pay our taxes and just want to raise our children in the safe country we know and love are left with the aftermath. Yesterday's front page of our local Afrikaans Western Cape newspaper said all the rich are leaving SA in hordes. Great, if you're rich and can afford to emmigrate. The rest of us whites are fucked and in the middle of a genocide, but hey - not cool to hold concerts for US, hey?

  35. Sophia, theft, rape, torture and murder is alright when it happens to somebody white. Anything else is racist.

    Try please to keep up with the virtue signalling of our famed social justice warriors, thank you.

  36. Anonymous3:06 PM

    The truth in that clan must be so dark, so shocking.
    Someone got proof, and my God, they sure are using it.

  37. When will her alleged secret ig handle be released? Or does anyone know it?

  38. My god you people sound psychotic...fantasising about Harry murdering his wife?! Harry obviously worships her and their baby, and by all accounts the Queen and Charles like her very much.

    Meghan hasn't put a foot wrong so far, and she's well-liked here in the UK.

    It's only the mentally ill, erotomaniac Cumbercrazies who diagnose every single celeb wife and girlfriend of being gold-digging "narcs" who have a problem with her, and that small handful of people troll and sockpuppet on every website they can find, submitting fake BIs. Must really sting to know 99.99% of the population either thinks you lot are deranged stalkers, or are completely unaware of you and your mad lies.



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