Sunday, June 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 22, 2019

Apparently this southern former reality star who no longer has a show blames one of the producers of said show for our reality star being a former reality star. So, there are several recordings in the former reality star's possession which show the producer engaged in multiple illicit activities, including with some current and former members of the cast. Our former reality star wants to cause some trouble. Releasing the recordings would definitely do that.

Thomas Ravenal/Southern Charm


  1. He's claimed that producers gave Kathryn drugs and that she and Craig would stay up all night partying. He's such a damn hypocritie, she hasn't done ONE thing he hasn't done for thirty years. He also has a felony conviction for possession/dealing pounds of coke and was stripped of his job as State Treasurer

  2. Whitney for the producer?

  3. Thomas wants to take Whitney down... the thing is nobody cares about drugs, they do care about prison & rape. So, Thomas should just shut up or else get his own reality show.

  4. I always thought it was strange that Thomas Ravenal appeared to be at least 20 years older than the rest of the cast.

  5. I was sure this was Phaedra. Why I would think it wouldn't be a total bitch move from that drug addled, alcoholic rapist, abuser is disappointing. This guy is such a fucking puke.

  6. Anything Thomas and JT have been accused of I can see Whitney doing too.Plus even though he denies it, it was sketchy and cast couch worthy that he slept with Kathryn.

  7. thomas, jt, and whitney all seem like scum bags. some more than others (others = whitney. so suspicious)

  8. If he's the former politician, he knows all about blackmail...this should get interesting

  9. Recently on the show, Whitney denies sleeping with Kathryn despite her saying that they did. Which it seems like they surely did. I heard a theory that the reason Whitney may so strongly deny it is because he is a producer (as unknown mentioned above) and with the whole metoo/casting couch thing it is not a good look for him. I do not fully believe that though because if it was such a serious thing that needs to be hidden, why would other producers go ahead with the story line on the show. I heard Patricia say that her and Whitney have zero creative control over what makes it to air and what doesn't because they are on the show, it is like a conflict of interest. I think Whitney is just too pompous to admit he slept with Kathryn after she has slept with nearly every male cast member on the show.

    As for doing drugs, I am sure Thomas has evidence of cast members partaking in cocaine, etc, mostly because he was doing it with them lol.
