Thursday, June 27, 2019

Blind Item #9

The woman with the very tough title to pronounce is getting divorced. Apparently she is still seeing the royal. 


  1. Prince Williams gal

    1. Rose Hamburg not sure if title—-Nutty Flavor?!

  2. Well at least it's not a MM blind for now. I'm not sure what title would be hard to pronounce but William dated a girl named Rose Farhquar

  3. Cholmondeley - pronounced "Chumley".


  5. Can't get past the fact that every article about her gushes about how lovely she is. Um. Are we looking at the same woman?

    1. Seriously!! She is not attractive. She must do all the kinky stuff that Kate's too proper to.

  6. Next we'll be getting a blind that William and Meghan are sleeping together because she ultimately wants to be married to a King!

  7. @MZ: She does want to ultimately be married to the king.

  8. I hope if Wills makes a break for it that Kate takes him for half the damn treasury.

  9. The story here was that MM leaked the story to the press, or to a twitter follower in the US, that said William had an affair with Rose C. This may have been a ploy by W & K to see who would repeat the story. If it's all untrue then it's shitty that Rose and her husbands world has been turned upside down by the Royal family that they serve. This would tick the Queen off.

    And if it is true, then William is a chip off the old block, and his brother would see that as a betrayal of his mothers memory. Something a grifter like MM would see as a way to manipulate her husband with.

  10. That family has no taste. Charles cheated on Diana with that horseface Camilla, and William is doing the same thing if the rumors are to be believed. Funny how he also picked a horseface.

    1. I doubt katie is gonna let this slide.

  11. ooh I vote for Kate has been with Harry SO THERE!~ lol

  12. Kate can only go after what William inherited. Just like Diana could only go after what Charles had: $22m That amount actually broke Charles. FWIW
    I doubt William has that kind of money right now.


    $3 million from the taxpayers, oh but it's cool because they're helping tourism, right?

  14. For some reason the royals can marry mutts and half breeds but the mistresses/ second wives can't be further than second cousins. Presumably they are the ones actually carrying the kids, thus thoroughbred horse faces abound.

  15. How did a blind about Prince Williams supposed shag end up being Meghans fault Obssesed much lol.

  16. What if the royal she’s seeing is actually Harry?

  17. Yes, yaaaasss, how many other fictional scenarios can we imagine?
    Charles and megan, Camilla and the QUEEEEEEEEEEN?
    yall crayzay.
    I don't believe this blind. Chumming the water for some other purpose.
    The royals tend to horseface because they value loyalty and friendship and know they can get superficial beauty for free.
    The stupid one in the family each generation always fails to learn this lesson and drama ensues.

  18. Paging, Nutty Flavor...Nutty Flavor, your assistance is needed on Blind 9!

  19. No way in the world he is still seeing her, if he ever was. He and Kate look a lot happier and authentic than the super botoxed Markle and miserable Harry. Abuser separate their victims from their families so the victim becomes dependent on them.

    I have a feeling Me Again MM is planting these stories. She is very wretched and now has Clinton’s bully as her PR.
    Look what they did to Bilis rape victims

  20. I smell Smirkle's hand all over this BS.

    Don't believe it for a second.

  21. I smell paid trolls up in here....


  22. Smells like Teen Spirit

  23. @ HushHush

    "MM leaked the story to the press"

    Diana was murdered for revealing there were 3 people in the marriage

  24. Never mind Rose and her doings, or not....have a look at the hubby, far more interesting. That Markle woman has been stirring the pot again, even if she managed to break up the King to be and his wife, there's no way he'd be interested in such a skank, for goodness sake, we all know what she's been up to. Ew.

  25. @BRAD PITT Enough with that bullshit already. If the RF actually handled their problems that way, Markle would already be dead.

  26. In retaliation, Kate will have an affair and get pregnant. Then, we'll get to guess who the baby daddy is for the next century.

  27. Yup. Rose may have had enough of her husband and his French friend and business partner. There is some shady goings on there. Add in the husband spends a lot of time away on business and leaves Rose to raise their children and manage the country pile.

    Kinda reminds me of Gloria von Turn and Taxis back in the 80s. Married a gay, older, wealth Prince to keep the family name and fortune going.

  28. Markle has no power. Enty has nothing current on the trollope Markle so he/she repeats an old false blind. Markle has probably run out of funds to get any more PR which doesn't come cheap.

  29. PS: British names Did y'all know that St. John is pronounced Sinjin?

  30. David Chumley is gay, he only married Rose for the heir and the spare , there is some question about the third child (a girl) and the time line with William, another Harry/Hewitt rumor in the making.

    David bought a huge apartment in Paris with his lover François-Marie Banier ,where he spends most of his time. The lover is a notorious, openly gay photogropher who was convicted of swindling $1billion from the aged Lianne Bettencourt.

    Rose knew exactly what she was getting into, egged on by her mother who makes Ma Kardasian look like an ameteure (all three daughters are married to titles). I think the scandal leaking brought this whole thing to a head and David is the one calling the lawyers, she actually lives in a farmhouse on the property with the kids not the main house.

    Rose's brother was drunk at a private members club and blurted out that William and Rose were having 'dinners' together and Kate was fine with it (obviously not). The Sun newspaper ran with it and dispite William threatening legal action the tabloids are not letting it go.

  31. Great goss, Emerald - thanks!

  32. MM's long-play is to be William's second wife. What would her title be "officially" if William was divorced or widowed and married a divorced or widowed Megs, after he became King? Would that be queen, or would she still be a duchess of suckingwall or something.

  33. Anonymous7:54 AM

    If anyone wants to do some comparison viewing here's the best photo-

  34. I read in the Sun that Rose was having dinners with William but that's all it was, and that Kate approved because she thought it was innocent.

  35. Has William crushed on his horse faced Aunt Anne his whole life? That Hanbury woman has that same horsey face shape.

  36. thot crimes' parents were clearly too closely related....unless her mother was goat, that could also be an explanation.

  37. Anonymous1:49 PM

    @Thot Crimes

    And who does Kate end up with ? Harry Styles?
    I can see that.



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