Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Blind Item #9

This A- list mostly television actress who stars on a very hit long running network comedy has also been A- list in movies. Apparently she is hanging on by a thread these days with pressure and stress and all the calls for comment which is one of the reasons she pulled her podcast.


  1. I seriously doubt she broke up with her husband over the phone before banging Pratt the first time.

    1. Funny how people forget that, Brayson. She's certainly no angel.

  2. I wish AF would eat. She is soooo skinny.

  3. Does she have a podcast? She's been saying all the right things so far and she was supposed to have been there.

    1. She did i knkw-Unqualified. Interviews with celebs then follow ups etc . Many do know-Dax Shepard etc... his looks interesting (I think he’s funny as well)

  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unqualified_(podcast)

  5. Comment on what? Is AFs show a hit?

  6. Anna Farris, which I want to say “why you stressed girl? I thought you and Chris were BeST FRieNDS”

  7. I listened to one episode and Anna sounded wasted.

  8. @Low Key, yeah I used to give JLaw a hard time for getting with Pratt until I heard about that. You lose them the same way you got them.

  9. Yes, Brayson, I didn't even know she had a first hubby. What I do know, is Sandybrook is right, she was at the wedding. She goes out of her way to only ever say the best and nicest things, and makes it sound like logistics are the hard part. However, I have no problem believing that she's stressed out and in pain. She must feel like everyone's staring.

  10. @Vita, She let her husband, Pratt, get sucked into a religious cult, seems like with a nice divorce she got off light.

  11. Good point, and I believe she seemed to be in a relationship before he did, so he just beat her to the altar...she'll make it.

  12. Show me a pretty girl and ill show you a guy whos tired of banging her. Uktra religious Pratt will be on marriage 3 in a few years. Guaranteed.


  13. Not to mention, the intense eating disorder. The real problem I have with Pratt is standing behind a pedo director, Gunn.
