Saturday, June 08, 2019

Blind Item #7

If her hope for the future is to get married and have a family, then this socialite turned reality star should probably stay away from the host who is just having as many first dates as he can. If she thought her last relationship was filled with infidelities, this one probably wouldn't be much better.


  1. Tinsley Mortimer and Billy Bush

  2. OH. My. GAWD.

    Could there be any more twinsie people than Tinsley and Billy Bush, they are made for each other.

    I'm horrified.

    1. In other Housewife news... You think Marcia Cross and her husband have fun blown AIDS? Celebs always choose a lesser disgusting story to avoid questions about what they’ve got.

  3. Surely Tinsley and and Billy Bush and @ hunter they are so made for each other. I love it, haha!

  4. I don't think there is a more horrible story than anal cancer. No judgment there - cancer is cancer, wherever it strikes. And Cross is right, the stigma surrounding it is what's "disgusting". I give her credit for speaking out and alerting others to the HPV connection too. HIV is infinitely more treatable these these days, survivable.

  5. Forgot Billy Bush is on the market and back in the media. He and Tinsley are a match made in old school Society heaven! Real world, not so much!

  6. Not quite time to defrost those eggs, Tins.

  7. If it really was HPV she would have claimed yeast infection.

  8. +1 Tricia
    First person I thought of.

    Isn't Billy Bush was married

  9. Billy Bush is divorced with (I think) five daughters. I doubt, that he would want more kids. Poor Tinsley, she seems so desperate to get married.
