Friday, June 28, 2019

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A+ list mostly movie actress in her own country is probably B+ list here. As part of her punishment, she was forced to drop a guy she was with for quite some time and is now the girlfriend of a high ranking government official. Apparently she is expected to also get pregnant.


  1. Chinese actress BingBing

  2. Fan Bing Bong. Both her name and punishment, it seems.

  3. Bing ZBong? That's just some racist shit right there, Autocorrect!
    Don't make me go all Snowflake SJW on your silicon ass!

  4. China seems nice.

  5. They let her live,so there's that.

  6. OF COURSE Tricia laughs at racist jokes-TRASH.

  7. And there I was hoping we'd seen the last of the twisted fister.😒

  8. Oh sh!t it was her fiance she split with. Wonder if that relationship was real to begin with. Just sayin' folks, pay attention to where you vacation.

  9. Anonymous1:36 PM

    How is Bing Bong racist? It's the name of a character in Disney/Pixar's Inside Out for God's sake. Being a mom, I'm sure Tricia recognized it and laughed.

    Lordy, Derek. Get back on your meds. You're fucking ridiculous.

  10. Jesus Christ, Derek, what is WRONG with you? Seriously, get help.

  11. "Derek" will be unemployyed at the hospital "he" works at very soon and we won't be dealing with "him" and his 25 alts on this site much longer. Be patient. Times up for the bitch.

  12. did she have to pay those huge fines? seemed somewhat unfair in that the production companies were in on it and paid her under the table which seems to be fairly customary there to avoid the huge tax structure. Someone turned her in.

  13. Oh "Derek" sweetie just as an aside, I fucked up, you know because I'm an old fucking drunk and all, and drafted a letter to your employer describing what you do here, how long you've done it, suggested a drug test and full psychological analysis and about 25 alts you used here. But instead of hitting "save to drafts", I fucking hit send because you know, Imma fucking drunk that can't do shit, isn't that too bad, I'm soooo sorry bitch. It will take time for them to investigate I'm sure so you also have time.

  14. baby.

  15. *insert 'popcorn' gif* Chomp chomp chop...

  16. Her life is over. So forced relationship and most likely forced marriage, abuse, control, imprisoned in own country, rape and forced reproduction.. Nice.

  17. WTF Sandybrook!!! Nice move, I hope it works.

  18. Anonymous10:16 PM

    holy shit, Sandybrook!!! That is fucking awesome *applause*
