Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Blind Item #6

if you believe the hype, these two former bff are still bff and follow each other as finsta friends. I'm not sure I believe it considering there are things they could have done privately to keep their friendship alive that have burned bridges that are tough to rebuild. Of course, it could have been the momager who made that happen.


  1. Kylie/Jordyn Woods/PMK

  2. Its all showbiz. Wonder if paris and kendull are still finsta fuck buddies!

  3. Why not, it's not like either really GAF about the dude anyway.

  4. Backing Tricia’s guess here. The younger Kardashians seem more able to separate their KUWTK roles and plot lines from their real lives. What a weird childhood that must have been.

  5. I'm assuming "finsta" represents "fake insta". Yes?

    1. Yes it’s what teens create to hide their secret / real IG account from their parents.

  6. Well fasta and fista were taken, so yeah.

  7. Kris really needs to take a vacation or something. A long oneπŸ™

  8. And yet their highest ratings could be about Kendull

    1. Pmk is saving the kendull revelations when she gets in a real spot with contract renegioations

  9. @Freckles, Well nothing says woke like keeping one's lesbian family member in the closet.

  10. This and That-- thank you! I had no clue! I thought it was financial instagram, like a new paypal rival or something.😟

    So now Kylie is going to have to try to take trashy pics with both Jordyn AND Stassie? What's a young billionaire to do? 😝 That being said, Stormi is adorable!

  11. @Brayson, exactly! They handled Rob and Kanye's issues so well I am shocked they are keeping this a secret too....NOT

  12. Kardashians are the poster children for mandatory sterilization. They should not be allowed to bring children into their effed up world.

  13. If you guys don't think PMK is 1000% managing Jordyn's career, with all her regular DM article placements, y'all aren't even paying attention.

    Satan's Homegirl is getting a straight cut across the top of ALL Jordyn's earnings and I bet Jordyn's an indentured servant until Kris gets every last dollar she spent on her skin, teeth, hair and other enhancements making her ready for prime time.

    Y'all KNOW it's tru-oo-oooo-roo

  14. PMK is always expanding her stable. She's helped breed some 2nd gen earners, but they won't be old enough to exploit for a while so of course she'd recruit someone like Jordyn. Sh!t, girl already spells her name like stripper, of course she can make it rain for PMK.

  15. Wild guess...Is it Tatti and James Charles? I heard Charles has a "momager" of a sort.

    1. @Natasha Wow, that is a good guess.... I wonder now.
