Sunday, June 09, 2019

Blind Item #5

While the celebrity offspring who just got married might be pregnant, the wedding date was not moved up. This is the date in the books for months.


Troy Dyer said...

Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger

Tricia13 said...

Haliey B

Tricia13 said...

Oh yeah

Drewholtaus said...

Must have been a late night for enty on saturday!

cheesegrater15 said...

Oh god he's married into the Shrivers/Kennedys. He'll run for office in 5 years.

LondonRandom said...

Hey all! Long time lurker, first (maybe second?) time poster. Seems there are lots on here in the know so I wondered if anyone might know: what is the deal with these two? Is this relationship genuine? I only ask because every pic I see of them they both look as miserable as sin, I just don’t see the chemistry?? Does he want to be a Kennedy that badly? I am fully aware I clearly need to get a life! What can I say - I need my daily dose of a CDAN!

PickyTicky said...

He doesn't look so happy and he will be sloppy fat again

Troy Dyer said...

I’m not positive that Pratt was/is into the political part, but he’s said that he wanted a younger wife so he could have more kids and he also became super religious and Maria Shriver is hella catholic. That being said, I hope Katherine likes living on a farm with Chris and being a baby factory, but still having to be skinny while he can return to being fat

sandybrook said...

Too bad for her. She deserves better.

LondonRandom said...

See I wondered about politics too - it’s true I’m no fan of her going by things I’ve read but surely there are others in power who he could have set himself up with - who knows. But you’re right about the religious thing - since joining Hillsong/Zoe he’s changed completely, one wonders how much of a hand Maria Shriver had in all of this

Drewholtaus said...

Here comes senator pratt!

Do Tell said...

Well, at least she'll be able to get advice from her mother on philandering husbands. Does anyone see this going long haul?

TwoDots said...

Chris Pratt sounds like a bit of a dick tbh. Hope his pretty religious world doesn’t crumble when this marriage becomes a stat and fails. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Kate k said...

Celebrating a century of Kennedy women picking bad husbands.

Jne said...

Kennedy women pick philandering husbands and kennedy men philanderers .... it’s something in their genes.

CP seems like a old fashioned good ole boy who liks to hunt/fish/live off the land and has a sense of humor. He’s like josh duhamel who wants a younger wife that will have lots of kids. The jesus/religion thing isn’t very hollywood except it’s a hollywood cult, so maybe it’s a segment of hollywood. As long as his blockbusters make mony he’s A+ and wanted for projects.

Im not sure why the kennedy girl was attracted to him. Was it cause he has a sense of humor, and is a philanderer? Or is she into religion? Or also wanting a boatload of kids? Or just looking for a rich guy because her own career wasn’t really taking off?

Tierney said...

I do NOT like Pratt - there's something *off* about him. He's half-a-tick away from being a greazy TV preacher. He looks like he gleefully wears unwashed underpants and I'm sure he eats his own ear wax.

Sd Auntie said...

i don't think Maria would be keen on his choice of religion. i expect that kid to be baptized and raised Catholic.

Sd Auntie said...

me too @ Tierney!

Queen Bee said...

Well, I'll say, I do like Pratt & there's nothing wrong with wanting good luck to them!!

Jne said...

maria doesn’t seem like a very dedicated catholic to me. she’s seems more hollywood/ fame/ celebutard life style, i dont think she’d care if the gran-kid was just hillsong.

i like pratt.

Post Cards From The Edge said...

Sure both churches are Christian but there are soooo far apart. I have evangelical friends who think the Pope is the devil.

Jne said...

Yup the hardcore religous types can have trouble accepting other denominations/ christians, but maria doesn’t seem like a hardcore catholic. Her grandma Rose was definitely a hardcore catholic, maybe her mother ethel was too, but maria seems more hollywood liberal and accepting of all, she’d probably be thrilled if her kid converted to islam or judaism or taoismor buddhism or satanism just to show how liberal a mom she is!

Miss_proper said...

I see pictures where he looks at her like he is totally in love with her, but she is always looking elsewhere. Start with the engagement picture. He is hugging her eyes closed and she had her arm around his neck so she can admire the ring.

Whatever the case I hope they both have a long and happy marriage.

FrenchGirl said...

Everyone who knows Schwarzenegger knows that Maria is very catholic, very family oriented and she was the person who took decision in Schwarzie's career

HushHush said...

Sticking with Arnie after cheating, and having a son outside of marriage, is very Catholic. She's keeping her vows even if he didn't. She's kept the family together, which is a big thing.

Emma F said...

All the best to them both. I struggle to like him but then I love Anna Faris and feel he got success - then she wasn't good enough?

Fifi LaRue said...

It feels more like Anna Faris cut Chris Pratt loose than the other way around.

Susie Q said...

Rabbit, I agree with you. Then his movies kept getting bigger...except for Passengers, but I think that's more Ja Law. She's the reason I didn't go see it!

Queen Bee...I like him too. Something good ol' boy about him that appears genuine.

Krissie said...

No way is this Hailey, poor thing is crying about having to gain ten pounds to be a normal weight so her baby doesn't die in the womb from malnutrition

Kate k said...

Her mother was Eunice, not Ethel.


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