Thursday, June 20, 2019

Blind Item #5

The late night host no one likes, especially his employees, is leaking stories that he may quit. Please, he just wants a raise. He could never make this kind of money doing anything else and he knows it. 


  1. Replies
    1. He and James Corden in competition for biggest douche

  2. People still watch late night shows?

  3. I think corden about how he wants to go back to England.

  4. This is James Corden. He’s in the midst of contract negotiations.

    Why exactly doesn’t anyone like him? Or better yet... when is the general public going to be made aware that he and Ellen are shit to their employees.

  5. We do not want him back. The US gave us back Morgan and Brand. Be kind and keep him.

    1. We changed our mind and would rather have Brand back.

    2. @Rosie I would like him back, too.

  6. The last watchable late night host was Craig Ferguson.

    Prove me wrong...

  7. What PJ Wearer said! ^^^^

    I thought you were up in arms about letting immigrants get locked out. All you panty wteers nw is not the time to decide that a wall actsllybis a good idea.

    You let the fat cunt in, you keep him.

  8. stopped watching late night as soon as it became a branch of the democratic Media .. we get beaten over the head with politics all the end of the night can i get a break please?

  9. We don't want him back, you keep the unfunny, big fat waste of space in the US

  10. Who even watches anymore?

  11. Corden said something kind and compassionate about the victims of the Grenfell fire in London. Suddenly i don't think he's a complete c***.

  12. James Corden, he rode Carpool Karaoke into the ground. Time to ship him back, preferably while Flashy Vic is asleep or on holiday, we don't want any protests. ;)

  13. I think it’s James, I have a friend who works at WWHL, and they love Andy and the show

  14. @This
    I used to like him until I started reading what a douchebag he is...right here on this site.
    this place has ruined a lot of the entertainment world for me....and my kids now plug their ears when I start talking about Hollywood because they don't want to be disenchanted.

  15. Mr. Colbert is doing a bang up job on late night.

    My vote is for Corden. Lots of stories out there about him wanting to go back to England.

  16. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Corden and I'd help him pack.

  17. @Bray...
    Never! I never sleep! Vigilance is my watchwor.....ooh look a kitten!!

  18. How do you know if anything posted on this blog is actually true, @MeliticusBee?

  19. @VikingSong

    Because it's on the internet. They wouldn't put it on the internet if it wasn't true...

  20. After what Brand did to the CNN hosts who were unprepared and intimidated to interview him, yeah I would exchange Corden for Brand any day.

    England....PLEASE take back the Gervais neverbe.

  21. Oh...and Craig F. is the definition of sexy. He has more charm than most Hollywood actors combined. Such a crush...but, all of his lady guests thought the same. haha

  22. Cordon the fat short guy

  23. With all of the competition, how did Corden get a job here to begin with? He does have a douchey reputation & Brits seem to despise him.

  24. Corden started out great and then started thinking the world of himself. I love Russell Brand. He's a nut but he's authentic.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I agree with your description of Russell Brand, Amartel. He owns his shit.

    I simply don't find Corden funny. I remember while watching the royal wedding they showed him. His beady little eyes were scanning the crowd in the church like he was wanting to find someone to talk smack about.

  27. Corden is a fat cancerous cyst - He should not be employed by anyone

  28. Sounds like all of them and they all sound alike.

    They are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring.

  29. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I follow a comedian (he's a friend of a friend from Portland) on insta that writes for Corden (and has for quite awhile now) and he mentions liking him/enjoying working for him all the time in his stories. Sometimes I wonder if anyone who works for CDAN follows any social media other than the super "famous" (quotes because I'm referring to models and yachters).
