Thursday, June 20, 2019

Blind Item #4

The reason the career of this sometime A list singer faltered as a solo artist is not because of some crazy reason the former manager thought of out of the blue, it is because he did no PR at all for any of her records because he got way more money from the family member, and the family member didn't want him working too hard for the other singer.


  1. Kelly and Bey and Mathew Knowles?

  2. Kelly Rowland for sure. Knowles was just out there saying Rowland wasn't as successful as Beyonce because her skin tone was darker, and Bey was preferred because she was closer to white.

    Utter horseshit.

  3. Whew. That's A Very Long Sentence.

  4. It's early. I'm more verbose in the morning I guess 😃

  5. Life was so cold....cause she wasn't white enough...oh oh!

    But, Yeah. Total Horseshit....Tupac and Jay Z (although they should never be mentioned in the same sentenced) are black as black can be and they have done aiiiight. In fact.....I am sure someone into rap can make a list. But, judging someone on skin color is racist no matter what race you are.

  6. Beyonce's dad & today's article talking about Kelly Rowland's skin tone :\

  7. Ugh, that family is so messed up.

  8. Kelly needs a good writer/producer and label. Some hot Rn'B/rap producer surely could use her properly.

  9. @Tee
    Jay Z isn't all that black if you go by the crayon box. He's just ugly.

    So he hides malfeasance by claiming systematic raycism….Sad that "too black" excuse is where some people go when they want to hide the real problems. people buy right into it.

  10. Sorry but even if he was stealing the money, what he said it true. The amount of disdain people have for darker skinned Black people is a real thing. Especially in the Black community.

  11. I agree with Nummi. I also think things are different for women. Not to mention, Tupac wasn’t that dark skinned.

  12. White people will make fun of gingers for their pale skin, the struggle is real everywhere.🤔

  13. Isn't Kelly supposed to be his daughter as well?

  14. Yeah, well i see this thread and raise this- try to be bald in your late 20s! Everyone discriminates against you, irrespective of race, age, gender, nationality, sexuality and political ideology. And if you are bald and overweight, then you have hit the jackpot of being ridiculed!

  15. That's not true, I know women in their late 20s who get balled all the time and it's no biggie.

  16. Damn you, Brayson!
    I just snorted all over my screen.

  17. Honestly they're not going to let Kelly or Michelle become stars because that is how it's written Beyonce is the star kind of like Diana Ross. Most people believe Kelly is prettier.

  18. What I never understood is why Kelly Rowland didn't run with the dance genre. Do NOT do R&B at all because Beyonce is going to keep that on lock. Just go the dance route and lock that down. Kelly's dance records were great. She also doesn't have Beyonce's work ethic. Not for nothing NOBODY works as hard as Beyonce does (ie 7 months of rehearsals for a 2.5 hour show).

  19. it was obvious from way back, that even destiny's child was just a set up to get beyonce to solo performer.

  20. Nummi is right about racism in the black community. I've heard many stories from people who were discriminated against in their own "community" due to the darkness of their skin. It's batshit crazy. But Bey is just full of crap. She's torpedoed many a career and now she's still trying to get more money by playing the race card. She's a disgusting piece of crap.
