Saturday, June 08, 2019

Blind Item #3

This southern reality star is living well above her means. Now, everyone is wondering aloud if she is like many other females in the cast, past and present and is supplementing her income via yachting.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kathryn Dennis was my first thought as well

    Great minds think alike @Tricia 😎

    1. Yessssss!
      Living large on a 4story in Charleston...I immediately thought yachting it she took a pay out from TRav to keep her mouth shut

  3. I don't think that she's still living in the place featured on the show. It is currently listed for sale.

  4. Kathryn from southern comfort
    Cynthia Bailey happens she NEVER Yacht in her life.

  5. I wouldn't call it "wondering whether." More like "figuring that."

  6. Ahh the 80th BI about RH D Listers of the month. its almost as if there is no other material

  7. Patricia Altschul.

  8. Definitely Kathryn. On a side note, how gross, who would pay for that?!!

  9. They all got it for free though, and that was before she started getting all that horrible plastic surgery and fillers. Patricia is only being nice to her because she’s back to banging Whitney.

  10. Kathryn-it's been made very clear that the property owners are letting her and the kids stay there for free in return for promo time on the show. It's a good deal. They've already showed the apartment at least 2-3 times in 3 episodes. It's gorgeous but dunno if it's kid friendly.

  11. If all these people are yachting why don't we see photos of them on the yachts or at sea? Or is yachting just a metaphor for the obvious?

  12. I wish it was the barely legal Chrisley girl. Dad must have final edit, because I watched 2-3 seasons of the show, and they never have a good ass shot of her.
