Saturday, June 08, 2019

Blind Item #2

If they could both stay sober for a minute, then the female foreign born former A+ list rapper and the dropping from A list female rapper could see that what their team has proposed in them going on tour together is about the only thing that makes sense to try and fill a venue. Neither are doing it on their own any longer.


  1. Nicki Minaj and Cardi B

  2. See? People would TOTALLY buy that ticket. Especially if they cooked up some sort of freestyle battle (they can fake it) that comes off really cool.

    It's a financial opportunity and I think Cardi B will recognize the value before Nicki does, she seems like a bright cookie.

    1. Cardi seems way dumber than nicky, and that's a hard feat to pull off

  3. Afterall, didn't it turn out Eminem and Machine Gun Kelly were in cahoots after their dueling rap videos came out? Then Enty had a blind they were kicking it in Detroit celebrating their publicity coup?

    Aim high ladies.

  4. +1 Nicki and Cardi

  5. Just imagine the ego's on that tour! Yup, the management are right, a sold out arena tour that would make $$$'s. Not gonna happen.

  6. Throw in iggy too for good measure!

  7. cardi is still a list

  8. Half the audience will pass out from date-rape drugs.

  9. I don't believe that for Cardi; she's still selling out shows. The issue is getting her to actually show up for them

  10. Cardi B's Career Is Flopping - Sells Tickets For $5 & Cancels Dates!!

    From the Article:

    "Here are screenshots taken from May 12th, showing that Cardi was selling tickets to her shows for as little as $5. And despite the low prices, she still was unable to sell out the venue."

  11. Cardi B just acts dumb. She was in AP classes in high school and those are no joke even if she went to public. She does make dumb decisions tho

  12. Anonymous7:14 PM

    How on earth is Cardi losing A but Nicki is A+???

  13. Lil Kim and Nikki
