Friday, June 21, 2019

Blind Item #2

Don't believe the hype. The foreign born former A+ list tweener is not going to get into the ring with the permanent A list mostly movie actor. First of all, the former tweener wouldn't be able to pass the drug test, and it is so off brand for the movie star that he wouldn't consider it.


  1. Replies
    1. Though I’d love to see Tommy Boy kick his ass

  2. Is this even a blind?

  3. Tom also doesn't have a movie to promote at the moment. What's in it for him?

    If he did have a movie to promote he might agree to thumb-wrestle with Bieber on one of the late-night comedy shows.

  4. Didn't Bieber basically say he didn't want to fight him in press already? How is this a blind?

  5. Why would celebrity boxing need a drug test?

  6. What kind if match should it be?

    Loser Catches?

    Jug Of Lube On A Pole?

    Winner Catches?

    Who's Yer Daddy Match?

    Winner Gets Loser's Woman as a Slave For 30 Days?

    Miscavage On A Pole?

    Indian Strap Match?

    HIV On A Pole?

    Loser Can't Fight NDA Violations?

    Full Blown AIDS On A Pole?

    Rent Boy On A Pole?

    AZT On A Pole?

    Gay Chicken?

    John Travolta Gay Chicken Challenge, who ever lasts longer playing gay chicken w/ Travolta wins.

    WeHo Street Fight, whoever tears the drag costume off the other first wins.

    Frisco Street Fight, first one to ejaculate in the other's bowels, then shoot up wins.

    Weinstein Memorial Challenge, loser converts to Judaism and joins the Hollywood Jew Mafia.

    BBC On A Pole, winner gets to blow the Fresh Prince.

    1. Gen: I hate to say it, but watching Season 1 of Brady Bunch on Amazon, Cindy Brady's dress length was way higher than mere Asking For It Level, she is in the Whore/Slut range. Cant believe they let her out of the house like that, much less on tv.

    2. I vote winner goes down on big willy and jada holds his head down

  7. Scientology aside, I like Tom's films.

    Besides, Tom would kick Justin's ass so bad, Justin would have to disappear forever to get well.

    C'Mon, Tom!
    Kick his ass!


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Aw, Tricia, no. Come on. Too many deaths, broken families, and lifelong traumas caused by $cio, particularly under Miscavage, have been exposed to still support them.

    3. Meant to say without Scio...Hanniam. MOs definitely without.

    4. Like him too without the cult, though could do without a couple of the action films

    5. @Tricia: whew! Glad to hear it! It seems like he’s been especially action movie heavy since getting all $cioed up in 2004. Mid life crisis or bad influences? Hard to say. I tend to like his non-action films better.

    6. I think honestly it’s a bit of that (doing his own stunts makes him feel virile too I bet); but I imagine there is a motivation to earn that inflated ,huge 💰 paycheck which I bet he gives a fair amount of-to “The Church”...:(

  8. I have no special feelings toward Tom Cruise, but I'd wager that he would absolutely take that kid to the cleaners. No contest.

  9. How about the loser has to join the winners cult?

    1. I like it. Imagine $cio trying to get Bieber to "clear". It would be so fun to read the leaks out of the Celebrity Center.

  10. @Jom: now here’s a match I’d rather see. Brian “tickle me ivories” Houston vs Dave “L’il Grumpy” Miscavage: cage match.

  11. Cruise would absolutely take Bieber apart. Bieber should have waited until Tom got into his 60's or 70's or heck even 80's, then Justin might have had a chance. Cruise knows how to box and how to wrestle.

    It would be the greatest thing ever, watching Tom Cruise beat the ever loving sh!t out of Bieber 😃

  12. Jimbonius-- you may be on to something! Better yet, loser loses "Church" status!

  13. How is this a blind, especially when it's about a week late?

    Also, I'd PPV this only if guaranteed they both died.

  14. This would be good way for Tom Cruise to win a whole new wave of fans, and regain some of the ones he lost.

    I hope Celebrity Deathmatch does a version of it, at least.

  15. @Max Power, That's what I thought, but apparently the saga continues:

  16. I think TC would never do it because then it would be exposed to the world just how short he really is. I have no doubt the Biebs at 5'9" would tower over him

  17. Tom Cruise will not do it.

    1) If he kicks Bieber's ass, then he will get reamed for kicking the ass of a 25 year old meth head who can't stand on his own w/o help....and TC will be told..."You should know better - you're the elder."

    2) If Bieber somehow miraculously kicks TC's ass, then TC will be made fun of, "you got your ass beat by bieber!" for the rest of his life.

    It's NO-win situation for TC if he gets in the ring w/ that little twerp.

    IMO, I think JB is so fucked up 23 hours and 59 minutes of every single day, he probably doesn't remember he sent the tweet.

  18. I think the Biebs would kick Tommy's ass and I would pay to watch it. Seriously no one is going to drug test anyone in a celebrity boxing match for charity. That was just silly.

  19. Bieber needs an intervention. Where are his parents FFS!

  20. Tom Cruise would do the thumb-wrestling, that's cute and I could see that if he were actively promoting right now.

    I watched the video where paps confront Bieber outside his place and he admits it was just a joke. His skin... it's BAD. REAL bad. He's on the drugs.

    I did somehow, maybe it was the angle, see him differently, like a young man. I hope he gets it together and is allowed to live a real life at some point.

  21. @hunter, Was that when you first realized Bieber's on the drugs, when you saw his bad skin? Not his random tweets or marriage? Just teasing 😅

    Really Bieber should offer to trade all his drugs and his enabling yachter wife to someone who will take his place in the ring. He can always buy more of both, or actually try to get clean and have a fresh start in life. Justin, you don't think Cruise has been training every day of his adult life for the moment some crazed meth head gets past security and tries to attack him?

  22. Omg, is nobody thinking about cruise''s character in Tropic Thunder? I do NOT like either, but would love to see him scream at Bieber like that.....yeah, like a celebrity death match with Toms character v biebs

  23. Cant believe everyone talkin about Cruise winning. I'd take all yer bets and yer money. Beiber 30yrs younger, allegedly hopped up on Steroids & Meth, plus Cruise is a friggin dawrf! 5'7 (listed, prolly 5'4-5'5 irl), 148 lbs?

    1. Thetans and rent boy jizz aint propelling Cruise to victory.

  24. I would like to see Cruise high on Scio and Bieber high on crack, and see who could out “weirdo” the other.

  25. Why are you all on Tom’s side, in this hypothetical fight? I hate Tom Cruise! The way he treats Suri and the way he ostracized Nicole from their 2 children, all because of his fucked up cult beliefs? FUCK HIM! He’s a narcissistic dwarf. 😡

  26. hunter i saw that video too, he must be picking his skin like a maniac with all the meth oozing out his pores. He used to have really nice skin too

    anyway as I've said before, if Justin wins he loses, if he loses he loses even worse, but it's more than obvious it's not happening and this happened like a month ago by now

    1. I think ya mostly piss meth out. I never seen anything like the porcelain of the urinals of an old biker bar being eaten away by the decades of meth pissed into it. What other reason could their be to paint the insides of 2 fucked up porcelain urinals?

  27. Must have looked like Swiss cheese.

  28. Count you might piss a lot of meth out but it definitey comes out thru your skin too. Even if you don't pick at it you can get scabs from using and it being "detoxed" thru your pores.
