Sunday, June 16, 2019

Blind Item #2

As I told you a few weeks ago when the world would not stop talking about the celebrity offspring from two generations being pregnant, I said, that would be awkward considering the foreign born A/A- list singer was cheating on her. Now, it appears they have split.


  1. Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin

  2. Good morning, Troy! Agreeing with you, once again! Is she pregs, though?

  3. She must not be pregnant then.

  4. And supposedly they split because she doesn’t want to be pregnant.

  5. The only couple Enty never guesses about right are Lively/Reynolds apparently....Sorry for the off topic!

  6. Don't you love it when Enty makes the bleedin' obvious a blind, like "Chris Martin is cheating" or "the Bronfman sisters funded NXIUM" and then claims victory when the bleedin' obvious is reported in the wider press?

    Not to say that Enty doesn't get things right sometimes. But the majority of the time these days....

  7. @Krab

    Couldnt agree more! The majority of the times, Enty is wrong.

  8. Half the blinds these days come directly off other gossip sites or actual news sources and of course Entern's go to, the DM. The rest are complete b.s.

  9. @HeatherBee: Is that true that they split because she didn’t want to get pregnant? I’d assume he’d be the one who wouldn’t want any more kids since his are getting older. I figured he dumped her because she’s boring.

    Did anyone see the ‘polarity’ article about Goop? She and Brad F. only live together a few days per week. I’d imagine the real reason is because his kids hate her. They know the truth. Apparently Chris still has a bedroom at Goop’s house.

  10. @Aquagirl- I’m inclined to believe your theory! It was posted in the DM that she didn’t want kids, so they broke up, and provided photographic proof of Chris looking “gloomy “ on a bike ride.

  11. @ aqua girl I think she and her hubby don't live together because HE IS GAY. Read blinds elsewhere about friends to a star who had been telling them how little she and her man have sex and how 'refreshing' it is and yet all the friends ping him as GAY is why. Goop was the top guess for it. Guess given Chris Martin maybe never keeping it in his pants made a 'non-sexual' dude appealing for the next husband option.

  12. @Kiki: he may be gay but apparently his kids hate her for breaking up his marriage. Why would you bother breaking up the marriage of a gay guy? (Oh, I forgot, we’re talking about Goop here.)

  13. And yet a bunch of you asshats stick around and patrol this board for wrong-think like your being paid for it. If you were capable of understanding your own hypocrisy, it would be the strangest fucking thing to you. It's like the Derek/Tricia thing, and you're the Dereks.

  14. +1 Thot. Typical libtard MO

  15. Relationship Levels 101:

    Not having to share a bathroom is heaven.

    Not having to share a bedroom is next to heaven.

    Not having to share a house where he pulls out the kitchen chair, and leaves it in the middle of the room, and leaves his crap all over the place, sits around in his underwear (not boxer shorts!) until noon, and then doesn't say anything when you come home from the gym at noon is ABSOLUTE HEAVEN.

    Don't give Goop any grief about separate households. She knows the score.

  16. Rabbit, I get you. I live alone and it's great.

  17. Rabbit, thank you. I just started sleeping separately from the man. Much nicer. Doesn't mean I don't like or love the guy.
