Friday, June 21, 2019

Blind Item #1

Just as I predicted, the PR people of this foreign born closeted A list singer are spreading rumors he is dating this alliterate singer.


  1. Shawn Mendes /Camilla Canello

  2. Yep, Tricia, Shawn and Camilla

  3. When I read his Rolling Stone interview a few months ago, I got the impression he wasn't completely straight, but not sure of his sexuality either. I don't think he would ever come out because of his family's heavy influence and religion. Very sad, I know another person that is 99% gay and will never come out because his father would probably disown him. I couldn't imagine living like that, very sad :(

  4. Isn't she still dating her former bandmate? One of Swift's lesbian clique 'squad'.

  5. He must really think his fans are morons.

  6. I don't listen to that kind of music(?) but he's a little cutie. So maybe he'll wait until he's too old for his tweeny fan base to come out.

    Or maybe since it's really nobody's business he'll just stay the way he is

  7. how can someone be 99% gay 😂

  8. Tricia, Why do you constantly do that? It's very annoying

  9. I know a girl who is like 35 and a virgin. She is over 6' tall and has "dated" some young attractive nothing boys, rarely.

    She is always surrounded by her girlfriends and has the same flat energy as that chick who plays Piper in OITNB which is to say, she's gotta be a lesbian.

    But I am sad for her, she is so uptight and I don't think she wants to be a lesbian so she instead... is nothing. It's weird.

  10. Hunter Asexuality is real. Some people are asexual due to lack of sex drive or for personal reasons which I won't get into here. It isn't that they are repressing their sexual needs, some people just don't have that urge. Just commenting not picking

  11. I'm just curious what is her flat energy like?

    But yeah Gnarf has a point. I knew a tall girl like that, turned out her first boyfriend raped her in high school and she really wasn't big on dating after that, who could blame her.

  12. hunter lol that sounds like me. I hate to adopt weird sexuality phrases with all the ones floating around but the term I use to identify myself is demisexual

  13. Tricia OCD - typing class. PLEASE. I will pay $50 to enroll you in an online typing course. Seriously seriously. You clearly realize your choices.
