Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Blind Item #1

It isn't like it would be a royal wedding or something similar. This politician thinks getting married would give him a huge popular boost. Nope, not so much. Plus, that payment is going to have to be super high for her to willingly take on that extra layer.


  1. Tricia13 is right. And they are on RuPaul's show to "hint" at an engagement.

    1. Oh dear. Nothing says true love ❤️ like A reality show lol

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Someone explain these openly gay hosts covering for gay celebrities,even going the extra mile to cover. Ellen does this a lot. Oprah did this,but she isn't out and I considered it to be mutual coverage.

  4. @momo,thought she was Latina,lol. Wouldn't you want an invite?

  5. @Tricia13,RuPaul has a new talk show,the promo keeps showing the Booker/Rosario Dawson clip.

  6. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Why doesn't Booker the Butt Pirate just come out already? That move would actually make him relevant in the Democrat Primary as he'd be black AND gay. Buttigieg can't compete with that.

    1. Cant have a homo potus. Same reason actors dont come out, international box office.

    2. Ummm, too late'll all find out about bath house Barry soon enough....

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Cory Booker presidency would be bought & paid for by Zuckerberg/Facebook, and destroy any semblance of privacy left on the internet.

  9. Jesus take the wheel. This is embarrassing

    1. Once you learn proper grammar, I might listen
      Until then, fucking stay in school and pull up your poopy diaper.
      I mean you're poopy diaper.

  10. I mean, aren't democratic voters supposed to be soooo tolerant and accepting, so why fucking hide and lie and deceive and sneak around like a coward? It's not like he'd court the evil homophobic conservative vote anyway.

    Here's a catchy slogan: Democrats - so tolerant of gay rights, that gay democratic politicians hide in closets

  11. INSTAGRAM POET - now here's a job that contributes to humanity and a career to aspire to

  12. Instagram poet, almost an oxymoron.

  13. Oh Guesser, it's beyond that. lol ALMOST?!

  14. Anything for publicity I guess. No chance he gets married to her, no chance he even stays in the primary through the end.

  15. So count, are you saying that a democrat potus would be judged by his own voters on his sexuality, and not the content of his character? Colour me shocked...

    p.s.: Hillary tried the closet thing, and it didn't work out for her based on things other than her sexuality

  16. No, i am saying a homo potus wouldnt be able to get anything done in Asia. It would be like inviting the Saudis to a state dinner and serving pork chops.

  17. @momo,I looked up Instagram poets,yes there is a list,and some are referred to as modern day Shakspeares.

  18. Count, I suppose I can't argue with that point, since you are right.

    That leaves the question though: why are LGBT supporters protesting Trump then, and aren't taking their grievances in front of Asian and Middle eastern embassies and consulates?

  19. Dammit Unknown, stop using your logics! 😅

  20. Rosario Dawson needs to take a step back, she's never going to be the next Michelle Obama.

  21. Same as the rest of the vocal fringe, which both sides have, they are lunatics. The only ones who arent mental patients are the ones filling their pockets via the outrage and the ones just showing up to find crazy people to bang. Just like the loons showing up at pro life rallies

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. @Count, Yeesh, fishing for crazy to bang, be like going back to college.

  24. We cant have a gay president.

  25. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Corey Booker should just marry T-Bone.

  26. I do not know why he is in the closet. Why keep up the charade? No one cares if he’s gay.

  27. TBF he has serious wall st./big pharma/AIPAC money behind him, he could afford her. Corrupt as f*** but has connections that could help her career...

    1. Longtime, he is beholden to Facebook. Zuckerberg's huge donation to Newark schools is what put Booker on the map.

  28. He's useless. That, combined with gay won't play for a lot of the US and as Count says, parts of the world either.

    He's not special enough. It would take a real superstar to achieve this, and Booker ain't it

  29. RuPaul's talk show is unbearable. Just saw the first episode on YouTube the other day. He seems desperate and laughs way too long and too loud.

    Maybe it will get better as it goes along.

  30. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Cory could double his poll numbers by getting married. He could jump from 0.25 to 0.5 just by getting into a fake marriage. Now to work on that other 49.9 percent.

  31. I never heard of Sparticus until the media made him a celebrity hero for Whitney Houstons funeral. Wish I still never heard of him. Just come out bub. You aint gonna ever be POTUS and nobody cares anyway.

  32. If Joe Biden gets elected cancer is going to be cured.

    Because right now all those researchers at Dana-Farber and elsewhere are just sitting on their lazy asses not even trying.

  33. Unknown you are amazing!!

  34. So, what I want to know is, is Rosario gay and hiding that too?
    I don't recall her ever being linked to any men, really.

  35. @americanpanda, I get the impression she's a Pro. A pro what, not exactly sure, but she does what she's paid for.

  36. @BRay - LOL!!!! Well, that's more than what can be said for most of the Hollywood stars HAHAHA

  37. Sit down, Corey, this ain't The Bachelor. Though he could be forgiven for thinking it is seeing as the cast of the f*cking Apprentice and WWE took over the White House and the squatter in the Oval Office boned multiple Housewives.

  38. I don't think he has a shot. No one cares if he's married, or not. Or straight, or not. No one cares period. It's gonna come down to Warren, Biden, Bernie, Harris and the other B I can't spell. But I really think it's going to be Harris. I think that's what they want, the others are peaking too early.

  39. @Gen-z99 -- he's def more suitable for VP, or another cabinet position.

  40. God they are all such losers. Harris? Puleeze. She can't even get the black vote because she married a whitey. Biden is a clown. Warren's a clown. Buttplug is a homo and no one wants to see him gnawing face with a dude at state dinners. I mean, mainstream Americans aren't voting for any of these freaks. Expect term #2 for President Trump, people!

  41. Honestly I hate the guy but I do think it will help him. That being said I also think coming out would help him. I really don't understand why so many people stay in the closet. Most people don't care. The average American is not going to have a problem with someone just bc they are gay. This delusional idea of mass prejudice is Hollywood bs. And yes I do know this as my son is gay. Yeah there will always be assholes in the world, but the thing is they will be assholes regardless, and will make up reasons to justify it. At the end of the day it doesn't matter, just be who you are.
    I do not see the Democratic party taking the White House unless they pull out some hidden candidate bc all the ones out there now suck. I'm sorry but they do. Bidden is creepy and suspect, Harris is corrupt and offensive, Booker just lacks the confidence level, not to mention he comes out as just without anything that sets him apart. The gay thing could work for him. But I doubt he has the back bone to do it. It is a shame really bc at least that would be interesting. I mean America loves underdogs and to display themselves as protectors of freedom- that being said if your choice is running as an elite married to a Hollywood star or as the First Gay and also Black Presidental hopeful, my money would be on the latter. But honestly both will lose but one has better odds than the other.

  42. Count Jerkula is right. It is all about Asia and other countries with the same belief system. There is an epic studmuffin of an actor who had a hit tv show then moved to movies within the last few years. He wanted to come out. The movie he made would of bombed without the Chinese and Russian moviegoers ticket sales. His managers have him on lockdown now and he has to stay in the closet or they will drop him. That is the reality for most people in the public eye. Sad!!!



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