Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Blind Item #13

This closeted celebrity offspring of a permanent A+ lister was spotted having a heart to heart with his long time lover. Apparently the family of the offspring want him to get married to the girlfriend he has been "dating" for quite some time. As open as they are publicly about equality and love is love, apparently that does not apply to their own child.


  1. Patrick Schwarzenneger?

    1. It's ALWAYS Patrick Schwarzenegger, lol.

      Speaking of Arnie sons, his other one w/Maria looks like he's eating himself to death. Wonder if it's because he never got over the fact his mother gave birth to him within months of the maid dropping his illigitimate brother?
      He was a husky outgoing kid, up until that event popped and he just retreated out of the public eye, refused to see Arnie, started using his mother's maiden name.
      Instead of going to the gym with the maid's kid, Arnie should be taking the fat one.

  2. Well, when the world ends in 2050 none of this stuff will matter anyways!

    1. Please. We will never get that lucky.

  3. Probably him Montana

  4. Clint Eastwood's kid

  5. What the hell is going on with these clearly-written blinds?

  6. patrick schwarzenneger w/the guy Im assuming is the 'longtime lover' - tho Patrick hasnt been that faithful to him considering he hooked up with taylor lautner at Stagecoach...


    abby champion for the beard his parents want him to marry.

    its all f'ing sad, really.

  7. Practice not what you preach.

  8. Just come out dude. Nobody is going to care and in about 10 minutes they'll forget. Live your life. Don't let others decide how you should live it.

  9. @tommy

    ummmm, you underestimate the family's reaction..particularly his dad's

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Daddy prefers Mildred's Macho Hunky son!!

  12. plenty of gay guys have open relationships

  13. Abby is absolutely stunning in person and has had a great run in modelling; she open her first show in Paris last year and just walked for Prada in Paris. Dating Patrick has helped her career, but she is a real model on her own works.

    What is funny is she goes overboard on the kissing in public stuff, and Patrick always has this - "Abby do you have to try so hard to make it look real." look on his face.

    She has a cute sister Baskin who dumped her BF in exchange for some sexy time with Bieber which lead to some free DM coverage of the two.

    Since Patrick is gay, someone has to be sexing Abby correct? I just happen to know that a man keeps her under contract to be with him when he needs her.

    So now my blind item: Abby's patron is a billionaire and the son of a billionaire. Dad was a big time politician in his own country and went out of office with a bang (literally)? He comes from a country where women with Abby's look are in high demand and very rare locally, but have a moderate government. Can you name him?

    1. Berlusconi & the Bunga Bunga parties.

  14. celebrity offspring of a permanent A+ lister-----i'd say patrick is the offspring of 2, not just one.

    and eastwood has never been big on equality so i don't think it's his son either.

  15. @ TommyWantsHisMommy - He can do what he wants but dad will cut off the money.

    @Sd Auntie - Chris is obese and non-athletic; Patrick likes the sausage; This leaves Joseph the Bastard as the heir to the throne.

    1. Yes . Joseph is Arnies favorite in my opinion. Thanks for the interesting Blinds.too. wow

  16. Come on out the closet
    Who cares about who they screw, daddy been screwing different women for decades.
    Arnold is the biggest douche bag there is

  17. Enty had two blinds claiming Abby is a Yacht Girl.

    236. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 11/19 **#7**
    The supposed girlfriend of this B list celebrity offspring/actor of someone really high up the list was yachting this weekend even though the boyfriend was in town. You would think he would just pay her to be his beard, but she says she thinks she can find a husband yachting so he comes with her on the trips to give them both cover. Patrick Schwarzenegger/Abby Champion

    279. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 11/22 **#7**
    Even the weekly tabloids are getting in on the yachting advertisements. The yachters or their handlers are paying upwards of $10,000 to get bikini photos in daily photos published by the tabloids. Getting into the print version of the magazine is not something they are really interested in because the customers don't usually have a way to buy them anyway. Daily Mail (Madison Beer; Abby Champion; Alexandra Cane; Chloe Lewis; Kiki Morris; Ashley James; Tammy Hembrow; Helen Skelton)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. People are literally fuckin stupid to think coming out of the closet has no consequences. Yes, in your bubble maybe it doesn't, but it does. Huge swaths of the USA and Asia are totally homophobic.
    This is one of Arnold's kids

  20. Schwarzenegger kid has 2 A list parents. I think this is Eastwood.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. @unknown


    hetero = safe money
    anything outside of hetero = risked money

    international markets make up so much of revenue. you alienate them or put something/somone controversial out there, you lose billions.

  23. @ <> Pier Silvio Berlusconi? I'd normally think someone in Central Asia but you said moderate government so that doesn't really fit.

  24. Anonymous2:56 PM

    @unkown and @notthisagain...exactly x100000.

    I am always rolling my eyes at those who say it does not matter. Of course, it does to the markets at large: Asia, India, China and Russia. Which is how studios make most of their money these days.

    There would be no closet in Hollywood if it did not matter. And, even for people who say it does not matter...this is historically untrue as the women just move onto a new hetero heartthrob.

    HW is a pig but he was always right about this: women (even far left) want to go shopping with gay guys not fantasize about them.

    I do think this is Arnold though given how he was very for they marriage when he was in office. I have never heard much about Clint being a huge and vocal LGBT supporter and Patrick was seen in the DM recently. Could be wrong though....

  25. I need to edit my blind:
    So now my blind item: Abby's patron is a billionaire and the son of a billionaire. Dad was a big time politician in his own country and went out of office with a bang (literally)?

    The father was prime minister of a country and was killed via car bomb; literally with a bang, not a sexual bang like Berluscconi.

  26. Rafik Hariri was a Lebanese billionaire politician who served as prime minister. His profile was quite moderate by the standards of the Middle East in particular, and he was famously killed with a car bomb, probably by agents of the Syrian government. He has several billionaire businessmen sons.

  27. We have a winner: Rafik's youngest son Ayman Hariri is Abby Champions' patron.

  28. Great supplemental blind and extra info, &It;&gt

  29. +1@ Vita, love the ‘supplemental blind’. BTW, I’ve been thinking about submitting blinds, as per your and Rosie’s requests. Unfortunately, all the dirt I have would either incriminate innocent people or me. For example, I just got off the phone with my cousin and we were talking about an ex of mine who was stalking me after we broke up. The only way I could get him to stop was to threaten to call Robin Williams. RW had nothing to do with the stalking, but was involved with the ex’s livelihood so to speak. Needless to say, it stopped immediately.

  30. I think this is Jaden Smith. But could be Clint Eastwood's son. Hes a big GOP conservative so this wouldnt look good at all.

  31. /No way californians would vote for a gay governor. Scott better stay right where he is.

  32. Why on earth would it matter if huge swathes of the USA and China are homophobic? Patrick doesn't have much of a career and doesn't need to have one and it doesn't matter about Arnie. Live your life openly and not in the goddamn closet. Have some courage and some ethics.

  33. So old fashioned for parents to want their kids to continue their genetic line and keep the family going. Selfish old people, why don't they just give into the current zeitgeist of doing what you want all the time for yourself and no one else? Such hypocrites too, we have free speech for everyone in this country! Anyone can hold any political opinion they want and espouse that on any social media platform they choose. They would never get de-platformed for saying something as obvious that "men can't be women" or "gay couples can't procreat naturally". They probably should just die already!

  34. I could see the pressure to marry coming a lot more from the Shriver/Kennedy side of the family than Arnie actually. Even though they are publicly very left-wing, they are also mostly very Roman Catholic and very into old-school family ties, even with all the extramarital shenanigans. They probably like the idea of Patrick breeding kids with Abby to eventually run for office in California even if his personal sexual inclinations don’t run that way.

  35. If its Patrick Schwarzenegger, then is the boyfriend Taylor Lautner?

  36. There should be some kind of public recognition, some kind of award, for the most thankless job on earth, namely beard. Without beards, there'd be no show business."And the Oscar for Best Beard of the Year goes to..."
