Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Blind Item #13

Apparently a frequent guest at the frequent parties of the disgraced director and his mentor and all of those other a-holes found an old camera of his and it is filled with nearly a thousand images from several of those parties. Images that have never been seen before. There are also new victims and predators to be identified in the pictures. He is building a website right now to host all of the photos and let people figure out who everyone is that he can't remember.


  1. Tick tock, Geffen & Company.

  2. Yeah there is no website!

  3. What everyday uploading time looks like at Entern workstation- Lets throw in a so and so celeb is coming out, then lets throw so and so former actress/princess is such a horrible person, them lets throw in some yachting/bearding blinds courtsey of DM. So how many blinds we are at, 10? Nows lets put 3 actual blinds in there and lets call ita night! Oh wait a minute, we forgot the daily evil person of Hwood blind? Might as well put one in before signing off! That should be enough material to keep everyone occupied! All right everyone, drive home safe and dont forget to read the DM before coming in tomorrow!

  4. I'm worried. We still haven't had a "Meghan Markle is a piece of shit" blind item today. Is the person in charge sick, do they have their day off? Or have they exhausted the combinations? It was Clooney two days ago, there was also her acting career, there was an Andrew/Meghan blind a little before...

  5. It was five items ago, genius.

    I'm not sure this Singer website sounds like a good idea. A lot of those boys are probably now men who have moved on with their lives. Isn't it kind of unfair to identify them as victims without their consent?

    1. It's also unfair to accuse a new mother of having a fake baby. and that she instead carries around a literal fucking doll to be fakesies.
      But alas, we do it

    2. Lmfao, Rosie, of all people on this depraved site taking a "moral stand." Enough internet for today

  6. Someone is making an underage twink site using pics scarfed from a Singer pedo party?
    Seems like a lawsuit waiting to me.

    1. I’ve always loved your screen name.

  7. It was a reveal, not fresh material.

    And the Singer website will be ready at the same time the interviews with James Gunn's exes will be published, aka never. There may be a reveal here, just to stir this story up again, but otherwise it's bullshit.

    Who this frequent guest is? One of the barely legal actors that Singer invited or an adult who's having second thoughts? Why would he be able to take nearly a thousand images basically from orgies involving celebrities without anybody asking? How come he would forget then about his camera for years? Why would he speak about the site so much that it lands a blind item here, while it could compromise his chances to launch the site if Singer or Geffen's team read the blind item and are able to identify the guy?

  8. Meghan Markle being a piece of shit doesn't constitute a blind item.

  9. If anyone believes this blind, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell them.

    Yeah, a victim or possible perp is totally gonna upload a ton of photos they just happen to have on hand straight on the web and hope they don't get implicated/outed. Yep, makes total sense to me.

    But hey! I'm still waiting for Don Henley to be called out by his victim, that A-list actor to be totes accused of sexual assault, and for James Gunn to go to jail. Guess the website will happen then!

  10. Sounds like someone is trying to sell an old camera.....

  11. Anyone could get an injunction on the use of private images being obtained in an illegal way being posted on a web site. This was written by someone who has no basic understanding of law.

  12. @BobbyOrrsKnees You are 100% right. But why let logic or knowledge or plausibility get in the way of yet another creepy, unsubstantiated blind about pedos?

  13. First,re read the blind. I think the person found their own camera with the images on it. By the way,this happens all the time. This person may have bad intentions,hosting a private site amongst his friends. You do recall,the "Fappening" photos were seen by many before they were all over the place. We aren't looking for someone who is going to call a lawyer.But it could be someone who will soon see an unfortunate end.

  14. Haha these comments are excellent. Did anyone read that historic blind about the director of The Omen or The Exorcist who apparently knew of a lot more murders than just the one his actor was done for? A tremendous story except it was essentially taken verbatim from the Wikipedia page of that movie. It wasn't blind in the slightest... it was outright plagiarism!

  15. I just want to say how happy I am to see all the people here who are finally calling these blinds out. Haha
    ..Every since Devonte Hart did an army roll out that car and survived by hanging on that cliff...

  16. I presume these photos will never see the light of the Internet, if they even exist. The person will be suicided first.

  17. Just one more thing. Once again, the actual target for this blind item isn't Bryan Singer, who's now banned from major studios, even if it took years for the executives to decide that the guy wasn't worth protecting. (And they should be held fully responsible for this) Apart from the prospective website (which has no chance to exist for many legal reasons that BobbyOrrsKnees sums up), it doesn't tell us anything about Singer that people wouldn't know by reading the exposé from The Atlantic or any gossip site for a decade. He had parties. There were victims and predators there. Big fucking scoop.

    Once again, the target is more likely the "mentor", David Geffen. Singer and Geffen were indeed investors in the same failed video company, DEN, along with the CEO, Marc Collins-Rector, and Gary Goddard (or Microsoft and Dell), but there hasn't been any evidence or even direct accusation of Geffen doing something really shady or illegal. Geffen invested $250,000 which is small potatoes to him (and just 1% of the overall investment in the company), and acknowledges that he went to a few parties hosted by DEN, where he didn't notice anything shady.

    It's possible that Geffen was involved, and Marc Collins-Rector, who was charged and convicted for child molestation, accused him at one point of trying to get him killed and to take his business, something that's otherwise put on Collins' paranoia. It could be that Geffen was indeed a participant in some orgies and tried to use Collins as a scapegoat afterwards. It could be that Geffen realized too late that he had invested in a company where the CEO and a few friends invited a lot of young boys at some other parties, and tried to bury the connection because he didn't want, as a gay man, to be associated with the scandal.
    It would be a major progress if we had some light about Geffen's precise involvement with DEN.

    Yet, the fact is that the writer for a lot of blind items here try to shoehorn David Geffen into every Hollywood pedophilia story, real or made up. Mark Salling? It wasn't suicide, it was Geffen who wanted to get rid of a weak link he had met through Ryan Murphy.
    But the "best" story was the Michael Jackson saga earlier this year, where the site tried to use the anger of many confused Jackson fans against the documentary to put the blame on Geffen, accused of financing the project (he knows Oprah, who did a post-doc interview with the accusers, so it "must be true"). Geffen apparently did order the documentary, so Jackson would be regarded as the sole pervert in Hollywood, allowing himself and others to get off the hook. This train of thoughts makes no sense otherwise, but can strike a light with people who are still Jackson fans today, something that makes no sense otherwise.

    Geffen is a controversial figure, reviled by many just due to his business ways, but there's a lack of precise accusations here compared to the amount of unsubstantiated blinds about him. Even if he's a somewhat private figure, he's been in the spotlight for decades, so I find it weird that, if he's involved in some disgusting stuff, that there would be nobody accusing him directly, as it's been the case for Singer and some of his actual associates.
    I find it much more likely to believe that the site is forging stories involving Geffen, because as a "liberal" and a member of the "gay Mafia", he makes a great target for the readers.

  18. Here we go! The daily naysayers who simply must read this site and comment, even though they don’t buy into any of the items. Let the purse-clutching commence!


  19. Holy s***! why do people take this site that seriously!?! for f*** sake it's a gossip site. It's mean't to be read by bored soccer moms on a coffee break. I just read it after work for a few minutes alongside 'D listed' for a laugh and a giggle with a strong drink before I get my dinner. Get some perspective people, like the tabloids, it's mean't to entertain you and understand even rich, successful peoples lives suck.



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