Monday, June 03, 2019

Blind Item #13

I love how the foreign born A-/B+ list actress likes to invent things she discussed with the alliterate former actress to make them look like they were talking about important world affairs rather than comparing yachting and casting couch stories. 


  1. Pryanka/Meghan Markle

  2. She put out a tweet saying she has not seen MM, so the only question to ask is whether this blind was posted by a new Entern? Cmon Enty, hire some new junior enterns who spend a minute on Google before posting here. We know you have to get your quota of 14-15 blinds, but this?

  3. Enty is probably referring to the interview Chopra gave The Sunday Times.

  4. I didn't realize they were friends before Harry and Nick. Those ladies really went out and grabbed the world by the ballz.

  5. Anchors Awhore!

  6. I see Steve Mnuchin is part of Trump's entourage for this visit.

    No wonder Meghan "couldn't attend."

    I wonder why he's taking his Treasury Secretary along. Is that normal?

    1. Mneuchin was into sparklers big time. I would call it something like a girlfriend experience, he paid mm for the time but had feelings for her! No one flys yachters and hooker trash around the world as his constant companion

    2. Every comment on the DM that mentions Mnuchin and MM in the same sentence gets deleted. Hilarious. Poor Kate had to take one for the team and walk in with him to dinner.

    3. It's not normal at all. Munchkin offers as much to state affairs as an orderly would offer to a heart bypass.

  7. Love them or hate them, but they had a plan, executed it and are now reaping the windfall! They are true believers in Make hey while the sun shines!

  8. Meaning the current US state visit to the UK, of course.

    Waiting for the state dinner to see the fancy outfits.

  9. Is there known history between Markles and Mnuchin?

    1. Sparklers was the secretarys go to hooker in Hollywood when he was with the studios


    "Oh, this is so good and so typically small town Hollywood. Guess who, when she was back doing pay for play on that game show hooked up with this now disgraced A list mostly movie director. Yeah, so no big deal about that and apparently she was willing to hook up with him for free. Not for free though, was this partner of the disgraced director who now has a national stage. Yep. There is no way she is telling her future husband about those though right? For sure not the latter. "

  11. Was one of them bugged? Is that how you know the convo?

  12. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I guess you don't grasp this... but prime minister Theresa May has quit. She failed.

    May and Obama are the only reason you saw Markle at all. It was a political scheme, and it FAILED.

    Markle is irrelevant.

  13. my thoughts exactly. Unless a room was bugged or a phone was tapped, you have no idea what they spoke about. I wish Enty would stop creating these fake MM blinds just for clicks. Not even really a MM fan but geez. It's getting old.

  14. Steve Mnuchin, Brett Ratner, and James Packer were/are part of RatPac Entertainment. They would easily have had access to MM and many others like her, and it makes sense 2 of the 3 would have had to pay while Brett would get free product samples. Mnuchin is married to a woman who acted in movies her paid for.

    1. Maybe ratner will cast sparklers for a rush hour 16 cameo! !

  15. Video shows Mnuchin escorting Duchess Kate into the State banquet. It’s a funny world.

    Wills is escorting Teresa May.

    1. Kate was looking good. Like a future queen!

  16. Why do I hate Priyanka blinds? She's not important in my opinion

  17. Would love to hear the dinner conversation at that table.

  18. Mnuchin's wife is Scotland born but an LA girl culturally, and was a budding actress like MM; graduated from Pepperdine in Malibu, and is the same age group as MM. It is possible she tricked in her past and crossed MM in her acting LA days. They might have met through a common three way connection.

  19. Randomly, and more interestingly than anything Piyanka or Markle, (IMO). the Academy of Motion Pictures will FINALLY recognize David Lynch, at the Governor's Ball in October, with an honorary Oscar. ABOUT DAMN TIME.

    Geena Davis will get the Jean Hersholdt award.

  20. I have to hand it Markle and Choprah. They hold the equivalent value of my cats in that they get coddled, cooed over, and photographed, but what do they really do to hold our interest? At least my cats are willing to lick their own butts. Now, that’s something.

  21. Geena Davis is real Man's Man!

  22. I don't understand MM's appeal whatsoever. She looks like Octomom, but skinnier (for now).

  23. MM not being invited to the US/UK state dinner is a huge slight. Traditionally marriage between royal families was a way to secure ties with other countries, or make allies closer. An American in the BRF should have been front and centre as a way to celebrate those ties. Boy did MM ever screw that up. A US/UK state dinner is like the Oscars to politicians and the royal family. Who's invited is a sign of who matters to each country. And as @Darlyisabigfan said, Meaghan Markle is irrelevant.

    As to Mnunchin is there, he's a cabinet minister, Treasury. I suspect Trump is going to try to hammer out a post-Brexit deal. It will be a post-Europe Britain, plus the US. Don't be surprised if the UK joins USMCA in a trade agreement.

    1. Sparkles is one of the most famous women in the world right now! Shes always relevant

  24. I think out treasury secretary still has feelings for sparklers. ..:)

  25. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I don't really have a problem with MM being a Yacht Girl and landing the ultimate prize. That is as long as she stays out of politics and doesn't shade anyone else. When she starts doing that she loses my sympathy. I think Harry probably gets off to the stories and knowing what she did. The British Royals are a kinky lot.

    1. Miss Davie you are probably right. Harry seems to be ok with her seedy background! The old captain save a ho maneuver straight out of my fair lady

  26. It's called maternity leave.

    I can only imagine the comments of some of the Meghan obsessives if she had actually been there,
    "Meghan leaves Archie at home with kidnapped surrogate, to fulfil her plan to seduce Trump take over the world"
    "Meghan escapes house arrest to try to beat Trump to,death with her fake baby"

    Charles and Camilla looked like they'd rather be anywhere else, I don't think Charles will be as good as the Queen at smiling his way through meeting Trash like Trump when he's king.

  27. Enty's correct: Priyank and Me Again are too stupid and self-centered to have anything to say about world politics.

    Was Harry invited to the state dinner?

    I think the BRF and its Enforcer, Sir Geidt, had the British equivalent of a Come to Jesus meeting.
    You all will notice that Harry is hopping to attending events, especially with the Queen, while Markle stays behind the scenes. Markle was one continual embarrassment. Something was said, Harry was given the Do This Or option, and he chose Do This. The Or option must have been something, cause Markle's kept her mouth shut for now.

  28. Yacht HOs Shitstankya Jonas and SMegma Markle

  29. Lots of talk in the Daily Mail comments re: Mnunchin and Markle.

  30. And Charles apparently was very friendly to Trump.

  31. She got to walk in to the State Dinner with the guest of honor? Good for her, that is a privilege. Better than sitting at home bingeing Housewives.

    And plenty of those remarks are still up.

  32. Oh, I see she walked in with the Secretary of the Treasury. And Kate was even smiling. Still better than sitting around at home.

  33. Now, the whole MM Mnuchin thing was new to me today. DM was out saying MM didn’t show cause of all the ridiculous “nasty” stuff yesterday but MM was never going. Way prior to the nasty thing. Wow, maybe Mnuchin thing is true. I did not hear about Harry at the State dinner but I know he was (was supposed to be). Very interesting.

    1. Yeah I’m pretty sure it had already been stated that she wouldn’t be there. Harry was there earlier at the luncheon. There’s a picture of him with Ivanka — a sourpuss look on his face. I think he was a no show for the dinner though

  34. Meghan is a coward, she refused to meet Trump today

  35. Marble is on punishment/banishment for the time being.
    Geidt must have given her quite the scare.

  36. Harry wasn’t invited to the dinner, just the lunch. MM didn’t ‘choose’ not to go, she was not welcome. I don’t think that we’ll be seeing her anytime soon (and it’s not because of ‘maternity leave’, since she was never pregnant.) She’s being taken out by LG.

    The proof will be next weekend. If she’s not at Trooping the Color, then she’s out. She’d never miss that if she had a choice (famewhore that she is) and Kate attended when she was on maternity leave.

    @HeatherBee: Markle only licks men’s butts (if she’s being paid.) I prefer your cats.

    RE: Priyanka, she’s talking about being the PM of India in the next election. And she wants ‘hubby’ to be president of the US. (I guess that’s one way to not live together.) 🙄

  37. Wonder what Melania is thinking. She was sitting next to PH & Trudeau when MM crashed the opening night of the Toronto IV games with her pimp, Markus. PH & Trudeau looked shocked out of their minds, and Melania just stared straight ahead.

  38. @Aquagirl, Melania is like the queen of poker face. I don’t think she uses the matter in her brain very much though... She did look stunning today, I’ll give her that.

  39. Enty is on Twitter pushing that ridiculous rumor that William bonked Rose Hanbury, the wife of the Lord Great Chamberlain, one of Queen Elizabeth's ceremonial aides.

    That rumor has been discredited by everybody, including the blogger who originally spread it, saying it was just her "personal theory". What gives, Enty?

    Anyway, William kept a very low profile yesterday. Maybe because Trump seems to sincerely like and admire the Queen; maybe because they are trying to push Charles as the future monarch and some kind of diplomat. Maybe because William doesn't want to be associated with Trump.

  40. Additional thought: the Queen appeared to enjoy Trump's company as well.

    Maybe it's because she's just a great diplomat, but maybe she genuinely likes blustering loudmouths. She did marry Philip, after all.

    People who are not allowed to speak out publicly are sometimes attracted to those who do.

  41. @Nutty_Flavor, Rose Whatever-her-face looks like one of those vacuum sealed bags of old clothes I keep in my attic since 2003. Kate is the one wearing the tiara. ;)

  42. Ha ha Scarlet! Yes, she seems like an unlikely choice. There was someone named Jenna whom Kate was legitimately worried about - can't remember her last name. Another toff. William met up with her in Africa for some reason.

    I wasn't wild about Kate's dress yesterday. It reminded me of those fringed bath mats or toilet roll covers popular with elderly ladies. But it's getting good reviews, so I guess I'm in the minority. The blue earrings were nice.

  43. Sparkles would crawl over dead bodies to the opening of a phone booth, let alone have an enormous photo opportunity dressed in haute couture at an official Royal state banquet.
    It would cement her as being truly part of the BRF, being relevant and being important.

    But she was indeed not welcome, nobody wanted her there, she is being shown her place and rightly so, hence signalling to the world that she doesn't matter, nobody cares about her pedestrian opinions, and she'd most likely be a huge embarrassment.

    She's better suited scribbling mundane and primitive slogans on bananas for south London prostitute lunch packs. That's her level.

  44. Actually Nutty, I’m the one in the minority because everywhere I look everyone’s talking shit about her dress. I actually didn’t think it was that bad. Kate has the svelte figure to pull off such a garment. I mean, I’m pretty skinny and yet I would’ve looked like a birthday cake in that ruffled dress, but somehow Kate pulled it off and still looked elegant.

    Re: Will’s affairs. I’ve always assumed anyone rich enough keeps lovers here and there (in every port, so to speak)—both men or women, princes and princesses. They have mansions and jets and land-rovers and million$ to spend; when you have so much, I presume the lines get blurred, and a silly act like an extramarital orgasm here and there are expected and accepted.

    ...But what do I know? All my comments get reported and deleted on the DM 🥴

  45. @ Unknown, Markle is the patron saint of gold-digging prostitutes everywhere. Amen.

  46. Piranha and Maggot

  47. @HushHush....I would have been very surprised if Megs had turned up at the state dinner, it was almost 5years before Kate made an appearance at one and on average there are two a year so that would be about 8 she missed after her marriage. You have to prove yourself good at non committal small talk, keep your opinions to yourself and listen carefully to what your dinner companions are saying (there will be questions later).

    It is a diplomatic minefield so the palace makes sure that everyone understands the rules and can be trusted to stick to them before an invite is issued. It's basically mouth shut, ears open and act cluless for the younger royals.

    Harry himself has only been to one State Banquet for the Spanish King and Queen in 2017 and they sat him next to Rose Hanbury (you can't make this stuff up) and a British civil servant so he couldn't make an ass of himself and say the wrong thing. He obviously didn't distinguish himself at the last one so he too was left off the invite list as they probably couldn't trust him not to spout some of Meghan's self serving rubbish. Rose has been to quite a few because of her husband's official position as Lord Great Chamberlain and she always looks bored out of her tiara.

    A little known fact about the UK State Dinners is that the some of the plebs can actually sit in the minstrel gallery and watch the whole proceedings, invitation only , the tickets are usually given to charities who can then pass them on(for a price) as a fund raiser. All of the gallery ticket holders are carefully vetted by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office before they can be admitted. They just get to watch, no dinner for them and no mingling with the guests just press your nose up against the railing and then out via the back stairs. Still is would certainly be an experience and conversation piece and you could truthfully say you were at the State Banquet with Liz and Don .

  48. I posted several Mnuchin/Meg comments in the DM; they're all still there. I guess the webstaff doesn't have the time to get to them all...

  49. @Nutty_Flavor Her name is Jecca Craig and she dated Prince William before Kate did, I believe.

  50. @Emeraldcity Thank you that was really interesting, makes sense about the vetting of younger royals. And I had no idea about the minstrel gallery. Sounds like something out the French court back in the day.

    In my opinion, it is a very important summit. The UK is in a bad place. No leadership, and at a time when they need someone with what Bill Clinton called "the vision thing." A no deal Brexit looks likely, and the EU looks to be falling apart anyway. France's Macron obviously doesn't like Trump, and is frozen out.
    Trumps all about deals, and he's looking to create a trade deal. The UK is lucky to have an anglophile US President, the last guy wasn't and would have stood buy as the UK floundered.

  51. Nutty-Flavor......"I wonder why he's taking his Treasury Secretary along. Is that normal?" The Trump visits to the east and GB are all about finances. For a long time, Japan was our # 1 lender , then China...(we're broke) Vatican ran the world through city of london. Vatican went down with all the pedaphila charges so now it is city of london, China and Japan. Talk of getting away from US Petro Dollar since so much of the world has already done it. Hopefully, there will be a world wide debt jubilee. All 3 major religions believe in it. Was common practice before Rome took over. Now Rome went is going to gold backed currency.Banks are too crooked to be thought of as honest debt. Central banking / Federal Reserve has been edged out.Totally evil.

  52. Leann Norman..."I don't think Charles will be as good as the Queen at smiling his way through meeting Trash like Trump when he's king." Elizabeth and her prince have the same grandmother.......if it were the Appalachian mountains , the locals would know why charles has that blank expression. It would be understood.

  53. this visit is very important. It's a re-alignment of the world powers. Europe is hoping to hang onto the Eurasian integration but it is falling apart as a power bloc. The US is hoping to break up Europe so it doesn't fall into the influence of its adversaries - the Chinese mostly. The world powers are re-aligning from a single superpower to a world where there are many superpowers. This is a major political event.

  54. I agree Mischi. Things are changing, I just hope it's not the kind of change that brought on WWI, more like the post WWII era. China may turn out to be a paper tiger. Their banks are in bad shape, and have had bank runs lately. For all their bluster, they look like Wall street in 1928.

  55. It is a small world. I work in Washington, DC and I have a colleague who knows Jessica Craig Baillie (Jecca) socially but not well. Jecca is happily married and has a child that some wonder whether Prince William is the daddy.

  56. Molly "the locals would know why Charles has that blank expression."


  57. MM is on maternity leave, and no doubt wanted to avoid DJT, so her absence is not remarkable or a strike against her in any way. Harry himself made sure he was not photographed with 45, and made quick getaways.

    Rose Hansbury is the Marchioness of Cholmondeley, and she is not royal. Couples' seatings are always split apart at these things, and the royals have to be carefully dispersed, so also unsurprising she would be off away from William, no matter what.

    re: Priyanka -- I do not care for her at all, but as regards gold-digging, she has had an enormous career in Bollywood that does not register in the US. so I am sure she actually has plenty of her own money. While Jonas' money would be appealing, it seems to me the fame and attention are much more her draw to him.

  58. Oh sorry. whoops. I mashed together two Items in the above comment!

  59. Priyanka was already big in Bollywood before she came into US. However her involvement with Shah Rukh Khan -he is married and one of the biggest actor in BW also his wife has really strong connections so I heard that she outed Priyanka from Bollywood for a while- caused her move from India to Hollywood which was actually worked better for her in my opinion.



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