Thursday, June 27, 2019

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress is leaving the franchise that made her a star. The thing is, when she first started out in it, she was almost fired because of her excessive partying. She realized it was a once in a lifetime gig and pretty much has been sober since.


  1. So...erm...this is a good thing...right?

  2. Michelle Rodriguez? I hope she stays sober.

  3. What? There are more movies planned in F&F franchise? Damn! Its like some Psyop!

  4. Michelle was my first thought but she's American.
    Rebel Wilson?

    1. Enty says Cardi B is foreign born. She was born in NY. Any Latina is considered foreign born in Enty's limited geography comprehension.

    2. michelle speaks clear/concise English. Cardi does not and acts like a fool.

  5. Maybe Gal Gadot from Wonder Woman? I mean she was in F&F but WW made her a star!

  6. She was pregnant when the 1st film was being filmed, so doubt Gal Gadot was partying much.

  7. This is a shocking blind indeed! One of these people actually made a decision to improve their life.

  8. Well Disney has always been very clear that after this Stat Wars saga concludes, a new storyline will commence and all the present characters will be phased out! So if its Daisy Ridley, the blind makes no sense!

  9. Carrie Fishe—- never mind.

    Sigh. RIP funny lady.

  10. True @tears and earlier today Sienna Miller was foreign-born too. She's not.

  11. Michelle isn't going anywhere, although it makes you wonder where all that franchise money goes if she still needs to yacht.

  12. This sounds like Daisy Ridley & Star Wars. Wasn’t there stuff with cocaine and partying?

  13. Michelle Rodriguez. Canned 1st from Lost for drunken issues noticed by the local po po.

  14. I agree with the Daisy Ridley guesses, though I didn't know that the saga was going to continue. I remember blinds that she was such a mess on first of her movies that she almost lost the job. By the final product, I thought she'd done a great job. Anyway, happy she made a healthy decision

  15. jeez to look at Daisy Ridley you'd swear she never drank or smoked in her life

  16. Well Daisy Ridley is in the DM today talking about leaving Star Wars behind, so, definitely her. LOL

  17. But has Michelle Rodriguez gotten sober in recent years? Don't think so. Plus GG makes no sense if you are referring to F&F as she is a Marvel character now and why would she ever care.

  18. Ridley is Private Godfrey from Dad's Army's great niece in real life.

    Unknown facts to baffle Americans: part 27.

  19. Great well maybe Daisy Ridley can now do some softcore on HBO and win an Emmy or something.

  20. @Kiki: Not sure about Michele being sober. Wasn’t she sleeping with Cara D. at some point?

  21. The chick from OITNB

  22. @HouellebecqGurl, I had totally forgotten about that! Both Michelle Rodrigues and whoever the f*ck played Libby were both shot dead the very next episode like poof! Yet Matthew Fox was a violent alcoholic for years and nobody cared. Remember when he beat up some lady bus driver? What a f*cking creep.

  23. Michelle Rodriguez was born in San Antonio. TX. This is not her.

  24. And if she's A- list then we're in pretty dire straits. Some crap zombie movies and whatever the fuck Fast and the Furious is meant to be.

  25. @ Flashy Vic - Oh wow! Flashback! I LOVED Dad's Army.
