Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Blind Item #10

This former A+ list tweener actress/singer only apologized for her past actions at this point in time because sales suck for her new project and she thinks this might help.


Tricia13 said...


Tricia13 said...

Didn’t she say she didn’t listen to rap/Hip Hop anymore because it was this n that

sandybrook said...

I am deeply sorry

MontanaMarriott said...

+1000000000000 Miley apologized for dissing Hip Hop.

sandybrook said...

She said the lyrics were degrading so she didn't listen.

Brayson87 said...

+1 Tricia

Brayson87 said...

F*ck hip-hop, she did some awesome NIN covers on Black Mirror.

Tricia13 said...

She should apologize for that god awful creepy VMA performance /twerk with Robin Ick... ugh 👀

J said...

Doesn't she see all the ways in which rap elevates our culture?

Brayson87 said...

Maybe someday we'll all have to make public apologies for having opinions.

Brayson87 said...

I know everyone reading this site has had an opinion at one time or another, you should all feel ashamed of yourselves and go on YouTube to apologize for your thoughtcrime. ;)

Pepperoni10010 said...


OK Brayson87 I'll get right on that. :-)))

Tricia13 said...


Mia Irish said...

The issue isn't that she "had an opinion," it's that she USED hip-hop for her "Bangerz" era, it didn't do very well. So when she decided to go back to "good girl country pop" she made those comments. (Not to mention, it was around the same time her 'break' with Liam was over and they got back together). Her new project contains some elements of hip-hop and people are calling her out on it, and rightfully so. Apologizing isn't gonna make her songs any better, tho.

Rosie riveter said...

But it isn't YOUR culture. is it?

Substance D said...

Fuck hip hop and angry black shit in general. All those Rapers are in the employ of the poopaganda ministry. They betray their own kind with all this riled up bellyaching to a boom box beat because they don't see themselves as that kind of (poor) black. And angry poor black is never going to be welcomed by whitey despite his daughter's BBC dreams which is why traitors like JZ stir up that shit. It's racially divisive in the extreme and that's what The Man wants and that's why the house niggers will please their massuhs this way. Show biz J-Bunnies think themselves a different class. Just like any race who has contempt for their own poor. There is no unity beyond family which is why family is bad for biness. That's why pop culture is about NOT growing up and having a family. White people of means won't let goombahs or crackers near them. Do you think Jordan Peele or Chuck D or Draymond Green break bread with parolees to see what can be done to fix the system? No. They may allow photoshop ops to place them in community centers to make it look like they care, but they don't give a shit about the poor anymore than you or I do. Class shit is waaaay too inconvenient to deal with. That first century surfer fag said: The poor will always be with us. Krikey! If bubby Jewsus doesn't give a shit for Chiraq, et al, why should mere mortals? Species and sub species die out all the time. Sink or swim boys!

Sd Auntie said...

+100000 and that horrid song she sang. her sister is better and does not bite the hand that feeds her.

Unknown said...

Not sure about that. Rappers who rap about being fucked by the man don't get major airplay. Its just ones that talk about hos and cars get airtime.
NWA shit went out, puffy's shit came in. Corporate control over music

Anonymous said...

I still think it's Miley but I thought her EP was well received? Black Mirror got panned though

Brayson87 said...


Brayson87 said...

Black Mirror's Miley Cyrus Episode Is a Sly Critique of Empowerment Feminism

OKay said...

Jesus. What Miley said was 100% correct, and I'd have a whole lot more respect for her if she had just stood by it.

Honey Bunny said...

If you don't like hip hop than don't listen. It's just that simple.

Lucky13 said...

Lets be honest, hip hop is pretty trash as a genre. The people performing it are even worse.

Krissie said...

Hip hop isn't trash. Radio hip hop is.

So Outrageous said...

Her album sales were better when she had all those hip hop producers working on her music with her. I mean it was a crazy spectacle every day with her but like they say "Any press is good press." Now, no one cares about her in her normal life with Liam. I noticed in the last couple of weeks she has worn a few somewhat provocative outfits and said a few somewhat controversial things but her problem is that she alienated a big majority of her fans who were supporting her and defending her during that whole "Wrecking Ball" period. You can't just crap on people like that and expect it to be ok. Also it made me question her authenticity.

sandy2319 said...

Substance D 100%. Back when I was a kid and rap and hip hop were young It was great then it was taken over and to be honest it mostly sucks. At least mainstream. There are great underground artists out there. Some of the best most people will never hear of but they are not talking about hoes and money. Eyedea comes to mind. He was way better than Enimem and yet most people don't have a clue who he was.
There is too much business in art today.


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