Monday, June 10, 2019

Blind Item #10

Directing racist comments at your girlfriend is probably not the best way to keep her around. The former child actor turned oft troubled adult actor has discovered that for himself.


Tricia13 said...

Shia/FKA Twigs

musesx9 said...


sandybrook said...


Do Tell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brayson87 said...

Guess she didn't go for his Toby roleplay.

Unknown said...

Eddie Furlong?

Rosie riveter said...

Someone tell Shia he can jump on over to CDAN comment section and prob find a few willing women who would clap along

Count Jerkula said...

I commend his restraint. Would have been much easier to smack a bitch to keep her in check that to waste his breath.

Brayson87 said...

@Gen, So whites are the only racists then?

Weekittylass said...

Really Gen-z99? Are you speaking from your own experience? I live in the South and have never, ever encountered it in 45 years of living here. But thank gawd you warned me. Now I must be on the lookout for any perceived slight that I can put down to racism. Just so I can be a victimized virtue signaler.

Hanniam said...

@Brayson: I read it as whites and/or racists. Because obviously not.

Count Jerkula said...

Ge : it is very well known that you are whatever the darkest part of you is. I am irish and italian, so dago would be the go to slur over mick.

I have had this argument w/ people in the past when they say that the Rock is not the first black wwe champ, because he looks more samoan. Dude got pissed when i said then tiger woods a japanese golfer cause he pays his child support.

bette said...

Wil Wheaton.

yepthatsme said...

So we are all just going to ignore the fact that Count made his comeback so randomly? Well I cant do that, so welcome back Count!

Jon said...

I'm a swirl and I love hooking up with a normal who slaps the shit out of me and calls me jigaboo. BEST SEX EVER!

Count Jerkula said...

I have been making random pop ins, yep.

Poppymann said...

The irony of Shia (a Jewlatto like myself) using a racist term is stupendous.

Weekittylass said...

So you had one friend... if we extrapolate your accusation, we could then say that Gen-Zers are prone to making random, unsubstantiated or false allegations of racism against an entire gender of any race. Therefore, their opinions are shallow and I’ll-advised. See how that works?

Count Jerkula said...

The Rock is Carny sleaze. If there were 20 other blacks he was quasi-related to in wrestling, then he would identify as black. There is an NGL team worth of Samoans, so he identifies as Samoan. Also probably dont hurt who he identifies as that his black daddy was out chasin ring rats while Samoan mama was home raising him.

Count Jerkula said...

Gen confusing white people with Jews. You need to watch Borat and get yerself an education.

Count Jerkula said...

*NFL team

Lucky13 said...

So now she's FKA Shia's girlfriend?

Count Jerkula said...

Good trolling

Rosie riveter said...

Jesus take the wheel
Gen-z99 means *GenerationZ*
no wonder you sound so GD stupid. You're what? Twelve?
I feel like my brain cells are dying every time I read your spammy shit. Go home and change your diaper. If u must, come back when you can possibly stand a chance with the worldly and seasoned count. Otherwise this will only be embarassing

Count Jerkula said...

Since you are mixed, i hope they cut you in half and ship you to thr 3rd world dumps your people came from.

Count Jerkula said...

Rosie, grab yer strap on & we'll DP this broad in attempt to fuck her brains back in.

orangesoda said...

I'm a little afraid of GenZ's threats towards Rosie there. Clearly we have a dangerous master menace with superior IQ on our hands, guys. Control yourselves or YOU MIGHT GET BURNED.

lutefisk said...

*you're* one of them. sheesh.

ScienceOfSleep said...

Count Jerkula, he's not trolling, you guinea wops are some of the worst.

Count Jerkula said...

I only get paid in nude selfies.

Count Jerkula said...

Dont blame us if all the non Italian broads cant resist our olive oil voices and smooth guinea charm. All the broads here know Italian sausage is the tastiest. We have the best cuisine, too.

Unknown said...

I actually agree with Rosie, gan-z sounds borderline retarded. Somebody who hates racism so much, that it's all he rants about, day in and day out, ironically making themes outlandish racist accusations himself. Fucking troglodyte.

Isn't it amazing how nobody really talked about race 15 years ago anymore, and now it's all you fucking here? It's almost as if it didn't matter anymore...

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

Italian men are so fucking overrated. Bunch of mama boy simpletons with Oedipus complexes.

The best Italian men are the gay ones.

Urban Rosebud said...

I agree Unknown. I feel like 20 years ago ppl were actively trying to coexist & understand one another. Now, The Leader of the Free World has unleashed the crazy & everyone is in a state of dissonance as far as common decency is concerned.

This thread is gross & shameful.

HouellebecqGurl said...

Warning- Gen-z99 posts casual racist posts on the regular.
In between the completely insane ones, that is.

HouellebecqGurl said...

Shia & doubtful on the veracity of this blind. Pretty much like always, lol.

Unknown said...

fuck off suburban whore's butt, you're exactly one IQ point above borderline retard gen-z

Sd Auntie said...

count is comic relief. GO AWAY Gen z. enroll in summer school and take a swimming class.oh and STFU.

Count Jerkula said...

Has nothing to do with Trump, it is social media and the outrage culture. Was going on well before Trump was elected.

Unknown said...

I remember snipers shooting white cops, town burning, looting, and racial division so violent and grotesque, like not seen since the 60s and that was all before Trump!

Trump was worshipped like a fucking God by black rappers everywhere, there are over 250 rap song referencing Trump as somebody they admire and look up to. Trump has been in the public eye for decades, on tv for decades, never not once, did anyone ever call him a racist or insinuated he engaged in racist behaviour.

Then he runs for Potus and suddenly he's Hitler. All because he wants immigrants to come to the US LEGALLY.

So fuck off urban rosebud or whatever, and everybody who peddles this nonsensical bullshit.

akbar johnson said...

And remember, black people never use a mixed race persons race against them, that never ever happens, just the white racists do that.

Thot Crimes said...

My POC SO & I broke-up when they accused me of race-mixing, with them. These are indeed confusing times.

Substance D said...

Oreo Cory Booker lost an early election to a mulignan because his own shade of purple was too light. Really, that's the issue the incumbent ran on. So the coloreds are just as comfy with racist repartee as their chalky overseers.
And for years we Irish were routinely labeled niggers of the north. Then the nigganese were emancipated and now the Irish are just drunkards, with our own drunkards holiday.
'A' list rapers like the Hitler ref to Trump because uncle Adolf burned all those Jooze but those boys should look up the name Klara Pölzl. There is no register in the world where the name Pölzl comes up anything but of the tribe, thus making der Führer, like Trump, all kinds of kike.

Count Jerkula said...

No blacks
No irish
No dogs

Hanniam said...

How ‘bout Methodists?

Count Jerkula said...

I dont recognize any of the protestant religions. "I follow Christ, but i am not in the church he founded." Such delusional thought is too much for me.

Hanniam said...

Aw here’s where I regret not being able to post a Blazing Saddles gif for reference.

“I want you to round up every vicious criminal and gun slinger in the West. Take this down.
I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers, and Methodists!”

The Disaffected Cynic said...

@ The Count, 'McDago' has been my go to for some time. Enjoy...


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