Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Your Turn

Do you ever look at your high school yearbooks?


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    absolutely not lol

  2. I'd have to find them first, in some box I'd imagine.

  3. At least once a year.

  4. Never even paid for one because I was done with the place before I'd even graduated.

  5. Donated mine when we moved last year, however my better half did take a look and commented on how many people called ya boy Troy gay and told me to go kill myself and that I was ugly. Glad I got the fuck out of MN.

    1. How do you “donate” a school yearbook?!

      Like to the local library or to recycle into pulp paper?

    2. Geez, what happened to "have a fun summer!"

  6. Frick, I think I tossed most/all of them. I don't care about revisiting it. My experiences outside of high school were what were and are relevant to my life.

  7. Enty all these high school posts remind me that I have a hs reunion this summer —will u be my date?

  8. Still have mine, I looked at it when we were moving
    I still look the same

  9. As much as I hated High School I still do.

  10. My yearbooks from my alma matre were destroyed in a storage locker 30 years ago.

    It was a shame, in my senior yearbook, there was a picture of me getting kissed by two cheerleaders. It was the senior slave auction and I bought them both for 10 bucks. I had them do stuff like clean my locker, carry my books, stuff like that.

    During lunch, my best friend said "Syvyn11, get them to kiss you." I couldn't do that! It would be wrong. But they went for it and the yearbook photographer was there and it was immortalized. Also, the most action I got in high school.

  11. Anonymous10:42 AM

    No. Obits sure are a surprise though.

  12. No.
    I hated High School.
    I hated my High School attendees.
    I deleted my Facebook because too many former High School attendees wanted to become "Friends."
    I try my best to never think of that time of my life.
    Good Riddance!

  13. School yearbooks. What a hideous fucking idea. Thank fuck it never caught on here. The nearest thing my old school would have had for that would be a mugshot book at a police station.

  14. I so regret getting a college ring. What a fucking waste of money. Jostens, IMO, is THE biggest education-related scam going.

  15. Do you mean Facebook?

  16. Dug them out a couple of years ago to show my niece a tragic perm I got the first week of freshman year.😵

    Definitely not my favorite era of life (even w/o the perm in the mix). Not all bad, by any means, just grateful for perspective and growth.

  17. Only when someone dies because I can't remember what they looked like or forgot who they were. Other than that, nope.

  18. I have it (senior year HS) but never look at it. Don’t know why I don’t just toss it. I tossed my college one. There was a different year book for each school and none of my friends were in the same school as me so literally the only one I knew was me!

  19. No, they have been missing for years. Lost in moves, but even before that I never looked at them. Kind of a waste of money.

  20. I had an fucking blast in HS but I never look at the yearbooks.

  21. No. I have my yearbooks but I don’t really care to reminisce about high school. It wasn’t bad, I had fun, but it’s in the past.

  22. I actually burned mine a couple of years after graduation. I was over it.

  23. We don’t have high school yearbooks with pages of mug shots, where I live. Just an annual book with notable entries, some team photos, students’ prose and poetry, etc. Mine are probably in a box in my parents’ attic or been turfed out. It was all girls in my classes. Single sex schools are still very common. My husband went to an all boys school. Maybe they have mug shot yearbooks now, though as times are changing. We had a school ball, now lots of UK schools call those proms, but not my staid alma mater. We also came out, as in debutantes with white gowns and opera length white gloves, which was highly embarrassing and already archaic. I do not want to see photos in a year book to be reminded of that!

    1. That’s what Indonesian year books look like too (which is why it’s actually fun to be on the committee). Not the mug shots + quote + “Most Likely To’s” like in America.

      The last time I had my photo taken on a “photo day” was in primary school in America. If my hair was long enough on a given year, Mother used to put my hair in lace ribbons with hearts on them. 🎀💕

  24. I wish I could but I lost them when they burned in our fire.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Nah. I was in the committee and designed the layout for the gifted class’ page (after a few years you can’t bare to look at your own work).

    What I DO enjoy is talking shit at the Starbucks with the friends I DO like. Yeasssssh spill that dirty tea. 🥤 I enjoy hearing them talk smack what goes on in the high school WhatsApp groups and the gatherings (none of which I have joined or attended—but they always report back to me).

    Apparently all the mean girls are pathetic and miserable now. Most of the mean girls rushed to get married and now live claustrophobic lives. Especially the ones who did me wrong. 😏 I was buying lunch downstairs of my apartment in 2015 when I ran into one of them (she kept staring and asked the WhatsApp group if she really met me) and it’s almost jarring how uncool the cool kids have become. One woman who used to bully me back in the day married for money and now posts cryptic quotes that imply she thinks she’s being cheated on in between posting photos of sports cars... Nasty people. 😒

    I imagine THEY do, though. To relive the glory or whatever.

    Really I’d rather look at my old boyband/Spice Girls clippings, Enty. 🤷🏻‍♀️🐈

    1. *talk smack ABOUT what goes on

    2. Haha @Scandi Sanskrit I dated a Prom King, and years later he was still starting every conversation with a new person, "I was Prom King in 2001..." Dur hurrrr hurrrrrr

  27. Very rarely, but they're on a shelf in the basement.

  28. Don't remember if I bought one, but most of my friends were in my boyfriend's class one year earlier anyway. I really would have had to buy two.

  29. Troy Dyer and Do Tell: Sympathy!

    Still, if you live/work in the Twin Cities, people will ask you what high school you attended (went to).
    Apartments going up everywhere, but still provincial attitudes.

    There are actually clubs/Meet Ups for people not from the TC just so no one has to "bond" on what high school they attended.

    And, Jostens is a multi-million dollar industry selling the high school and college ring crap.

    1. @rabbit
      Minnesotans are EVERYWHERE
      It seemed like after I came to a Seattle they all came out of the woodwork to ask “where did you grow up?” “ What high school did you go to?” “ do you know ”

      I’ve encountered a couple that knew my grandparents when I was on a snorkel cruise in Cairns Australia and even when I was running a 50 miler on the Oregon Coast last year I had a friend from a trail running group be like “OMG TROY you HAVE to meet my friend Hannah, she is also from !!!”

      Hannah and I did talk about how much we hated our town over a couple of beers so that was fun.

  30. Nope. Used them as props in a couple of the plays I've been in, but other than that they just sit on a shelf gathering dust.

  31. I went to a high school with a graduating class of 50 people. After a few years, 20% of the class was dead (10 people). I got out of there and never looked back. I have a few friends who did the same and I keep up with them. I recently received a friend request from a guy who used to disrupt classes by jumping on desks, hiding himself in the teacher's locker (brand new teacher, straight out of teaching college, from Thailand, and he and the other guys in class all did this to her) and jumping out at her to scare her. He still ruins the math teacher's lawn every year with his motorcycle. So no, I don't bother with my high school year book. I'll never go back there.

  32. My mom just gave me 3 suitcases full of yearbooks and other high school & college stuff yesterday. It was like opening a time capsule!

  33. Only when I'm trying to recognize someone from fb.

  34. @DontLookAtMe LMAO

    the glory hurrrrrrrrrrr
