Thursday, May 23, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Truce

I mean it isn't like the WWI Christmas Day truce, but I think if you went up to random people and asked if these two people would ever get along, you would laugh until you started crying. These two people are complete opposites on the political spectrum. One is way way over on the left and one is way way over on the right. There is one thing that brings them together. One. It is what makes them very unlikely bedfellows. Not that they would get into bed together. I mean, I don't think that would happen. Yeah, that would be the blind of the century if that ever transpired.

I previously have discussed one of the people in this pairing. He is an A list California politician who has some moments caught on camera that he would really like to not have come out.  Most of these moments involve drug use and some sexual situations that are worthy of a 70's porn film director with a vivid imagination and multiple people at his disposal.

Over the past year, this politician has been forced to discuss the situation with someone which then caused the other person to join in the crusade. He has his own reasons for not wanting the recordings to be made public. Although, they would like to own the recordings, this unlikely pair would be perfectly happy to have them destroyed too.

The problem they have faced from the onset is that money is not going to be a factor. The person in possession of the recordings is wealthier than both of the parties by a lot. I mean it isn't even close. So, while it lasts, this secret alliance is one for the books and something no one would ever conceive occurring. 


  1. Gavin Newsome from the left.

  2. Gavin Newsome and?

    1. The Hearst’s as the billionaires/Schwarzenegger maybe?

  3. Gavin Newsom and Don Jr.?

    1. Kimberly Guilfoyle as the reason for the truce?

    2. THOSE Three were my first guess too.

  4. Gavin Newsome and Marco Rubio?

  5. That dumb bitch Feinstein and her asian spy.

  6. Is Epstein the billionaire holding the recordings over their heads?

  7. Newsome and Rush Limbaugh.

  8. Can someone break this down plz?
    Im supposed to be working here

  9. It's got to be Newsome and Trump Jr., given the Kimberly Guilfoyle connection.

    Good job, Fushcia!

    1. Thank you. :)

      Not sure who the rich person is though..

  10. Gavin Newson and Don Jr, connected by Gavins's ex, regarding laws making it a serious crime to make sex photos and tapes without both parties consent.

  11. It could be Junior Trump doesn't have to be a politician for the right winger

  12. Maybe Rupert Murdoch has copies? The person has to be a billionaire and wouldn't care about anything but jail.

  13. Gavin Newsom, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Don Jr, zillionaire Gordon Getty

  14. I wonder if the rich person could be Rupert Murdoch. He'd have had an interest in the matter, given one of his stars is connected to them.

  15. @guesser, we were thinking the exact same thing. Ha!

  16. Aww hell it's Musk that's why Enty hates the motherfucker so much. Or Bezos who owns media like the Washington Post besides Amazon.

  17. Wasn't part of the reason Fox fired Kimberly because she showed some pics of Gavin 's junk to coworkers?

  18. @sandybrook,Bezo is possible, because he is disliked by left and right.

  19. Yeah part of her getting it was because she had dick pics of somebody she identified to the Co workers.

  20. AJ Benza recently said Kimberly was sleeping with Eric Bolling right before she got with Don Jr. and was sharing nudes of both men with Fox coworkers.

    1. I dont believe kimberly was sleeping with Bolling. Im thinking thenrich guy could be daddy Trump.

  21. What is it with Enty, always prodding us to get into random people's faces? It could get dangerous, ya know!

  22. I am going to go for one of the Getty kids, maybe Belthazar, same age and he was majorly into the party and drugs scene

  23. Absolutely Newsom, don jr and Kimberly. Newsom’s high political ambitions reason he doesn’t want anything out and Don Jr. because embarrassing for his girlfriend if they got out. I like the Bezo guess.

  24. @fuchsia i’m More horrified to think she was sleeping with Eric Bolling. I thought she was with the Mooch too. Good grief that woman gets around. Didn’t Ailes say Kimberly would sleep with anyone? Lol

  25. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Well gotta give it to Kimberly she had Gavin when he was a smokin hot moron instead of just the moron he is today. She probably did every conceivable kinky scenario to keep him interested for as long as she could, knowing her days were numbered. I'm sure he and Don Jr. are keeping it civil with her in the middle. I don't know who would have the recordings though. Maybe Aunt Nancy?

  26. Adam Schiff - Discussing with Gavin. POTUS in possession of the filthy Schiff movies.

  27. LOL... enty thinks there is a difference between right and left... They all work for the same elites. They are controlled by a CIA/Mossad/MI6 operation to blackmail pols with stuff. Epstein works for them in entrapping pols in compromising situations. In Epsteins case, the prosecutors admitted he worked for the intelligence services.

  28. Previous blind about this from August 2018:

    And when it was revealed:

  29. I think RTM nailed it

  30. Alexa, where is are my porn films?

  31. Here’s a true reveal about Enty, TheHimmmm, and Jen from his true crime pod casts. This poster put it nicely for ya’ll to digest!

  32. RTM......yes. Not supposed to be a good sign when you can see the whites of a person's eyes all the way around. Best defense is a good offense doesn't always work. Some people just get more determined.My prediction..Adam Schiff will uncover hollywood/ DC dark underbelly.He has a terrified appearance and rightly so.

    1. It’s called sanpaku eyes.

  33. Newsom and Don Jr are Eskimo brothers with a skank

  34. just saw someone repost something and DTJ went at GN per usual... don’t think it’s them. I wouldn’t have thought Schiff but maybe?

  35. RTM, that was my first thought as to the identity of the California politician,aka swamp creature.

  36. I don't know, this seems vague enough to be bullsh!t.

  37. Arnold for the politician.

  38. Totally Newsom, Guilfoyle and Trump jr. Willie Brown and/or Kamala Harris, who were rumored to swing with the Newsoms before both couples split, could be the holders of the photos, but could just as easily be a number of other California big shots who obtained the pics through other San Francisco social scene people.

  39. Just saw the thing about the holder being wealthier-definitely the Gettys OR one of the tech billionaires who would definitely have their own reasons for having dirt on both Gavin AND Don Jr.

  40. Def the Gettys. Arnold makes sense to me too.

  41. InCatNeto has it. It's Gavin Newsom & DTJ. The holder of the videos is Billy Getty. Billy & Gavin used to be best friends but had a falling out around the time that Billy married Vanessa. I remember when Gavin went to rehab--shortly after his divorce form Kim G.

    Billy might also be a little peeved that his dad Gordon always had a soft spot for Gavin & wold often take Gavin's side when the boys had a dispute.



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