Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Peeper

In the past I have written about this former A+ list singer of a band. They were everywhere for several years before crashing and burning do to his oversized ego, drug addiction and propensity for hitting on the girlfriends of his bandmates, all while married. I have written about how he got kicked out of school for similar behavior. Well, I was hanging out with some guys from a group that opened for this band for several months on tour and they said the singer would hit on their girlfriends too and his favorite way was when the group was on stage performing. He would corner a girlfriend and say that if that girlfriend didn't have sex with the singer he would kick the band off the tour. They said they talked to several other groups who gave the same story. Also, our singer would hang out in the women's bathroom backstage waiting for groupies or attractive women to come in and hit on them or offer to share drugs with them if they sexually serviced him. It is no wonder that no one ever wants to work with him again.


  1. scott stapp/creed ?

  2. Didn't we just have this BI recently? Some people said it might be Jakob Dylan.

  3. Yes:

  4. It doesn't appear as if Jacob got kicked out of school and no way was he ever A+ as a musician. Daddy is A++ he might be A so possibly the Enterns averaged him out to an A+ off that.

  5. It probably is Fred Durst. He tried to tell us, he did it all for the nookie. Why didn’t we listen!!?

  6. I'm going to +1 mangoes. I seem to remember some old Stapp blinds about him trying to sleep with bandmember girlfriends.

  7. This probably not Jakob Dylan, but the Wallflowers were HUGE when that first album came out and they had a lot of hits of it. So yeah, for a time, he did rank very highly.

  8. If it's the same guy from the band blind a few weeks ago then AGC says - Fred Durst ("Limp Bizkit") or George Michael.

    1. George Michael. No women for him...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I will guess Scott Stapp because he was always married,and because his tour is upcoming. They would make big $ if Creed toured,but no one wants to work with him.+@mangos.

  11. Scott Stapp. Was kicked out of college at least once, had a sex tape with other women and Kid Rock, also had drug problems.

  12. One of these opening bands should grow a pair and throw a surprise "blanket party" for Scott...

  13. I'll go with the Scott Stapp guess, wasn't their big hit "Pants Wide Open?"

    Astra-- LOL 😂 the nookie!

  14. Scott Stapp was A+? Maybe A...

  15. Do the Lemonheads work? Or Toad the Wet Sprocket?

    1. They weren’t A list... they both opened for my ex on tour Toad the wet sprocket and boy bands were super friendly and definitely not disrespectful to us wives/significant others that were traveling with our spouses.

  16. I'm with the Scott Stapp guess.

    The Wallflowers were hardly A list. They had one hit and then vanished off the earth.

  17. This has Sebastian Bach written all over it.

  18. I feel like this could be a few people.

  19. JFC the word is DUE. Seriously, you can't be a real lawyer and not know the difference between do and due. Hire a proofreader.

  20. Than Adams. If this is Jakob Dylan then I will regret so much time missing not waiting in the bathroom

  21. Replies
    1. I had sex with him :p he’s very very naughty ....

    2. Don’t think this blind is him tho.

    3. And he definitely was not hanging out in the ladies bathrooms lol 😂

  22. Damn. Must be a slow day. Enty is repeating “blinds”! 🙄

  23. Seriously. Enty is bending over for a new low.
    So fucking lame

    1. Oh. I have one.

      Today's Blind Item- A Good One!
      Which everything in her own mind is being cheated on by her retired baseball player significant other?

  24. Stapp was a nightmare in the 90s and Durst too. Limp bizkit was not that big of a deal but Creed sure was!

    1. Are you kidding? Limp Bizkit were probably the biggest band in the world from late 1999 - 2000.

  25. Sd- couldn't with either of them, and i never understood how Durst was EVERYWHERE

    1. Cause he was banging Carmen Electra. Stapp was 5150 and threatening suicide. He was the Brad Pitt of rock and

  26. Totally forgot about Fred Durst.

  27. No wonder the Stapper couldn't Stop it here in South Florida when he got here.

  28. I'm going to get a little further back in the musical archives and suggest someone from the golden ages of true Hedonistic Rock....I'm going with David Lee Roth...Van Halen was IT in the early and mid 80's...and Roth was well known to be a gigantic asshole. I don't know about the women, though. A lot of their songs were about chicks, but Roth always gave off a closeted gay vibe to me, even in my Jr High youth, lol. Plus, I think the story was that he was kind of a health nut, thus all the karate moves and high kicks, and splits he would do. Gay or not gay, though (and I wouldn't care if he is one bit) he was hot in a dangerous sexy kind of way with "Jump", and probably all the way through that album he where his face is painted like aboriginal markings on the cover...after that, meh. And today he positively looks almost like he might be ill....not spreading rumors or hoping he is....just looks very frail compared to the athletic Roth of the early years.

  29. +1 Philly Dude for the whole story.

    Stapp - highschool rapist of drunk teenage girls.

  30. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Stapp had the perfect psychopath cover of being kind of above it all and religious so I'm guessing it's him. Creed was big back in their day before he crashed and burned. None of the other band members stood out so he could easily have replaced them had the wives not done what he wanted. Same with the opening acts, probably mostly 90s one big hit bands consisting of naïve young men whose wives were equally naïve. Supposedly Stapp forced his way into an orgy with Kid Rock who really was not that into sharing with another guy. The comeback never seems to materialize so it makes sense that it's because nobody wants to deal with him.

  31. Wallflowers isn’t A list.

  32. My first thought was Axl Rose...?



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