Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Missing Child

Sporadically over the last decade I have written about several celebrity couples and several actresses on their own who adopted children during the Angelina Jolie led everyone has to adopt to look cool phase in Hollywood. There was the couple who returned their baby and another who tried to return their baby. There have been several who turned the raising of the child or children to relatives because they just couldn't be bothered after that initial publicity blitz they craved.

The thing is though, there was an actress back then who adopted a child and after being everywhere with the child, the child suddenly disappeared. Where did the child go? They adopted the child through an organization that only existed long enough to serve the celebrity craze. The child came from New Orleans. That is all that anyone remembers. Child Protective Services has never investigated because the agency never told them about it and paperwork was scarce coming from New Orleans after Katrina, if there was any paperwork at all. There was definitely a market where babies or toddler who had parents with drug issues were straight up bought and paperwork could be manufactured at a later date. The demand was high. An adopted baby was a status symbol and a baby of color was even more desirable. When couples gave the babies back, they never went back to the homes or centers where they were found. They were just forwarded on to another couple or family and lost to their past.

One actress who starred on a very hit network show that aired for a long time and was a police type show adopted a toddler. The toddler had some issues because they had been born addicted to drugs. Our actress couldn't handle the toddler but did make sure she got publicity for adoption. Within a year after adopting the toddler though, he was gone. Vanished. No sightings, no relatives, no nothing. Wen friends asked, the toddler was at a friend's house or family or at a sitter. Eventually, they all stopped asking, but there has never been a resolution. A filmmaker is trying to locate all these children without paperwork. This child though, is someone that no one is discussing. Is the former child who would now be a teen alive? The actress pretends to not even know she adopted a child back in the day and says it was just for the cameras. No one is buying that. Where is the child?


  1. F*cking actresses and their purse babies.

  2. I recall Kristin Davis was mentioned on this site as doing this very same thing.

    1. I fairly remember she adopted a little girl and then she adopted a baby boy. But by description I don't think they're talking about her

  3. Probably better off than Charlize's adopted human virtue signal.

  4. Didn’t Emily Proctor/CSI Miami adopt and then...?

  5. Marg Helgenberger rings a bell.

  6. I thought the Civil War was supposed to have stopped white women from buying black children for personal gain. 😢

  7. Kristin Davis can fit if LA Law was considered a cop show however she didn't adopt until much later.

  8. Why not just adopt Devonte Hart?

    Oh right, because that was another made up Enty bullshit story.

  9. Helgenberger only had one child, and it was with her husband at the time, Alan Rosenberg

  10. Mariska Haggarty or however the fuck you spell it

  11. Reminds me of Rosie on here humblebragging about fostering kids... then telling them to shut the fuck up and play video games.


  12. It is possible the child's disability is so severe that they are in a facility of some sort. I don't believe the paperwork story,unless they were illegal private adoptions. On occasion,a family member will come out of the woodwork and claim they should have custody. This happened to someone I know,but the surprise relative lost. If any funny business went on with the celeb,they would be better off giving up.

  13. So what is being implied here? I'm getting the inference that the child was killed...is that right? Enty, do you really believe that? Just because there is silence around an adoption and a child disappears from the limelight, this does not mean that the child no longer exists. It may well have been best for the child not to be exposed to the publicity mongering that goes on with semi-famous people. Silence may even be mandated in the re-adoption legal documents.

    1. I’m officially done with enty and his/their outrageous claims! Ask yourselves this-what decent human being would have knowledge of something like this and choose to profit off of it instead of reporting it to the authorities? Only a true trash heap would do this (not that I’m buying it anymore). Be careful what you believe and think twice before spreading any rumors from this blog.

    2. Who says he didn’t do something? Perhaps you should be annoyed at the individual (IF) they did this 🙄 and the fact that you come to the page to announce your “doneness” - so odd. We can all think without your direction or suggestion.

    3. Hi Rumors- let’s not be silly, we all know damn well that enty has never done anything but string you along with posts he glams up from Daily Mail- therefore he has no info to report, as most of it is made up. You clearly cannot think without suggestion, as you believe anything he posts. Are you also a subscriber to his podcast? Did you know that Jen @mascaranmace who hosts true crime with him, posted about enty’s very own Himmmm being a complete fabrication?

    4. https://twitter.com/3amart/status/1130516304648187904?s=21

    5. Yay, someone acting sanctimonious and preaching to us about how bad Enty is and how stupid we all are for being here. We certainly don’t have enough of that as it is, around here!


  14. You'd think a nanny then boarding school would be an easier option than disappearing the children.

  15. @ sandybrook

    Kristin Davis was never on LA Law.

  16. Hmm it seems you're right. I have here confused with someone else on there. Lemme look.

  17. Sheila Kelly my bad.

  18. Rosie, all the time you spend commenting you could be spending with your kid.

    Why don't you choose him?

  19. Sandra Bullock - kid from New Orleans, but still around - TV show doesn't fit
    Kristen Davis - maybe, but TV show doesn't work if police-type show
    Mary Louise Parker - same, but child came from Ethiopia - TV show doesn't work
    Connie Britton - would NEVAH - plus child from Ethiopia
    Mariska Hargitay - TV yes and fits, but child is still around
    Charlize Theron - not really a TV actress

  20. I find this headline interesting:

    "The real reason we never see Sandra Bullock's kids. Mum's the word when it comes to her children."


    Maybe she is one of them that unloaded them onto a nanny.

    I can't tell if the actress in paragraph 2 (New Orleans) is the same actress as paragraph 3 (TV actress).

  21. Sandra Bullock has a thing for nazi guys. Makes me worry even more when kids are mentioned.

  22. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Edie Falco. Was on a few different tv shows including Law and Order True Crime, OZ (she was Officer Diane Whittlesey), and a couple other police/murder type shows.

    Son is a teenager now and not really a lot about them online. I did find an article about how she uses a "surrogate family" to help raise her kids. https://www.ctvnews.ca/edie-falco-s-kids-raised-by-surrogate-family-1.627097

  23. So assuming this is even true - a big assumption - what if the baby needed special attention that the actress could not provide that so she put it in a facility that could provide the needed attention? What business is that of ours? The implication here is that the actress murdered a kid but where's the basis for that? This "filmaker" sounds more like a "shitstirrer."

  24. Unknown -- That's an interesting find

    Purse babies-- genius description for the "trend" I often have wondered what happened to all of the celeb pets back in the day that would be seen once or twice...did the novelty of toting them around wear off, or caring for them altogether? There was a stretch where Paris, Brit, and Jenner girls (along with many others) had many new pets. Never thought about the need to follow up on the adopted children.

    I could be naive, but I certainly did NOT read this as the children being murdered. I read this as the celeb(s) not being able to handle the special needs of the kids or parenting, in general, so passed the children on to others, with hidden or no paperwork (and I'd assume generous child support). Not a great look, but might be best scenario in reality.

    All of that being said, I dont have a guess.

  25. Anonymous1:11 PM

    @ Vita - agreed :) I didn't read it as murder but more along the lines of "the kid was quietly adopted out or placed elsewhere" versus murdered. Some folks just don't have the ability to cope with those with disabilities. It could be that he could have been acting out and endangering others so he was put into a facility or something? There's not enough here and because its Enty, it's all cloak and dagger BS when it could be something as simple as the kid needs professional help and the actress cannot provide it for him in her home.

    As for the purse dog trend - Paris was caught a few times giving pets away or losing them. Some had questionable fates for sure like Tinkerbell. :( Sadly, it just led to an influx of "mini" dog breeds and overbreeding toy breeds. Ugh. Don't get me started.

    1. @unknown, enty implies a dead child here, as his post above says, “is the former child who would be a teen still alive”. I suppose it doesn’t mean “murder” but whatever, tomato-toma deadchild, same diff.

  26. If any of this is true then, with apologies to any 'civilians' who live there, then the "Big One" can't hit LA soon enough.

  27. Wait, what is the Enty story about Devonte Hart?

    1. Enty said one of the kids flew out of the car and lived and is in hiding.

  28. Does the same apply to the fathers posting on here or elsewhere on the internet or the millions of Dads playing their Xboxes and PlayStations, @J?


  29. @meredith, shouting “it’s just a gossip site” when it’s convenient, and then clinging on to what you perceive to be juicy info and running with it- is the true definition of a hypocrite. P.S. why is it that everyone named Meredith ends up being a bitch?

  30. Watch out for @Meredith everybody- she is getting shit done! Bwahahahaha! Also, acting like ‘shouting-clinging-running’ were meant literally is a cunt move by a weak minded bitch.

  31. Unknown - thanks for the response! Enthusiasm, and even, God forbid, trend-hopping, might have led some celebs into taking on adoptions with challenges they couldn't handle. Say what you want about Rosie O'Donnell and her choice to talk publicly about her children, but given that decision, I respect the fact that she did it honestly. She had a couple of very challenging foster situations that she had to admit were dealing with issues too severe to be managed in her home while maintaining the home life of the other children.

    Im still holding hope that the bad starts might have led to these children getting their needs met elsewhere on the celebs' dime.

  32. I love Viking Song and Rosie working together.

    I love it more when they both ignore me...

  33. +1 Vita! I don't think it's all that nefarious of a blind.....yet. Never hurts to ask questions. If it was all on the up+up, they should at least cooperate with the authority, right?

  34. @astra worthlesston- hit a nerve?? 😈

  35. There was a major federal overhaul of CPS during the Clinton era ... a new emphasis on adoption and everything Fast Tracked. I had served in the early 90s and felt good about it since, back then, the objective where at all possible was reunification or placement with family regardless the time necessary to make that happen if real potential existed.

    The organization also had been overhauled locally with a lot of the best caseworkers moving to the Adoption Unit I learned when inquiring whether one of my favorites was still active. Anecdotals during the Adoption Unit's presentation were discomfiting during Q&A and even she looked ... likewise awkward.

    My very first assignment was aborted when the mother made accusations of abuse against the foster couple who, curiously enough already had adopted a child they had fostered in and adopted through the system.

    After putting in time with and without my CASA supervisor in interviews of the fosters and check of the child concurrent with the alleged abuse it seemed odd I wasn't going to figure at all for a statement, even, and couldn't be told whether the adopted child would be taken.

    I'm pretty sure I was supposed to care ... I couldn't help asking.

    It was all handled so strangely and abruptly and sans the eye contact to which you grow accustomed here, I parted ways and volunteered elsewhere. Sadly, seeing New Orleans in this story doesn't surprise regardless the potential for systemic abuse in Anytowm of For the Children Nation anymore.

  36. Show us where she said it for the cameras and then where she denied it for the cameras, or I don’t believe you. Period.

  37. @skullchimpycheese - I do believe you.

  38. Mariska Hargitay? Didn’t she adopt?

  39. A former co-worker and he husband adopted 2 children, 3 & 11. The 11 year old had many issues, which I won’t get into, but subsequently had to be put in a home. They still consider her their daughter and they pay all her bills and visit her, but it got to the point where it was just too dangerous to keep her in their home.

    Stop judging people.

  40. Amartel....."The implication here is that the actress murdered a kid but where's the basis for that? " Have you heard about the buying and selling of babies and children here in Amerika? The CIA/mafia and their subsidiaries don't just sell drugs anymore. FB friend says if we knew how long these children lived after they were "place" we would not be able to sleep at night.

  41. We are currently in the process of adopting and as such, I am learning a lot about the different ins and outs of the process. Sadly, there is such a thing as "broken adoptions" where a child is adopted but the family can't handle the adopted child and they need to be placed to a different family or even into professional care. I assume that generally, there is paperwork for all of this. So although it does happen, in the case of this blind, it seems that for some reason the actress decided to do it secretly and without a paper trail. I don't have a guess for this blind, although I am curious who it could be!

  42. SkullChimpyCheese--thanks for telling us an inside look, and trying to help in a crazy system!

    Molly-- I dont doubt that there are horror stories of the grossest extreme. I dont believe those are the tales being shared in this blind. I'm hoping the fact that this involves celebs who had publicly had connections to the children is enough to prevent that level of horror. I read this as being someone double-checking on the babies of an era of trendy,speedy celeb adoptions.

  43. I see Sandra Bullock grocery shopping every so often, and she always has her kid with her, doing normal parent-child stuff, (no nannies, no staff, no papps, no boyfriend), so this is definitely not her.

  44. The blogger of blinds here is batshit crazy.

  45. The child could be back with it's birth family or could have been resold or given to another family. It could be more nefarious than that. But if it wasn't legally done to begin with, there's no way to know.

  46. This is obviously not true. The only actresses who adopted a child from NOLA after Katrina still talk about and are photographed with their children all the time.

    Maybe if Enty had said, they adopted the kid but farm it out to nannies, it would be believable. But clearly there is no adopted child who has just vanished.

  47. Nonsense! This is Hellywood! A toddler addicted to drugs in Hollywood? The mother wouldn't have trouble scoring good stuff to support his habit there.



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