Monday, May 06, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Lost Forever

There is a group of victims who were not victims of Jeffrey Epstein, but were victims of another sex predator. What they share in common with the victims of Epstein though, is an inability to speak about their own experiences at the hands of the predator. From the time of the predator's arrest, they have been trying to speak, but have been shut down by federal law enforcement and threatened with deportation if they speak. You see, the victims of this former A+ list celebrity in his corner of the entertainment world were children of primarily undocumented workers. These workers performed the tasks necessary to keeping the resort where the A+ lister performed open and clean. They thought he was being nice when he would invite their children to shows. They would be his guest while their parents toiled for minimum wage or sometimes even less. What happened though was rape and sexual assault of the children all filmed and shared with like minded child pornographers all over the world.

So, why keep quiet about it? Why would the feds care about keeping that part quiet? Well, our A+ lister had financial backers. There were hugely expensive servers and encrypted cloud resources that were beyond what the A+ lister could do or had knowledge about. Much like with Epstein, you had the rich and powerful who would be exposed. Several of the rich and powerful are some of the largest political donors to campaigns for almost every office on the state and federal level. It would hurt the pocketbooks of politicians to have those people in jail or compromised. So, you keep everyone quiet and ignore what happened in person and focus on what happened everywhere else. The bad guy goes to jail and everyone was supposed to be satisfied with it. The thing is though, lots were not and wanted more justice and also money and to give their statements. Nope. Threatened with deportation, they all have stayed quiet and they are expected to stay quiet about it forever. 


  1. So name the rapist.

  2. David Copperfield?

  3. Say it is rumored. Cover yourself against libel. But why be coy?

  4. Copperfield has been accused, but never arrested.

    1. Do you have a link for that?@moose

  5. Copperfieldsnislansnis Mucha Cay in the Bahamas.. or a resort in Vegas maybe

  6. He has those Bahamas resorts that Oprah has been to.

  7. Sd Auntie - here is the Copperfield story - but, like I mentioned, I don't believe he has ever been charged with a crime, and the blind says the "A+ in his corner" has been arrested.

    1. Thanks. He has always given me the creeps. I think it his voice.

  8. Don't have a clue who it is but came across this story on Google that I was unaware of. BASTARD!

    ...thousands of pornographic videos and images the FBI found in password-protected files on nine computers at a home dubbed the "fun house."

    "This is not acceptable, here or in Germany or anywhere," the judge said, describing the videos as "not just children having sex, but sadistic violent acts."

    Earlier, prosecutor Elham Roohani sobbed as she recounted the "heart-wrenching screams" and "whimpers" of children forced into sex with adults on files she viewed preparing the criminal case.

    1. Makes me truly sick.... I hope thes mthr fckrs get what’s coming to them and my heart goes out to all the victims ... :( so sad we live amongst monsters

    2. All of the people here that feel the need to get all indignant over people's comments on a fucking gossip site...maybe you should direct your outrage towards shit like this. But I guess it won’t get you the virtue signaling points you crave, so who cares, right?

      Anyone that harms a child should be tortured in the most excruciating manner imaginable, for weeks, until they die. Then they should be brought back and tortured again before they’re sent off to Hell where they belong. I’d gladly volunteer for the job as Head Torturer.

      THIS is the shit that hurts me. Not stupid slapfights and crybabies whining about their feelings. WAKE THE FUCK UP AND WORRY ABOUT STOPPING THIS TYPE OF THING!!!

  9. Probably someone who works long stints in Vegas. Could be a magician or singer. But to just mix it up a bit, how about Jeff Dunham?

  10. Could this be about Jan Rouvan the Vegas illussionist in Las Vegas? Convicted of child porn, covering for a bigger story?

  11. @SD whether him or not -he is absolutely sleazy beyond belief. Completely eyeballed my younger cousins after a show and meet and greet. They were 8,9 or so at the time.

  12. I saw that too about Jan Rouven. The case has been going on for awhile and he was just sentenced. Maybe it’s him.

  13. I can't wait to see all of this filthy world and its filthy people consigned to the Lake of Fire. Very soon, now. You can laugh at me if you want - but I can't wait for judgment.

  14. I still can't help but believe the Las Vegas shooting is connected child porn, it's too much coincidence going on.

  15. David Blaine? +1 @Guesser.

  16. hopefully day of the rope is comin'

    and everyone said pizzagate was BS - it wasn't because it wasn't really about pizza. It was really about Hollywood, politics and big money

    @guesser - LV shooting was covering up something fo sho

  17. Tony Podesta sprung to mind, with all his friends in high places and Epstein level of power.

    Perhaps a celebrity from the art world? or one of his other celeb friends

  18. I don't see how this could be the Bahamas since the Feds are involved.

  19. it's totally Jan Rouven at the Tropicana in Vegas:

  20. Same @Elphin!! This is the most disgusting thing, how can you not believe in evil when people like this exist?!

  21. It gets soooo fucking OLD about In-Tee posting blinds about rapists and molesters, yet NOTHING, seemingly, is turned over to police or proper authorities. Listen, Dickwad, you either turn in names or I will turn this fucking site in as aiding and abetting. You’re a POS to cover for them.

  22. Was Jan Rouven A+ list in his corner of entertainment? Wouldn't he be foreign born? Ugh his husband was in on it too.

    "In court papers, prosecutors described Rouven’s manager-husband, Frank Dietmar Alfter, as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the case.

    Both Rouven and Alfter are German citizens, and Alfter since has left the United States. Rouven is expected to be deported after he serves his prison term."

  23. Randaleese........whenever evidence is turned over to authorities, it gets buried. (Am sure Enty knows this ....the best that can be done is to make them known to the public)....No investigation...or worse , victims go to jail.i.e Franklin Cover up..that was so long ago , it did make the news...Newspaper in DC..headline, Midnight Tours of the White House...the children would be flown in for "after parties" They could describe the rooms in the WH.. We all need to look at the fact that rape and pedophilia are systemic in govt. and catholic church..With the catholic church, the pedophiles would not face prison, but a new church to continue preying on children. Pizza Gate got started at a pizza parlor close to the WH in DC.The name came from all the emails discovered with pizza as code word for their "activities" DC and Vatican are city states and not subject to law. ...or at least in the past. More and more prosecutions are happening now..30 lawmakers from DC just retiring UNPRECEDENTED.

  24. Hi molly, I’m K and a political junkie too. Everything you said was spot on. Look back at the foreign countries Trump visited or visited the USA right after he took office. EVERY ONE within a month had (sometimes multiple) HUGE pedophile rings busted. NXIVM payments to Clinton Foundation they think might’ve been payment for trafficked humans. There is still one little boy who was a part of the Rainbow Garden they can’t identify. They don’t know where he came from.

    There are also numerous blips in the past where women escaped from estates in Europe and claimed they had been kept as sex slaves in cages. You see a small headline one day and it’s gone.

  25. Lol. They're baaaaaack....

  26. @Guesser LV Shooting, like all shootings, was a hoax set up by homeland security as an Integrated Capstone Event. Just actors and makeup etc.

    1. I would recommend wellaware1 for more info on the whole crisis actor thing. Not stating if it’s true or false, that’s up to anyone that chooses to go there and delve deeper into the possibility.

  27. Hi K & Molly - Yes I read the Franklin Coverup. Everyone should read it, it was written by a senator.

    Everyone in politics and law enforcement was in on it - every time a victim tried to get help, their "savior" person was also in on it. super fucked up and also 100% true

    1. Absolutely 100% true, Hunter. The truth is so sickening and horrific that most people would rather turn away and ignore it. But what can anyone really do? It’s true, the elites ARE all in on it. Why? Is it demonic/“spiritual” in nature? Like Babylonian type mystery religion stuff? Energy vampirism? Or is it just something they enjoy and there’s no deeper reason or meaning?

      Either way, I don’t really care why they do it. I just want it stopped.

  28. @Jammed and those that believe mass shootings are fake,just please stop. A lot of innocent lives lost,and your version of these events just make everyone who doesn't accept the official story look "crazy". My point,the Las Vegas shooter had ties to child pornography. An illusionist in Las Vegas convicted of some of the worst they have seen. Connections to foreign countries. Why is it a stretch to think a bigger story is out there?

  29. I would love for pizzagate to be true. The idea that a president, any president, is finally taking the bull by the balls and going after the elite of America, shaking them out of the safety of their apartheid existence, is extremely happy-making.

    Unfortunately it's just so obviously not true. Trump is an incompetent freakshow who's too busy squeezing in random-ass decisions while he flips between exciting the crazies and covering his ass.


  30. Sounds like more QAnon bullsh*t. Show some evidence or quit trying to instigate another Pizzagate.

  31. Trump was friends with Epstein. I don't understand how he was going to bring Epstein or the Illuminati down. He's a sexual predator.

  32. K, Trump has Trump Models - it has all the earmarks of a child trafficking organization. All this is coming out - about Bill Clinton, too. A.J. Benza's fairy tales about Trump the reformer are nonsense. Trump is widely said to be mobbed up. A.J. seems to be, too.

    The sworn testimony of the child Trump, Dershowitz and Epstein raped is enough to settle that matter.

  33. Disaffected Cynic, that's the first person I thought of - Wayne Newton. He had very high political connections.

  34. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Why do you think Liberals love illegal immigration so much? Why do you think they want "One World" and Globalism? It's a never ending supply of children. Call it anything else you want but it is what it is.

  35. get lost "guesser" the shill. The shooting are FAKE. The Boston "bombing" was FAKE. 9/11 was an implosion, the planes were just a made for TV movie

  36. You want fake? Try this: and this:

  37. Im sure everyone totally going to rush and click on that

  38. This post got a shout out on 8ch., good job Enty!

  39. Wellaware1 is government counter intel bullshit. That clown is a stink bomb designed to scare off people from work like the links I posted above.

  40. regardless of what you believe, we can all agree this is the saddest part of humanity to ever exist, this is peak evil and sin, those poor children already have their crowns in heaven waiting for them

  41. Hmmm...What huge political donors are from Vegas I wonder....

  42. This NEEDS to be exposed. This makes me sick. I'm so disgusted and angry over this I can't even articulate anything right now.



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