Today's Blind Items - Blitzed
I debated writing this blind, not because it isn't worthy of the spot, but because I'm not sure how many people will actually be able to guess who it is. He is foreign born. In his home country he fronted a band which was definitely A list there. In the US, they never really rose above B- list maybe. They could fill venues with 2,000 seats or so in the US while they were filling arenas back home.
The subject of our blind has never shied away from the fact he spent a lot of his early earnings on coke to the point where the only reason he works today is trying to recoup the nearly $1M he spent on coke over his career. Back at the height of their fame, the band was touring here in the US and made a stop in LA. This must have been well over a decade ago now. Our singer was blitzed on coke. There was a woman at the show who maybe was about 18 or so and flashed her breasts at the singer. He immediately sent someone to bring her backstage for after the show. Also at the concert was a female who was probably in the 14-16 year old range. She had some backstage passes she won from a radio show contest. She attended the show with her parents, but she was the only one who went backstage. So, after the show the singer is doing lines and meets the 14-16 year old and thinks she is the one who flashed her breasts. The person who did flash her breasts was hooking up with the road manager. The singer starts telling the young teen to show him her breasts again and when she refuses, he starts hitting her and calling her a tease for flashing him earlier and not following through now. She tried to explain and he kept getting more aggressive and then forced her to her knees and proceeded to orally rape her. Someone walked in at that point and pushed the singer off the girl who ran out of the room crying. This was not a dressing room or anything. It was a fairly open backstage area. Our singer was so wasted he still had no idea what had happened and who was who. A member of the radio station was there and he got into a fight with the road manager who had finished having sex with the 18 year old and explained what happened. Then the police were called. The parents showed up backstage and it looked like the singer was going to be arrested but the parents didn't want anyone to know what happened to their daughter and thought she might have to testify so they decided not to press any charges.
The subject of our blind has never shied away from the fact he spent a lot of his early earnings on coke to the point where the only reason he works today is trying to recoup the nearly $1M he spent on coke over his career. Back at the height of their fame, the band was touring here in the US and made a stop in LA. This must have been well over a decade ago now. Our singer was blitzed on coke. There was a woman at the show who maybe was about 18 or so and flashed her breasts at the singer. He immediately sent someone to bring her backstage for after the show. Also at the concert was a female who was probably in the 14-16 year old range. She had some backstage passes she won from a radio show contest. She attended the show with her parents, but she was the only one who went backstage. So, after the show the singer is doing lines and meets the 14-16 year old and thinks she is the one who flashed her breasts. The person who did flash her breasts was hooking up with the road manager. The singer starts telling the young teen to show him her breasts again and when she refuses, he starts hitting her and calling her a tease for flashing him earlier and not following through now. She tried to explain and he kept getting more aggressive and then forced her to her knees and proceeded to orally rape her. Someone walked in at that point and pushed the singer off the girl who ran out of the room crying. This was not a dressing room or anything. It was a fairly open backstage area. Our singer was so wasted he still had no idea what had happened and who was who. A member of the radio station was there and he got into a fight with the road manager who had finished having sex with the 18 year old and explained what happened. Then the police were called. The parents showed up backstage and it looked like the singer was going to be arrested but the parents didn't want anyone to know what happened to their daughter and thought she might have to testify so they decided not to press any charges.