Friday, May 24, 2019

Four For Friday - The Gossip Got Her

It is kind of ironic that gossip is what ruined her career. Not gossip about her, although there was plenty, but gossip she would sell. All told, she probably made nearly $1M during her long career selling gossip. She did it all at $500-1000 a pop year after year. She was on a lot of hit shows and whenever she was on one of the shows, suddenly there would be story after story about her co-stars. The only people who give her any kind of work now are people who have been friends with her for a long time and are in a position to give her work. The last straw for most showrunners/producers was her brief gig on a very popular pay cable show. There had never been any gossip about the show in its entire run. Then, in its second to last year, our actress came on board and there was just story after story and people on set were reading things about other people on the set. It was a family of sorts that was torn apart. The show which was supposed to go on for several more seasons suddenly just limped through a final season. The actress was not a part of that last season. She was essentially poison after that. Now her once big career is reduced to one off episodes or doing things on her own. You all know her.


  1. Is it "YOU KNOW WHO"?

  2. Replies
    1. Don’t think so... Meester hasn’t had a long career on “a lot of hit shows”... and it’s not euphemistically selling gossip - he’s saying literally selling it.

  3. Enty, any dirt on this Moby guy, who is claiming to have dated Natalie Portman when she was underage? Could he be telling the truth?

    1. Well shit, the two of them were a famous vegan couple at the time, it's very strange and kind of gaslighting that she pretends no one remebers that.

  4. Michelle Trachtenberg-Weeds as the show

    1. Buffy as GG(was she on that) as former hits

    2. This makes more sense... a minor character on Gossip Girl, and a consistently working actor. I wouldn’t see a main character or A-lister doing this because their contract would be too valuable - but someone who doesn’t have a multi-season contract and is working at a lower wage, and wanting to augment their income.

    3. Can't forget Pete and Pete. (Idk if that was a hit, but I loved it. Excuse me for showing my age. 😂)

  5. Amanda Peet,lol😎

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "It is kind of ironic that gossip is what ruined her career."

    Has to be someone from Gossip Girl,

    +1 Michelle T, she kind of disappeared and weeds fits

  8. @yepthatsme,check out John Doe's twitter,he has the real time links to Moby's interviews from that time. She wasn't really underage,she was 18. Instead of her suddenly playing victim when she is an adult,why doesn't she address her earliest roles,where she portrayed sexualized tweens? How did this start in the first place?

  9. And + @Tricia13 for the Michelle T guess.

  10. I guess that would explain why Michelle T and Sarah Michelle Geller are not friends.

  11. Some motormouth.

  12. Y'all have better guesses but I was going to say Portia de Rossi from Nip/Tuck. The last season of that show was a bummer.

  13. TamwellSully cuz you know damn well the gossip got her

  14. Whoever Tricia REALLY is. 😜😜😜

    1. I’m not shrewd enough to make that cash 💰 dude... I wish lol.😉🙏Im old school-here’s what I got ,run with it 🏃‍♀️

  15. I used to know Moby back in college. He's a nice guy and not a liar.

  16. That Moby book seems kind of icky, Natalie fling or not

    Leighton Meester is on that Single Parents sitcom, which is really cute. One of Regis' daughters is a co-creator, btw.

    Michele Trachtenberg seems like a great guess. Even though she's still pretty young, she's been around forever. Approx $1M at even $1000/item, she had to be singing about everything that she saw!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Portman loves playing the victim. She'll also rewrite history when it suits her. She claimed that after The Professional she decided not to play any love scenes as a minor because she didn't like the feeling of being objectified. However, she auditioned for Romeo and Juliet when she was only 14 (and got rejected because the filmmakers thought she was too young). I mean, the movie is pretty tame, you don't really see the young lovers have sex, but there's a whole lot of kissing and making out going on. It's certainly sexy. But I guess she thought that one didn't count, because, you know, it's Shakespeare. The woman is so pretentious.

    And wasn't she one of the people who signed the petition for Roman Polanski?

  19. Juliet is 14 in the play, so that's kinda funny anyway.

  20. On the Moby story, I would ask why bring it up now after all these years but he's the one who brought it up by writing a book and giving his impression of the date.

  21. @Tricia 13, Enty owes you some 💲💰

  22. Gossip Girl wasn’t on Pay Cable.

  23. @Bobby, Weeds is the pay cable show they are talking about, she was on it a little later in the series for a little bit. She was on Gossip Girl for a little bit also, so that's what the "it's ironic that gossip is what ruined her career" is alluding to.

  24. Damn. Totally worked this out (or had what I thought was a good guess) and then see Tricia is there before me.

  25. Agree with Michelle Trachtenberg. I think she took Georgina Sparks to heart.

  26. IIRC, Baz Luhrmann said that they really wanted a 14-year-old actress to play Juliet in the beginning, but changed their minds after Portman's audition. Apparently she looked/acted so childlike that her interaction with DiCaprio was very uncomfortable to watch.

    Anyway, I'm glad they ended up casting Claire Danes. I can't think of anyone who would have been a better Juliet.

  27. Michelle Trachtenberg - Shows were Weeds and possibly Six Feet Under, both of which she came started in their second to last seasons
