Friday, May 31, 2019

Four For Friday - A Favor Declined - House On St. Charles

When you are dealing with Hollywood, it seems that many of the ideas they have for scripts are not very original. It is the same thing all of the time. This is not always the case and three decades ago a movie was made which showed the premise of how the government could use people who worked in the movies to make things look real when they weren't. The idea wasn't just a thought plucked out of the air, it was happening.  It has been shown in the movies several times since, usually based on real life incidents. This is not about that though.

The owners of the House On St. Charles saw a benefit to having someone who had experience in movies, and specifically in production design make things look real or to set things up in a way to make things seem like something they were not. So, with a ton of money in their pocket, they went out and found one of the very best that has been.

An offer was made and from time to time this A list production designer would help out with projects. He knew what he was doing, but didn't know what was being done with what he was doing. That was his version anyway. Over the years, he managed to steer a lot of high profile celebrities to the people who owned the house. They, in turn made further introductions. It was a huge network and the owners always were looking for every advantage they could get.

At some point, this A+ list mostly movie actor was introduced by our designer to someone involved with ownership. That apparently led to many adventures in the house and elsewhere where the A+ lister was filmed doing things which would cause great damage to his career. In fact, it was at this time that the A+ lister pulled back.

The A+ lister discovered the recordings when he was asked for some special favors. Our actor completed those tasks but wanted out. He contacted the designer who had been the source of the introduction and asked for help. The designer agreed to help and had a meeting with some of the decision makers. He got angry and huffed and puffed and said he didn't sign up for the kind of thing that the actor had to do favor wise. Our designer threatened to go public. He was killed that same night.


  1. Isnt the A+ Brad Pitt?

  2. George Clooney for the A+actor

  3. Krab you here today?

  4. I am more curious what they mean when they say " a movie was made which showed the premise of how the government could use people who worked in the movies to make things look real when they weren't". What is that reference to? The alien autopsy video? The movie Capricorn One (it's about a faked Mars space mission)? Or something more sinister?

  5. Brad Pitt lived in New Orleans for a while so he's the one I can see for this.

    At first, I thought this blind was going to insinuate that the fire at the mansion was faked. Seeing as I live about 5 blocks away I can definitely attest to that fire being legit.

  6. Anonymous10:38 AM

    J. Michael Riva. Died at age 63 of a stroke in New Orleans, where the House is
    Last film he worked on was Django Unchained, which makes the A+ list actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

    Also, the movie Enty mentions in the first paragraph that actually has nothing to do with this blind is F/X.

    1. Didn’t Pitt produce Django... so actor could still be him?!

  7. Johnny Depp? I think he’s been mentioned before in regard to this house. I want to know who the production designer was and the movie.

  8. This whole BI sounds familiar.

  9. John Goodman lives in New Orleans, but couldn't this be any actor that visited New Orleans?

  10. Anonymous10:50 AM

    @Tricia: Pitt did not produce Django Unchained. Also, it *was* filmed in New Orleans.

  11. True was thinking-Plan B which produced 12 Years A Slave-also HMD principal photography in NoLa

  12. Hi Sandybrook!

    Gee, what a surprise the House is trotted out again after I mentioned it. And gosh what a surprise that someone else was murdiddlyerderd over it.

    And yeah, Enty, the moon landings did actually happen. Sorry. Also the planes actually struck the WTC.

  13. I don't get it. What is or was supposedly going on in that house, and what did they want it to look like from the outside? What 'favours' was the actor asked to do/what tasks did he have to complete?

  14. @Dorvannn.

    'Wag the dog' for the movie.

  15. Honestly the House sounds like the Murder Castle of H.H. Holmes. Wonder if that's where Entern is cribbing the story.

  16. Newbies: there are innumerable blinds about this house. Search the site and read em.

  17. I'm too lazy to read hundreds of outlandish, convoluted blinds about some mysterious house in New Orleans. But I suppose it's something to do with pedophilia or satanism, as usual.

  18. @trufflepig. The rumor is that there’s lots of child sexual abuse/prostitution and drug use going on there, with celebrities, politicians and other big wigs involved.

    1. And that there were cameras in the rooms used for blackmail....

  19. @Notagoodscreenname


  20. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Since y'all are just throwing names out there:

    Production Designer: J. Michael Riva. Worked on everything from The Color Purple to the first Garfield Spiderman. Died in New Orleans in 2012. Last film he worked on was Django Unchained.

    A+ Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio, star of Django Unchained

    House: is in New Orleans. Rumored by enty to be the home of...bad stuff. Probably involving kids.

    Django Unchained was filmed in New Orleans

    Also, the film in the first paragraph, completely unrelatedm is F/X, a late 80s thriller starring Bryan Brown and Brian Dennehy about an effects man hired to help stage an assassination.

  21. I like the house blinds. Wasn't Pitt the actor guessed for the previous blind?
    Either him or Dicaprio for this one. But i'm leaning towards Pitt.

  22. Geffen's yacht is called Rising Sun because he bought it from Oracle's Larry Ellison, who's crazy about anything Japanese.

  23. And yes, it's do with pedophilia, Satanism, child trafficking, and later on when the really looney toon types show up, the international Jewish cabal involving Rothschilds. Also throw in some Beyonce voodoo in there while you're at it, and baby, you've got a stew going!

  24. @Melvin: blind doesn't say anything about a movie being filmed in NO, house is located in NO, celebrity was filmed doing something in house. You can probably link thousands of actors to NO. However, see other blinds... actor drinking himself to death due to being filmed in house with 2 13-year old girls engaged in sexual acts. Sounds like Cage... this blind could be a rehash.

  25. Krab is right about the name of the boat. Ellison renovated one of his homes in Woodside to replicate feudal Japan.

    @Flashy - I also think the movie is Wag the Dog. The blind says "how the government could use people who worked in the movies to make things look real when they weren't."

  26. Four for Friday:

    1. Movie: Wag the Dog
    2. Designer:
    3. A+ mostly movie actor: Cage

    What's the fourth part of the blind? What was recorded? Owners of house? Decision makers?

  27. Cage owned a house around the corner from St. Charles, on Prytania, for a time. Before he owned it I was in it several times as the former owner, post Anne Rice, let me bring tour groups in. It looked like the set of Caligula and it had formerly been a church. Goodman and Trent Reznor also were in the same hood, and owned the same house at different times. Seemed like no one was ever there, actually.

  28. I'm legit confused by this one....


    How the president collaborates with the media to make it look like they are winning a war or something, all special effects.

    Dustin Hoffman was in it.

  30. HahahahaH
    I absolutely laughed out loud @ murdiddlerderd

  31. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Wag the Dog was two decades ago, not three.

  32. I was thinking Capricorn One for the movie.

  33. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Krab, that was 4 decades ago.

  34. No Way Out? Hell, I don't know.

  35. @Melvin was right
    the 30 year old movie was F/X which has nothing to do with the blind except as an example for movies looking like real life - it was a movie about that

    the designer was J. Michael Riva who was in NOLA while working on Django - and therefor was presumably conveniently located to discuss his displeasure with the PTB - and died of a stroke - while still in NOLA

    The A+ actor - could have been Leo who was also working on Django
    but doesn't have to be him as the blind does NOT that he was either in NOLA or on same movie set...only that actor asked designer for help getting him cut loose

    Still - A+ Actor could be Leo
    could be Ben Affleck (who HAS been drinking himself to death...)
    could be Clooney (not likely as he is still into nasty nastiness)
    could be Brad Pitt - seems unlikely as he lived in NOLA, making him less likely to be caught out in local sinkholes
    could be Will Smith - who has been mentioned in reference to this house

    could be Nic Cage I guess

    Imma go with

    F/X for old movie
    Riva for designer
    Affleck for A+ actor forced to do shit after he got caught doing shit

  36. JFC he is horrifically smug.

  37. Having trouble shedding a tear for the designer or the actor, sounds like they were both up to bad sh!t.

  38. when i google search production designer murder i get Harold Michelson

    Harold worked with Mel Brooks

  39. The movie was "Wag the Dog" where the Dustin Hoffman character of the movie director is killed in the end.

  40. @Meliticus: +1 on Affleck

  41. Point of no Return with Bridget Fonda and Gabriel Byrne?

  42. I don't know the difference between brad pitt or leanardo decaprio partially because i have that thing where i don't remeber faces and partially because i could care less. I will say that in Django unchained I could feel what decaprio was feeling and I'll put money on it that he was the actor that asked for help. Not sure if it's just me or everyone has that where you can feel what other people are feeling when you look at them. I looked on IMDB to see that the actor in Django was Dicaprio.

  43. Not sure about this one. Could this have something to do with holograms. A lot of UFO sightings that could just be holograms. Also war footage is totally faked all the time. You can literally see the greenscreen but that has been going on since at least the 80's so I would think it basically predates this actor. Not sure what role the actor would play in this thing. Maybe fake alien abductions? IDK that is a long shot but a lot of people say they have had them. Right person with a fake abduction where the so called spiritual being gives them some dire warning you know- could play a major role in manipulating the right people. But again that is pretty out there.
    Oh and shut up Krab - you suck!

  44. di Caprio was involved in the $5 billion Malaysian money laundering fund 1MDB. he was forced to give back a Picasso, a Basquat, Brando's Oscar, etc. when $100 mill was diverted from 1MDB fund to finance Wolf of Wall Street. the items were supposedly to go into Leo's charity auction (right).

    so the jusitice dept. got inolved. this could be where leo was asked / forced to do something, i.e. wear a wire or give info up on the main guy who swindled 3 billion. (of course, good ole Goldman Sachs was inolved, incl CEO Lloyd Blankfein.) the fund also bought casinos, record co., movie business, shady operations all over the world, China, Abu Dhabi...

    leonardo secretly testified before the 1MdB jury.

    interestingly, Jamie Foxx is also linked to the Jho Low guy, as is Kimora Lee Simmons, Paris Hilton, Miranda Kerr, through a variety of yachts, parties etc.

    riva died in 2012, but the 1MDB scandal goes back as far as 2009

    the first part of the blind is the most interesting re: movie people. could be anything from the Kubrick fake moon landing photos (done in case the mission failed) to Wag the Dog (fake war) to Argo (fake film as CIA operation) to, as unbelievable as it sounds, the hologram stuff another person mentioned (a real military strategy, to broadcast fake religious images in the sky.)

    anyone wanting to read about the gov/CIA involvment in hollywood, from producting, funding to suspicious deaths should read this article:

  45. more Leo links to people who ended up in federal prison or dead, from a story in the Hollywood Reporter:
    "DiCaprio — who has a notable habit of buddying up with smooth dudes who end up in federal prison for money crimes, from late investment adviser Dana Giacchetto to art dealer Helly Nahmad ..."

    and the LDF charity is not transparent and wouldn't answer questions of accountability. LDF global finance chairman is a Serbian guy Milutin Gatsby originaly known as Gijic -- and fundraisers also had lots of beautiful , single slavic women attending.

    more on the questionable and unusal LDF practises here:

  46. @MooseAnon thanks for the Guardian link!

  47. I forgot all about that movie F/X It was really good! I will have to give it a rewatch and see if it stands up

  48. The house made "Eyes Wide Shut" look like a kiddie film...



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