Thursday, May 09, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 30, 2019

This former multiple network host turned solo network host wants to return to the network in one of her old jobs and just pretend nothing ever happened to make her leave in the first place.

Julie Chen wants to return to The Talk


  1. She's better off opening up a Chinese restaurant.

    1. GG no. Not today please. Much love to you

  2. Marie Osmond is taking that slot

  3. she should just dedicate the rest of her life to more plastic surgery.

  4. I TV critic over here came up with the perfect name for these type of hag nagging shows. 'Desperate Fishwives'.

  5. Lol flashy Vic... my grandpa always used the term “fishwife” lmao...

    Julie Chen isn’t going to be let back on...isn’t going to happen.

  6. Hollywood did not turn their back on Les, he is out and about and schmoozing all over the place. She's still hosting Big Brother & Celebrity Big Brother on CBS. They would take her back in a heartbeat She won't rule The Talk with an iron fist like she did before. But she would go back calling it a "sabbatical" and never mention it again. That plastic surgery is for HDTV time.

  7. I dont think sharon could stand it. She's made some indirect comments about metoo,but clearly implying the discomfort of les/julie. When sara announced she was leaving, she burst into tears. She also made a point of saying the current table of five are the best they've had, great energy, everyone getting along, no one getting on one's nerves. I thought that was fairly bold to say on air.

    I agree that the show has a nice chemistry now. How rare that the chair became available so near when Julie said she'd consider returning. If I were her, Id have a hard time not reading into how quickly the position was filled by someone else. I'm concerned Marie might make it too much about her. We shall see.

  8. I was rooting for Carnie to take the position they offered to Marie.


    Just how f*cking awkward would it have been to have Chen on The Talk? How self-righteous could they be while sitting next to a predator enabler?

  10. Troy-- i was shocked she didn't get the Carrie Ann spot, though I enjoy her. Anyway, I thought that made her a shoe in for Sara's spot. Im hoping she is just happy being a fill-in, otherwise, ouch!

    Brayson-- EXACTLY!

  11. I feel like this is why it's important to be nice to people.

    Even with Les being a slimy buttmuffin, if she was a pleasure to work with and a joy to have on set I don't think it would be such a question.

    1. +1. Tough luck. Let her mourn it on money mountain.

  12. I was stunned as to how fast they filled the job. I thought they wouldn't announce till fall.
    Hoping someone will learn how to read a prompter so they don't all sound like robots. Drives me nuts.

  13. Hunter, your turns of phrase have been killing me lately! Always insightful, but some added zest of late has made them extra enjoyable reads!

  14. Just Another Day-- LOL! Prompter reading is definitely not priority one on that job! Sara has that really dry monotone, and the rest of them usually act like they forgot to put in their contacts. It is funny when Sharon screws up so badly she just goes off into interpretive voices and commentary before being reeled back in.

  15. I thought for sure the Wilson Philips chick was going to get the spot. I don't see Marie Osmond lasting too long. That was a weird choice.



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