Monday, May 20, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 11, 2019

The online tabloid took a couple more shots at the permanent A list "singer." She walked into court with heels. She got a huge blister. She removed them for the walk out because no one could find her emergency air of flip flops for just this scenario. Acting like it was some kind of mental issue was wrong and they knew better.

Britney Spears/TMZ


  1. How dare they sensationalize stories and make things up to get page views!!!!!

  2. I hope her dad gets out of the picture, so she can spiral out of control again, and the dudes exploiting her can leak pix and vids.

  3. +1 Sandy. I mean who does stuff like that? That's deplorable!

  4. LOL @ Sandy... ahh yes the irony of Entern to call out fluff stories
    TMZ should be renamed Kartrashian Kneepads

  5. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I hope we get to see the downfall of Harvey Levin and TMZ. What a horrible vile little creature he is.

  6. "Ok, let's start with something simple. Keep your shoes on your feet."

    "Um, never mind. I'll think of something simpler to start with next time."

  7. She took them off because they were, allegedly, hurting her feet. It's really not that uncommon or weird..

  8. I dunno, wear comfortable shoes to start with?

  9. I always take my shoes off at court appearances, interviews, etc.

    Actually, on second thought, I don't. I guess that's because I've lived in a city of more than 75 people.

  10. When one is trying not to look crazy perhaps dressing appropriately is called for instead of showing your pop star side..I dress for the occasion if I know I'm gonna be on my feet I dont wear heels..and it's not like she was hiking in them for ffs..walking to and from the car I would know if my heels are gonna be an issue just another example of poor decision making she knew people were gonna be all up in this case if she cant even fake being an adult why bother.

  11. Hey hey Count - good to see you're in fine form back with us today. :)

    If we remember Britney essentially has the emotional and lifestyle maturity of a highschool girl, it becomes FAR MORE PLAUSIBLE that she would selectively decide to wear [probably new] shoes which hurt her feet.

    Young, inexperienced and vain girls do this. It's either because the shoes are new or cheap and love us our Britney - in this case probably both. Sadly, this is not a reflection of her mental illness, it's a reflection of not ever having really grown up.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I could be wrong, I'm not a lawyer, maybe it happens all the time, but I think it's generally unusual for people to walk out of a courthouse barefoot. A professional dancer couldn't suck it up until she got to the car? It's not like they don't have people with butterfly nets waiting for the next time she loses her sh!t.

  14. Brit's spirited was tested when the perverted music industry bastards raped her of her dignity. Her soul died on that meth binger in the back of the ambulance. She can not come back from that trauma unless she fades into obscurity like Bardot.

  15. Maybe she's wearing a size too small and her feet were cramped idk. It's unusual considering she knew cameras were out but damn this girl gets picked on for every damn thing.

  16. I believe Harvey is gay, but he seems to have no problem sucking PMK's rotten stank pussy.

  17. @Hunter: Totally agree about the shoes. I have a teenage niece and everything about the shoes is drama, drama, drama. Even sneakers. We were on a trip to visit another relative in the Carolinas. I found all of the places that ‘One Tree Hill’ had filmed. Sort of crazy because I watched it initially and now my neices are watching it online. And she just sat there and didn’t want to do anything. I later found out that she had blisters!
