Friday, May 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 23, 2019

Two more royals added to the bald man's team. All it took was an annual "stipend," of a little over $100K. That also brought their parents firmly to his side.

Prince William/Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice


  1. Is he sleeping with them too??

    1. @J.. I swear I just spewed my iced tea!! LMAO!

  2. I am pretty sure they were on side with Wills after the debacle at Eugenies wedding by MeAgain.

  3. I think was an easy call. Andrew's daughters want to serve the Royal Family. I'd expect them to be on the future King's side. I

  4. In the DM today; Harry cancels his Invictus Games trip to The Netherlands. And the Queen gave MM a dressing down for talking down to the staff at Windsor Castle, during her wedding planning. Bridezilla to bunzilla she is.

  5. I agree after MeGAIN decided to take the attention off Eugenie, I wouldn’t think it would take much convincing.

  6. Not surprised: Andrew wants the RF to take care of his girls. William stepped up.

  7. It means they hate the actress more than Kat, probably bc they are both too much of DUFF (Designed Ugly Fat Friend) to ever be an actress.

    These 2 don't like anyone who isn't wealthy or more famous than them that they can cling to like a barnacle.

    They hate both Kate & Meg, bc those 2 are not even "real princesses", but they get all the media attention.

    1. Megs, that you?

    2. Meghan Markle isn’t pretty enough to be a big star. She has a Wallace and Gromit mouth, twig legs, an awful nose job, etc.

  8. @HushHush do you have a link for the DM?

  9. Avery here's the Harry story. It seems to be a PR battle fought out in the tabloids. Each side sniping at each other.

    1. I don't think she's in labor or had the baby yet. I think she's overdue and her doc has scheduled an induction for next week (if she hasn't gone into labor by then), which would conflict with the trip.

      A lot of women I know have gone past their due dates, with their first child especially.

  10. He's only cancelled the "secret engagement" / coke snorting, booze swilling, prozzie shagging romp in Amsterdam. He's still going to The Hague the next day for an official engagement.

  11. Anonymous10:51 AM

    @Hushhush DD (Dripdrop) says don't even bother reading the news because it's all Spenderella's PR spin. Whether or not you believe the craziness we are fast approaching a time where MM has to produce the baby. She's out of time.

  12. Well played bald man, well played.

  13. Even the bookies are wondering now:

  14. Braydon - if the bookies are out, you know it's bad. What a laughing stock these two numpkins have become. Smdh.

  15. There is fuckery afoot!!

  16. Torontopaper1 on twitter says; Darling, how have you felt the last days? This was just the beginning. By the way Acosta is getting some heat. You know what this means.

    They're linking MM to Jeffrey Epstein so they hint.

  17. Interesting that Beatrice and Eugenie's dad Prince Andrew is also connected to Jeffrey Epstein.

  18. @HushHush you would think the vetting process would be intense and ANYTHING that could possibly arise down the line that could harm the establishment would be discovered.

  19. Kelli: I was eight days late with my first (and only) child and had to be induced.

  20. Anonymous12:29 PM

    @Kellikopter one of MM's Twitter accounts TheYoungRoyals MM even argues with someone. She says- "Honey due dates are calculated as forty weeks (ie. ten months) from the first day of the menstrual cycle, which is around 2 weeks before conception. So conception mid July means due date beginning of May. Plus up to ten days if bub is overdue. This isn't that difficult."

    Using July 16, 2018 as conception date (her own words). One of those online delivery sites says "Your baby was due on: Monday, April 22, 2019. Your child's due date is in the past." She's trying to drag this thing out into mid May now.

    I've been trying to find any online betting site that will allow me to bet there is no baby. I'm going to make myself some money.

    1. Told you. Hope you didn't take too much of a bath on that gambling site.

  21. Nutmeg has always been smoke and mirrors. The spongebaby is like Exhibit Z. William is a shrewd operator, he should make a competent King.

  22. OMG, I tried so hard to remain indifferent, even hopeful, but now Im flipping riveted and want every detail! If she's saying mid-May, how far along was she at Eugenie's wedding? She was already showing, no?

  23. JustMe-- i love your comment, and need you to figure out what it is!!!!

  24. So, I know the Royal intel is not stupid enough to let someone come in and try to totally unsurp. I am thinking this is all by design of Prince Charles. He and everyone in the know, is 100% certain that he is not Prince Harry's father and this is the way lines are drawn in the sand. Nothing else makes sense to me. How does one girl, beautiful and a wife come from an entertainment background be allowed to just step out of protocol, over and over again. "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."

  25. They're thinking of a chinese name for the baby "QuShon".

  26. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Vita, she was supposedly around 12 weeks at Eugenie's wedding and was 6 months in January of 2019. Her due date was in April, some saying "late April," but it was in April. However, the bump size at Eugenie's wedding was rather significant and made folks think she was further along than that. Then again, her bump size keeps fluctuating all the time so who knows.

    Part of me wonders if she might have lost the baby or wasn't really pregnant when she originally announced but became pregnant later on and is trying to drag out the due date to cover up the loss? Or she was pregnant, lost the child, and had to scramble for a surrogate? Who freaking knows. The time-lines, bump sizes/physics, her amazing ability to squat in heels, her lack of any biological indications that she's carrying a damn child (ie, no real bloating, nausea, discomfort, waddling, difficulty walking, weight gain, breast size increase, etc). Everyone carries differently but she's a fucking unicorn.

  27. Conceived mid July would conveniently be 3 months preg for Eugenie's wedding.

  28. Anonymous2:50 PM

    DD asked the other day why do you guys keep saying "the surrogate"? When it was explained he said no baby. Once MM announces that she's had the baby she can be charged with treason for interfering with the line of succession. All that's keeping her out of jail is she hasn't announced the birth. The minute she does they plan to arrest her. That's why yesterday the BRF announced that Harry would be leaving on a tour May 8th. Of course everyone knows that Harry wouldn't leave his beloved wife still pregnant to go on a tour. So the BRF is pushing MM to announce the birth. She's desperately trying to find a way out and so far her previous backers aren't helping. This has become THE best soap opera ever.

  29. Shows what you know, Ann. They said she was arrested already and released. Lol

  30. Anonymous5:38 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Anonymous5:42 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Prince Charles doesn't have the guts to deal with the PH and MM runaway train wreck. It's all Christopher Geidt, Prince Phillip, and Prince William. Prince Charles and Camilla are mostly absent from BRF news lately. PC, for one, wants to stay out of the line of fire.

  33. Two telling articles in the Daily Mail today/yesterday.

    1. Royal Palace denies baby has already been born (Read: Royal Palace laughs ass off while turning up heat on Meghan to produce a pillow baby).

    2. Queen tells Meghan she is out of line, Palace worries Harry & Meg could "overshadow" the royals and be bigger than all the other royals (total Megan plant)

    Okay I'm off to Twatter

  34. Unknown-- thank you for response, and "unicorn" killed me! 😂 truly though, she was showing quite a bit for three months on a toned tummy at that wedding. But, everyone is different. However, the straight toed gait and running up stairs and squating with no hesitation or adjusting make me suspicious that everything I'd want to decry as ridiculous might be possible.

    Id be sick if this was all bc she did have a miscarriage and was so grief-stricken she couldn't bear public opinion. Had honestly never thought of that. However, with the drubbing she's getting from the bs shenanigans that have been pulled, that kind of truth would have gotten her genuine sympathy. Not to mention the RF wouldn't be dragged into a coverup. If this is anything other than an overdue baby of a self-absorbed lady driving her in-laws crazy, my mind will be blown!

  35. Meghan was not approved after the vetting. Harry had a fit cultivated by her and went rogue.

    The medal that Kate got this evening is very well deserved. The BRF are grateful to have her. Kate also doesn't do Chinese Whispers about hand written thank you notes. No, she gets a medal with diamonds that she will wear at events in public forever after. Diana never got this medal. It is not some sort of automatic thing. The Queen has to actually esteem you. She does with Kate.

  36. Well I guess Andrew is now happy that his little princesses get acknowledgement and a small stipend. They will be first cousins of the monarch one day. William is smart; this guarantees their loyalty and good behavior.

  37. I won’t be surprised if it’s announced MM due to her choices (ie home birth, birth not at Lido Wing) sadly there were complications (after all she wasn’t a spring chicken) and mother and baby died. This takes care of the baby if it isn’t PH’s problem or the rumoured possible fallout because she knows something or might be swept up in Epstein or NXIVM. They killed Diana. ERII’s dad died Feb 1952 which necessitated a year mourning. Her grandmother was dying by early 1953. Concerns about having to postpone ERII’s coronation due to another royal death with would mean three months mourning period (after all she married into BRF) with QM’s agreement she was euthanasied in March 1953.

    “Mary died on 24 March 1953 in her sleep at the age of 85, ten weeks before her granddaughter's coronation.[63] Mary let it be known that, in the event of her death, the coronation was not to be postponed.”

    So to take care of this debacle of MM from the small to the potentially large issues wouldn’t be a stretch on their conscience or resources.

  38. what does he need them for?

  39. MM was not HUGE at E’s wedding. She wore a very oversized coat and only buttoned the two top buttons making it appear as if she couldn’t button her coat due to being pregnant. A few days later in Australia her stomach was perfectly flat. For someone faking a pregnancy, she’s too stupid to realize when to wear which bump. So literally, she looked huge at Christmas and in January and didn’t look pregnant at all in some of the pics at the baby shower in NY. Looks like she forgot to wear a bump at all and held her purse in front of her stomach to hide that there was no baby. She also looked drunk/high in those photos.

  40. @K, I’ve said all along that she ‘could’ die in ‘childbirth.’

  41. Monday 05/06/2019:

    Looks like our girl is in labor...LET THE SHOW BEGIN!!
