Friday, May 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 24, 2019

One of the reasons these two brothers are suing and being financed in their attempts, is to get the court documents in the underlying case unsealed and see just exactly what went down with the can't get work actor.

Ola and Abel Osundairo/Jussie Smollett 


  1. I'm amazed these two "Dreamers" haven't been deported yet.
    The Democrats really don't want Pussy Smellet's testimony in discovery to become public. Especially with the Primary's approaching.

  2. I hope someone really does beat the shit out of Juicy Toilette then when he goes to report it they throw him out of the police station.

  3. I hate these blinds. They bring the MAGAts out.

    1. Seems to me you can’t handle when the magats are right

  4. No, this celebrity gossip site. I hate Smollet too but but nothing to do witth politics.

  5. No, his asshole self brought the "MAGAts" out when he blamed them for committing a hate crime. But as usual you shit heel snowflakes can't possibly hold one of your own accountable for their actions. When you idiots are crying your little eyes out and looking to lay blame after Trump wins another 4 years you would do well to remember shit like this, because the american public certainly will.

    1. Allahu Akbar sounds like one of those Russian clowns who have descended on comment sections since December. Guess who was assigned to CDAN? In December.

      Telling comment scammers to calm down is meaningless but calm the FUCK down.

    2. Everyone that has an opinion that differs from mine is a Russian troll!! 🙄😆🤔👌🏻

      That sounds plausible. Totally.

  6. Hey internet, please stop doing and saying things hothotheat doesn't want you to!

    Don't make her cry!

  7. Lol, I triggered the Orange Turd worshippers 😂.

  8. BUT HER EMAILS!!! 😱

  9. lol @ hothot's spaz.

    Don't be hysterical dear. Sit down for a bit, watch your favorite daytime drama. That's better!

  10. Hothotheat says they don't want politics involved, then drags Hillary into the conversation for no reason...

    It's no wonder you fuck ups keep losing..

  11. Good for them, prove to everyone what a stupid POS Jussie is.

    Trolls, go back to the DM & argue with yourself there with your multiple soc accounts. We don't care about politics here, this is a gossip site.

  12. Obviously the brothers' lawsuit is to get at underlying documents. Litigation privilege will protect the skeeves who made comments about them.

  13. Haha, gossip site doesn't care about politics. That's some rich, dark loamy, pungent, steaming BS there. Serve yourself.

  14. @akbarjohnson

    "Juicy Toilette" OMG lol

  15. HushHush said...
    I'm amazed these two "Dreamers" haven't been deported yet.

    those 2 brothers were born and raised in america. no reason to deport them as they are not dreamers who came here for a better life, theyre home grown americans.

  16. Honestly haven't seen a gratuitous case like that since Epstein. The prosecutors knew Jussie's case was front and center in the media and they still dropped it like he'd only been caught littering. People got paid or markers got called in, no other way.

  17. Oh this cluster fuck gets better and better. A retired states attorney for Cook county has called for a special prosecutor to look into Kim Foxx's handling of the case. A judge has to evaluate whether the case warrants a SP. The judge chosen to decide this?

  18. Is Judge LeRoy Martin Jr.
    He has a son who is also an attorney. His son's boss? Kim Foxx.

    Yep, in the Shitcago tradition they've pick a judge to look into whether the dept his son works for needs investigating.

  19. Between hanging with Jussie and admiring date-rape-drugger Cardi B, Kamala has some explaining to do.


    Conflict Of Interest Problems Could Impact Foxx Hearing On Thursday

    The Jussie Smollett case is causing more courtroom drama.

    Only on 2, questions about another potential conflict of interest involving Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx.

    That conflict of interest between a judge and Foxx’s office.

    CBS 2’s Charlie De Mar has the details.

    The Honorable Leroy Martin Jr. could determine if a special prosecutor will be assigned to probe Kim Foxx’s handling of the Jussie Smollet case. And that potential conflict in question is the judge’s son who works in Kim Foxx’s office.

    Retired judge Sheila O’Brien filed several petitions. The first asking for a special prosecutor to be appointed to review Foxx’s handling of the Jussie Smollett case.

    O’Brien writes that she…

    “Does not know Kim Foxx, the State’s Attorney of Cook County and has no vendetta against her or the State’s Attorney’s office.”

    The actor accused of staging his own racist and homophobic attack, lying to police about it, then just weeks later, charges were dropped by Foxx’s office in a surprise hearing.

    On Tuesday, Foxx firing back with petitions of her own, saying she has already invited the Office of the Inspector General to review her actions in the Smollett case and a special prosecutor wouldn’t be needed because there is “no actual conflict of interest.”

    The issue is set to be heard Thursday in front of the Honorable Leroy Martin Jr., the presiding judge of the Cook County Criminal Division. His son, Leroy Martin III is an Assistant State’s Attorney, working under Kim Foxx since 2018. His LinkedIn reflects it.

    Separate from the potential conflict between Judge Martin, his son and Foxx, O’Brien has already asked for a judge outside of Cook County to determine if a special prosecutor is to be appointed.

    CBS 2 asked the spokesperson for the chief judge if this presents any type of conflict that may require a substitute judge. He referred CBS 2 to the Illinois Supreme Court rule that says a judge shouldn’t comment publicly on pending or impending litigation.

    Essentially a no comment.

    Also in all this, Jussie Smollett was subpoenaed and is supposed to appear in court Thursday. His attorneys filed paperwork asking that Smollett not be required to be there.

  21. Yeah, Russia spends millions to reach and influence the high-powered players who comment on gossip websites.

    Each morning, Putin's like "have we gotten to hothotheat and plot yet? Dammit, I want results!"

  22. Ugh.FlashyVic, I think you summarized this saga best, beginning to end, with just one word...clusterfuck.

    Wouldn't this be example 1 of reasons to recuse? Though Foxx did recuse herself, and look where we are anyway.

    It will be interesting to see if they get the documents unsealed, but is it just curiosity, or is there anything that would be prosecutable?

    This case and Varsity Blues really do have that Be Careful What You Wish For cautionary tale element to them.

  23. Litigation privilege belongs to comments in a courtroom, not with comments made in the media.

  24. Maybe everyone has a conflict of interest. It will be funny to see what that judge does. All they had to do was get Jussie to plead down to some minor charge citing work stress or whatever, get probation and some mandated therapy and it would have been done. The media could play it off as oh that was just Jussie being crazy haha. Instead it's expanded into a whole corruption issue, hope it was worth it.

  25. The worst part of a really kneejerk media circle jerk was that his record was expunged! I mean that is some liberal privilege right t


  26. I love Donald J Trump. Voted for him and will again.

    The Smollett and Osundo liars confirm I'm right, and the skeevy Dems are wrong. God help you idiots.

    And God bless America and wanton gossip websites, Enty!! Been on this site for years, sit down and check yourselves, newbies.

  27. @Vita: Foxx did NOT recuse herself. She said that she did, but did not do so officially. Even after her ‘supposed recusal’ she was still
    sending emails regarding the case. Nobody in her office should’ve worked on this case. A special prosecutor should’ve been brought in.

  28. Why would anyone have to be a MAGA supporter to want to see this lying SOB suffer? That doesn't even compute with me. I think he's cancer for everyone.

  29. "hothotheat said...
    No, this celebrity gossip site. I hate Smollet too but but nothing to do witth politics."

    LMAO, he made it about politics! The 'this is MAGA country', the MAGA hats, his anti Trump rants, the racial aspect.... Are you fucking slow or something?

  30. Aquagirl-- you are exactly right...I meant she announced she did, yet kept pulling the strings from behind the curtain.
    The whole thing is just such a circus, when it could have been a two week story. Embarrassing!

  31. America has always been great! If people want to vote for a orange conman that's a egomaniac whose lied to them over nine thousand times then it's their right. A man who brags about his intelligence as he orders his advisors to obstruct justice and escaped prosecution, because they wouldn't follow orders or to incompetent to contact the right Russian is the person they want representing them then so be it. A president that divides a nation instead of making us see that we have more in common than the minor details doesn't meet my standard of a leader. Trump is like any other criminal that blames law enforcement or the media or crooked Hilary for the fact he's in trouble when he has no other person to blame, but himself. Since his base falls for his bullshit like the idiots he thinks they are I pray the Southern District of New York saves us from another four years of having the embarrassment of another four years of having a Twitter troll as our president!

  32. Pretty funny calling people "magats", since the Assistant State's Attorney assigned to the case & who did the actually dismissal of charges is named Joseph Magats.

  33. Kamala Harris /Jussie Smollet 2020! That's the ticket!

  34. I bet the Nigerian bros are not only white supremacists but also Trump supporters and Russian assets too!



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