Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 6, 2019

This A+ list mostly movie actor wanted nothing to do with the event thrown every week by the former A+ list rapper. The studio made him do it though for press for his new movie.

Brad Pitt/Kanye West service


  1. I don't understand this at all... how does a studio make and actor attend a church service? What's the point?

  2. Huh. I was way off. Is this for Once Upon A Time In Hollywood?

    What a strange thing to make your star do.

  3. Did he feel the spirit and start dancing down the aisle?

  4. WTF does Kanye's stupid moneygruibbing Sunday "service" have to do with a Tarantino movie? How much marketing could Pitt possibly do there?

  5. This makes no sense to me. Did Leo have to go as well?

  6. it's for a different movie - AD Astra. Dunno why this would be "publicity" - I have seen nothing publicized about it. And its stupid - everyone knows Brad Pitt doesn't believe in organized religious shit -

  7. "made him" do it? With a gun to his head?

    Sounds more like the way Harvey Weinstein "made" women have sex with him. Pitt thinks going will get him more money.

  8. Because the Sunday service was the one at Coachella and maybe he would get filmed or interviewed by the TV crews while he was there?

  9. Yuck. Every time I see one of the staged pics from these events(cult) I see Jim Jones and koolaid.
    I liked Kanye before he became a pawn of PMK

  10. Is it true that 50000 people attended his church service in Coachella? Thats a lot of people!

  11. Brads mother is hard core Southern Baptist and is probably sick of the whole scene.

  12. The real question is, do angels talk to Kanye? 🤔

  13. @Bray, the bigger question do even Angles comprehend/understand Kanye West?

  14. @yep, Once you understand he's just on the world's longest manic episode everything he says makes complete sense. Done selling shoes now you're going to be a preacher man? Sure thing Kanye, if one has boundless energy, insomnia and delusions of grandeur it is the next logical step.

  15. I would never have linked Brad Pitt to Kanye West. This is a crazy world we live in
