Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 5, 2019

As I told you a few weeks ago, the media covering the Palace have now confirmed that the alliterate one and her royal companion are indeed looking for a house in Los Angeles.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry


  1. Maybe they just get tired of the rain.

    1. Its been raining for last three months in so. Calif. Have not washed my car...

  2. 3,2,1...Let the hate begin.

    1. Yup..very sad and it's all based on gossip and conspiracy theories...her family is shit to her as well except her mom..

  3. If Meghan's looking to cause the Queen extra stress, this is an excellent way to do it.

  4. Page views page views page views...

  5. So how can you be part of the BRF and live in LA?

  6. Yes, but Bea grew up in England. They'd be taking the baby an ocean away from the Queen.

  7. She won't be liked or get the attention she desperately craves in LA either.

  8. @Meredith: Yes, but Bea is not a f/t working royal.

    1. Right, so if harry wants to continue to receive his 2 million dollar a year expense allowance from Charles he'll have to continue to stick around the palace and shake hands.

  9. Maybe like the BBC they see themselves more as Globalists who only need to extort from the British proles.

  10. That would be a very nice place for them.......just as old hollywood is fading from a bad case of degeneracy, there will be fresh faces for ....

  11. The BRF probably feel like they should be getting a piece USA tax dollars as well, and this is just a beachhead

  12. lol if they put in lots of solar panels etc., just to get American tax dollars.

    Not all people on welfare are useless. The British royals, though, are.

  13. How do we know it’s not just for her mother? Doesn’t mean it’s for them. I don’t see them moving from the UK to LA

    1. Totally agree.

    2. Because since the day they became engaged everyone has been on a hate campaign so obviously she is vile and evil because no one would ever use them for profit and click bait...silly 😜

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Love the comments! MM is an American - if they want an US abode and it is okay with HMTQ and PC, so be it.

  16. To which I say:


    I hope they acquire a nice one!

    (There's a lot of crappy homes in LA!)

  17. When the shit starts hitting the fan most euro nobility plan on moving to the USA. This is just the first formal foray

  18. Great - No more taxpayer funding.Byeeeeeee

  19. @Brayson, that is part of the reason I have no interest in visiting London.

    @DavidHowes - Yes, and CA in general, but the weather's nice! Mostly.

  20. Taxpayers in UK pay less than a dollar each annually for the BRF. Fact. In addition, they bring waaaay more tourist dollars than realized. Tired of ppl bitching about how they pay for their lifestyle.

  21. I'd love to live in London. Incredible place.

  22. Although I wouldn't want to pay a penny to support those useless inbreds and (looking at you, Harry) halfbreds.

  23. CinnyToast, explain just how the BRF brings in tourist dollars. People don't travel to the the UK to see a member of the BRF. I am a dual US-UK citizen. I lived in London for 5 years. I saw the Queen once go by on her way to the opening of Parliament and I saw Prince Charles off in the distance coming out of Westminster Abbey. These were truly "drive by" spottings. If the monarchy were no more, there would be more palaces open for public viewing. I don't understand the argument that the BRF brings in tourist dollars. It really doesn't.

    1. The same way all these gossip sites get clicks and ad revenue..sad you don't understand the basic concept of capitalism.

  24. Anonymous10:39 AM

    No one vacations in the UK says they are going to see royals. The grifter DINO has made a huge ding in the royal family's popularity. I visit several UK sites and the comments are growing angry and louder. I don't see the monarchy lasting past the current Queen. Harry better learn some skills because Meghan's lifestyle wouldn't be supported working at a fast food chain.

  25. She has experience in with salads and tacos, right?

  26. The reason people go to see the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, the crown Jewels et al is BECAUSE of the history of Britain that the royal families are inextricably intertwined in. It isn't that people are clamoring to see the royals per se, I'm sure most people know they aren't going to see a royal when they are there, but the continued existence of the royals certainly drives traffic to a lot of the sites there. And these souvenir shops and stands are staying in business for a reason.

  27. "Archie" is a freaking DOLL. A plastic doll. When is this BS from Markle going to end?

  28. Que the trolls.

    Archie won't get a normal life there, so she won't get Harry to go for it, visits sure for Doria, but not to live. They are better off in the english country side. It's not like she can work as an actor anymore or her career was on fire. She was a supporting actor on a cable show no one watched.

  29. purple puffin, I live in London, and I will answer your question.

    Royal-linked tourism brings in roughly GBP 120 per year, while the royal family and everything linked to home, cost approximately 80 million. On jubilee years, during Kate and Williams wedding, and on the Queen's special birthdays, they potentially bring in is GBP 250 million. Sometimes more.

    Every heard of capitalism? It's what makes the world go round, what pays for education, health care, and 1st world living standards. People who visit Britain because they want to take a photograph outside Buckingham palace, or wave at a balcony, need to get there. They spend money on trains, airfares, airports need to be built (London has 5 airports), people need to work there, in the shops, the restaurants and in airport logistics.
    From the airports people take trains, busses and taxis into London. Train stations have to be refurbished, made larger to accommodate the airport speed trains. The train stations have shops, restaurants, and sometimes even hotels. All this shit needs to be built by building companies employing hundreds of people each.
    The hotels in London need staff, they need to be refreshed every few years (by hiring other building companies), they need to be furnished and accessorised.
    The tourists need to be fed, London has over 100,000 restaurants. They need staff, cleaners, food needs to be imported, delivered, prepared.
    Tourists buy cheap knick knacks and royal-related souvenirs. These need to be made in factories, then shipped, delivered, and finally sold in tens of thousands of shops, otherwise, where are they going to buy their Queen Elizabeth tea towel and Prince George coffee mugs?
    Royalty related bus tours need to be created, staffed, busses bought, routes established, to take millions of tourists to stately homes, country estates, museums, etc each year.
    Events that have royal patronage, like Royal Ascot, or the Chelsea Flower, or The Proms, or other dozens of bullshit fancy get togethers, attract potentially hundreds of thousands of visitors. The need to get there, eat, drink and spend money, so the people working there can get a salary.
    Artists, such as singers, painters, and furniture designers embezzle their designs with the images of the Queen, this shit needs to be made in factories, or by carpenters, or printed in printing factories. Fashion designers do the same, this stuff needs to be made in textile factories. All this crap then needs to be packed, wrapped and shipped and delivered by thousands of people each year to the places where other thousands of people sell them in.

    Like it or not, the BRF create hundreds of thousands, if not millions of jobs, directly or indirectly. Yes London has a lot more to offer than just that family, but don't you underestimate what British people really like them for. We don't give 2 fucks about the royals, but we're also not stupid or simpleminded, the economy tied to the royals is something everyone benefits from.
    A lot of primitive Americans don't understand this, they call them parasites, and whatnot, but seriously the Queen is a fucking hard worker. For the past 70 years she's been cutting ribbons, doing small talk, nodding her head, shaking hands, opening factories, visiting charities, travelling the commonwealth and doing all this shit abroad too; going to places you and I would die from boredom at, every day, weekdays or weekends, shuffling from one tediously boring bullshit place to the next, always with a smile, always gracious constantly, sometimes 1,200 attendances per year, and for SEVENTY FUCKING YEARS. And never ever taking it lightly, or for granted, because she knows it's her duty.

    So yeah, they might need us, but we also need them.

    1. I hardly ever agree with you but your spot on..just like when the boys got married..ratings soared...the royals do great things for charity as well.

  30. Unknown, when half-prince Harry wears his nazi outfit, do your eyes well up with proud tears?

  31. @Do Tell, you are speaking to people who have never heard of these places and don't understand that the Tower of London alone gets 2 million visitors per year.

    I feel like some of these posters wouldn't venture further than Madame fucking Tussaud's.

  32. Ummm, you could toss out the royal family without tearing down the Tower of London.

  33. J, you simpleton, I can't stand that half wit. Does that answer your primitive question?

    Where's Rosie? Isn't it the time of the day you two usually do your pathetic fighting?

  34. OK, Unknown, if not him, which of the royals do you "need?"

  35. Go bait Rosie J, she's on your level.

  36. Unknown, you just said you needed the royals. I'm simply asking you to name one of those you need.

    Unless your little panegyric was simply bullshit.

  37. As a fine English writer said of your royals:

    “Here lies our sovereign lord the king,
    Whose word no man relies on:
    He never says a foolish thing,
    Nor ever does a wise one.”

  38. if you have issues with comprehension, take it up with your parents, who must have been too closely related

    if you have reading issues, take it up with your optometrist, you fucking troglodyte

  39. Here's what I read, in your post on the English royal family:

    "So yeah, they might need us, but we also need them."

    In response to which, I ask "whom among those do you need?"

    It's not really an epistemological challenge, commoner. Your phrasing was quite direct.

    But apparently it wasn't sincere, since you can't name an essential.

    1. Google the charities they contribute to ..no ones doing the research for you.How many millions have you given away?

  40. I was absolutely desperate to get my husband back. Life without my husband was a real mess for me and my children. i wanted a dramatic change and I thought magic could be the solution. After discussing the resolution with Robinson.buckler, he gave me hope that he will restore my marriage. I felt confident that he will actually make my husband to return home and he did! It’s fantastic what Robinson.buckler have done for me. his help is priceless! I don't know what I would have done without Robinson.buckler, He does his job so well he is organized and highly functional, i believe he is the best spell caster i can count on when it comes to love spell, I was floored that his spells worked Thanks! God bless??????i contacted him through his email address Robinson.buckler@((((yahoo.)))) com

  41. The home in LA is probably for MM's mother Doria, and to be put MM's name in case of divorce. It will be a summer home as such, though I have no idea what summer in LA is like. And she would probably prefer award season. Harry might prefer Las Vegas, David Howes might be available for some home viewings! ;-)

    As a dual citizen MM will have trouble ditching her US citizenship if she has a US address. As I'm sure the Family Trust, and the BRF don't want the IRS looking into their finances.

    Funny I haven't heard any more talk of an African residence lately. Or a Governor Generalship in a Commonwealth Nation either.

  42. Harry only gets 300K a year, not 2 million.

    Doria is in a weird position as her race is being leveraged by Meghan and apparently they weren't that close. Also apparently Doria has a criminal history and is a lesbian which is really neither here nor there since I could easily have a criminal history and am lucky not to, wooo!!

    The doll is plastic, yes. The new child we see whenever we see it will bear ZERO resemblance to that doll unless they get craaazy lucky but I'm guessing not at all.

    1. Clearly the thought of her sexuality is at the forefront of your homophobic hate mongering mind..

  43. wait what? harry was holding A DOLL??

  44. Oh my God. You're reaching. Face it, the pregnancy was real, the baby is real.

    1. The pregnancy was fake. She couldn't even bother to wear the fake bumps in the right sequence.

  45. @J - I agree with everything you've said on here. I'm British and we pay a bloody fortune to keep the royals. Sick of the lot of them.

    @Hunter - I agree with you too. I've seen side-by-side pics of a real baby and Darren the reborn doll - identical. Also, there are comments in the DM re the baby feet photos on the Sussex's Instagram, saying that those feet are far too big to be that of a newborn baby. It could be that the baby (if a real baby) is a few months old. She def wasn't pregnant. I'm wondering if she told halfwit Hazza that she was when they were in Botswana, forcing the issue and had to marry when there.

  46. Nix Harry from being a FT royal. Let him focus his energies in just running the Invictus Games and his African charities. Have Megan divorce him as soon as humanly possible, with spousal and child support coming in at $200k per annum.

  47. Do Not Lie, do you know the Farkles from Laugh-In?

    Talk about prescient!

  48. Wow people really beleive that was a doll? I mean surrogate maybe

  49. All this baby fakery (if it is fakery)... could it be Harry's way of getting back at his mother?

  50. Agreed, Kimberly on the size of the feet of the baby. They were huge.

  51. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Agree she was never pregnant and the baby feet in the photo were monstrous for a newborn. I couldn't believe it when the Queen and Prince Phillip gave this couple shade by visiting. European royalty is nothing but a joke. Between Harry marrying this grifter and Princess Martha who announced her engagement to some snake oil shaman from LA. Inbreeding has destroyed royal IQ in Europe.

  52. Home in LA? Unlike Kate, MM's mother doesn't live full time in the UK, so the choice is either they stay with her mom, and turn her mom's house into a permanent paparazzi camp and disrupt their neighborhood with all the extra security OR they have a home in LA where they can visit her and avoid that mess. Kate visits her family and she and William stay with them - but Doria doesn't have an estate like the Middleton's.

    Not his feet? My SIL and brother are tall, and the photo of Archie's baby feet and legs looks like 2 of their 3 babies' feet/legs at birth - so yes, they CAN be a newborn's feet and legs.

    Fake baby? Yes, a newborn human baby can look like a doll and not actually be a doll. Two of my nieces looked doll-like at birth... their features were very sharp and they weren't 'bobble-headed' as babies can be. Our family remarked how 'doll-like' they looked - in photos, it's uncanny.

    Didn't give birth? when I saw video of her walking, my first thought was "she's gained weight and she's still got a waddly gate". So if she faked her pregnancy, she's also been coached to walk differently, put on weight in her face and arms, and convinced the entire royal family to keep up the ruse. No way the courtiers, who hate her bi-racial, American actress guts would LOVE to out her for being such a diva. But more importantly, no one who says she faked it can give a convincing reason she'd do it.

    It's Occam's Razor: Knowing the insane attention the birth would have, and the irrational hate for her in the press, she and Harry went on media blackout, thus allowing them to have a safe, peaceful, paparazzi-free birth.

  53. Is it one of those dolls which talks when you pull a string?

    If so, can Harry operate it?

  54. Agree there was a surrogate, the baby didn't move, wiggle, breathe, or twitch when all the cameras were making a racket. Unless they drugged that kid to insensibility, it was a doll. As for why? Who knows, maybe the surrogate still has the child and is asking for more money?

  55. @fairylights - That's what I think. I seem to recall that Meghan was touching the 'baby's' head at one point and Harry fended her off with his elbow. That baby did not move. He also mentioned the amazing changes to the baby in the last 2 weeks! Plus there was the tweet from Kensington Palace that they had used a surrogate, and that tweet swiftly vanished.
    Article in today's DM that they are pruning their team at Frogmore Cottage as they want to be hands-on parents with the help of Doria. No staff, no witnesses ...
    I wonder if they're even living at Frogmore? I find it all so shady.

    1. She kept rubbing on the baby's head, really heavy-handedly. She hasn't got a clue about anything. And why the massive bump high on her chest and veering to the left?

  56. Kimberly, there is an app where you can make fake tweets. I think it is called tweet yourself.

    Congratulations, everyone. I think this is the best a MM thread has gone. Maybe we are on our way up? Clap clap

  57. @Unknown with the long rant about Royals/London economy: Bravo. Sincerely. You're saying exactly what I've always said, albeit a lot more thoroughly. :)

  58. Last night my husband and I were discussing visiting London and these are the things we would like to do: Churchill’s war room, Crown Jewels at the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, BP, Althorpe, Osborne House, the cliffs of Dover and generally some water tours or a chartered fishing trip or something similar— something on the water.

    So, yes, in this one example, the RF fits prominently on the to do list.

  59. Oh, we love walking tours. If you ever go to New Orleans, do the vampire tour and the ghost tour.

  60. If I could get my shit straight in time, I would love to make the Frogmore secret garden open house this month (I think it’s this month).

  61. Oh, and one more: mudlarking on the Thames

  62. The royal family is the catalyst that gets people off the couch and on a plane to England. People land and realize the UK is a gorgeous group of countries each with their own accents and idiosyncrasies. Nobody goes thinking they will actually see a royal. I did completely by accident. It was quite exciting.

    Trains to Wales, Scotland, Bath, Hadrian's Wall, The Fens, Greenwich, Cornwall, cathedrals, great houses crammed with history. A country where a tourist doesn't have to drive. This is what keeps tourists coming back. If you trip over a royal, that's a bonus.

    To say that royals are a net loss to the UK economy is silly beyond belief. Hate them if it makes you feel more egalitarian. But do not confuse personal hatred with reality. Your dislike of royals has not a whit to do with the facts. Remove them if you wish. It's easy. Vote them gone. Make a deal with the family regarding lands, castles, personal jewels separate from crown jewels.. Voila!! Done.

    The value of totals is their value. That doesn't change because the Duchess is hated as a "half breed" (more of a quarter-breed but who's counting) "spoiling" the purity of the royal bloodline. Certainly, that bloodline needed a infusion of hybrid-vigor.

    Get rid of them if you don't want them. Doing so is a heavy-lift but surely your unstaunched hated will carry you through.

  63. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Unknown had a great breakdown of how the BRF still brings in a lot of revenue but forgot to mention one thing - the BRF owns a *ton* of real-estate in the UK. Most of the time folks think only about the palaces and residences (historical and current), but forget something called the Crown Estate which covers so much more. Basically, the Crown Estate is a portfolio of real-estate holdings that is managed as its own corporation now. My basic understanding is that in exchange for managing these holdings (and all the income that comes with it), the BRF gets a percentage back via the Sovereign Grant Act. The main benefactor of the Crown Estate is the UK itself.

    To get an idea of the kind of real-estate here, per Wiki we are talking about all "of Regent Street, half of St. James's in London's West End, as well as retail property across the UK in locations including Oxford, Exeter, Nottingham, Newcastle, Harlow, and Swansea." They also have "116,000 (287,000 acres) of agricultural land and forest, together with minerals and commerical property." Then you have Windsor Park which has the Ascot Racecourse, approximately 55% of the UK's foreshore, and the Crown Estate "owns virutally all of the UK's seabed from mean low water to the 12 nautical mile limit." That's a huge chunk of real estate we are talking about that the UK benefits from.

    St. James's absolutely a tourist draw as is most of the high-end shops along Regent Street. I also want to say the BRF used to own all of the fancy parks in London as well but those are now considered part of the Crown Estate as well? And Hyde Park, Regent's Park, and Kensington Gardens are huge tourist draws in and of themselves. I could be wrong though about those though. I also want to say that many of the museums include a lot of pieces that the BRF donated and while many of the museums are free, they definitely generate income by drawing folks into London to view them via fares from the Tube, etc. So the BRF absolutely contributes to generated income for the UK, either directly or indirectly.

    1. Do the royal family really attract that much tourism tho?

      I can’t imagine myself flying all the way to London to take a selfie in front of where the Queen lives. THat would make me feel rather pathetic—but that’s just me?! 🤷🏻‍♀️🐈

      For london, I can see myself visiting Watkins Books, but that’s it. Then again I’m a snob who refused to visit Paris & stuck with the south of France the whole time I lived in Europe so maybe I’m just being an asshole...

      I did however take a whole train ride & queued in line to take a photo with the Hatchikō statue at Shibuya. I can do it for a statue of a dog; but for a fellow human being—especially a group of people who are simply deemed “special” because tehy were born into it, i’d feel rather pathetic doing it...

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Still waiting for that arrest...🤣🤣🤣

  66. @Scandi

    I love the movies about Hachiko. What a story. I'm half Japanese so I'm know the importance of that dog's story. Its more than "just a dog". I've never been to that statue, but I'll try some day.

    As for MM, great can't wait. Even more hate when they arrive. The more people write about them, the less chance they'll be forgotten. You stop writing, they start to not matter. Pretty simple really.

    1. EXACTLY.

      Hatchikō actually did something worthy of recognition, he wasn’t just born into a family of noble Akitas or something. I think what Hatchikō did was admirable. 🐈🤷🏻‍♀️🐕

  67. I have been to the Hachiko statue in Tokyo.

    But I have also been to Paris, so........

    Sorry Scandi, but you sitting around in the South fo France for who knows how long and purposely shunning Paris (and Italy to the right and Spain to the left), is not snobby at all, it's totally and utterly and atrociously ignorant. Sorrynotsorry.

    1. WOW, Unknown @ 12:34.

      Now who’s being snobbish and sanctimonious calling people “totally and utterly and atrociously ignorant”?

      Did I not make it clear that I actually REGRETTED IT because I was young and stupid?

      I was actually self-aware enough to call myself an “ASSHOLE” in my own post. People who are STILL snobbish don’t call themselves “ASSHOLES”, and did I sound proud of it? I don’t think I did.

      I’m not the one wagging my finger at some stranger online. Do you feel soooo much better about yourself now that you called a stranger online “utterly and atrociously ignorant” for looking back at her mistakes she was younger?

      Maybe take a chill pill?

      Holy hell, get off you’re high-horse.

      Doesn’t make you appear any more “cultured”, if that’s what you’re trying to do...

  68. wow @scandi... "Maybe take a chill pill?" oh the irony.

    Ok, please untwist your knickers darling, as long as you understand you were young and dumb (but definitely not full of cum ;) ) we're cool.

    Just please, stop getting that blood pressure up like that. As you said, I'm a stranger from the internet, so please get little bit thicker skin.
    And next time, when you do get the chance, go visit Paris, and Eastern Spain and Northern Italy. you won't regret it.

    Sending you hugs xoxoxo

    1. “I have been to the Hachiko statue in Tokyo.”

      And by the way, that trip to Japan saved my fucking life and gave me hope and helped me regain the will to live again...

      While I was feeling suicidal because a guy I liked was too busy being a suck-up and kissing so he could social climb and be around royalty.

      So yeah I was mad and my blood pressure got up because that trip LITERALLY MEANT MY LIFE TO ME. I will NEVER EVER MINIMISE THAT EXPERIENCE. It was not a “social status” thing for me at all. It saved my life. It is the reason why I am replying to judgmental strangers online today.

    2. ANd of course I wasn’t “FULL OF CUM” because I don’t suck dicks and get pregnant on purpose for free rides and money.

      Why would that even cross your mind?

      Is it because that’s what YOU do to travel around?

  69. JFC. For fucks' sake, calm down!

    You have advertised plenty of time there that you're a virgin, that's why I said that. It's a saying, ad I was trying to tickle your funny bone, no make you laugh and relax, but perhaps that's impossible.

    Sweetie, I'm glad you're not suicidal anymore, and hopefully you have learned that no random guy is worth killing yourself for. It's definitely better to fly off to Japan and visit a small monument dedicated to a dog.
    But seriously, you might want to get some thicker skin, I'm saying this for you. You can't get suicidal or hysterical every time somebody says something you don't like, or doesn't like you back.

  70. and btw, I'm happily married, I never sucked dicks for free rides or money, since I never had to, I only sucked them for pleasure

  71. I LOVED London and the UK. I never thought of seeing a royal, didn't occur to me, but the HISTORY of everything is fascinating. That is the draw for most, not a selfie in front of BP. Unknown has it exactly right, and if I had to pay less than a dollar annually towards them, I would. Happily.

  72. If this is all the same Unknown... what an asshole.

  73. I've never been to Japan,but would also love to see the Hachiko statue. I have had the honor of being the companion human to 2 Akitas,both rescues,and have the Japanese and English versions of the movie. Sadly,insurance companies no longer cover them,so I suppose I will never have another. One of mine was a twin to the movie dog. Yes,they are life changing.

  74. Ann, could you clarify for us if the Duchess of Sussex has already been arrested, is about to be arrested, is in custody, has no contact with the outside world, is couch surfing because she has no money, or is in hiding with the clooneys or is under the thumb of Lord Geidt. 😂😂😂😂 I’ve lost track of the conspiracy theories.

  75. I can find no evidence that "the palace confirmed", unless Enty is now considering the Daily Mail or The Sun to be official spokespersons for the palace. In Australia, they say MM is househunting in Toronto. Another UK site says she's hunting for a house in London, to relocate her mum there. So which is it? Is she buying a house in LA? (not, I may add, the same as relocating to LA...) Or it is Toronto? Or is her mom moving to London, in which case why would she move to LA OR Toronto?

    Biggest question of all: what did everyone spend their time hating before Meghan came along? Because studying photos to determine the specific location and angle of her pregnant stomach takes a LOT of time... and she's only been around for a year and a half. What DID everyone do before her with so much free time? ;)

  76. Well, knitting is boring compared to gossiping about MM.
