Saturday, May 11, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 1, 2019

This B+ list mostly television actor who won't work for a long time thinks this vindicates him. Nope. Reality is there was a contract and it would cost a whole lot more to go to court after canceling it than just paying it.

Jussie Smollett/Empire


  1. Hopefully we'll know soon why protecting this jagoff was so important to Kamala Harris and the Obamas.

    1. Oh if Jussie were smart he'd land a $1 million book deal to tell all right now and then disappear forever, because he'll never have a real career now anyway. But we've all seen how smart he is.

  2. Another liar set free

  3. One day he'll be reminiscing to random Walmart shoppers about the time he was on a popular TV show, as he's stocking shelves with generic brand toilet paper.

  4. I put this guy right up there with George Zimmerman. Two of the biggest pieces of shit to walk the earth.

  5. Juicy J and The King: Smollett's Are An Clinton Era MkUltra Family Helping Shape The Cultural "Empire" - Yoichi Shimatsu Makes a Pizza

    "Smollet provided a distraction and the purpose was to deflect from GAY RICH WHITE DEMOCRATIC FUNDRAISER AND SERIAL BLACK MURDERER ED BUCK, among other things."

    1. What about the governor of VA? The blackface wearing governor, with nickname of Coonman. That story disappeared. Imagine a Republican governor's yearbook page, with him in blackface, standing next to a person in a Klan robe. We never would stopped hearing about it.

    2. Everyone's pizza gate to you your tin foil hats on backward

  6. OOH Forgot about Buck. What's the latest on that? Just two dead in his house. WTF? These demo donors are the best, no?

    Oh and reminds me about the GOV's partnership with GG, whose ho's house was full of weapons. CA is so colorful! Pelosi/ Newsome and Getty. What a team.

  7. Oh and reminds me about the GOV's partnership with GG, whose ho's house was full of weapons. CA is so colorful! Pelosi/ Newsome and Getty. What a team.

    Right in Jay-Z's backyard too.

  8. Good point, cat. Another shithead democrat.

    Let's hope the party gets its head out of its collective ass soon. Go Bernie!

  9. The thing that kills me about this guy is that he cant just humbly thank his lucky stars and stay quiet, he has to act like each "lucky break" is another declaration of his innocence.ugh.

  10. This guy is not only not smart, but a flat out pompous a$$. He was a supporting actor on a network show past it's prime that only has a couple years left, if that. Instead of working hard and getting a better agent, he decides to do an illegal stunt. His "career" is over. Next year he will be doing some regional theater and trying to get a "reality show".

  11. I see a Netflix/Obama documentary on this asshole

  12. Jussie really is the second coming of Tawana Brawley. Two gigantic POS whose legendary prevarication, huge waste of public resources, and general assholery will follow them for the rest of their lives

  13. Wow cat, I just googled! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?

    His name is Ralph Northam, he's in full on blackface smiling next to a KKK clad imbecile, and you're right; if this had been any republican, it would be front page news for weeks.
    Reminds me of Hillary calling KKK leader Byrd, her 'great friend and mentor'.
    Meanwhile Trump was been in the public eye for decades and has never been accused of racism until he decided to run for office. There are dozens of rap songs that reference Trump as an exemplary hero of success.
    Liberalism is truly a severe mental illness, they are deliberately blind to their own sewer and filth, their questionable immoral allegiances and violent fascist ways, yet get whipped into a frenzy by baseless accusations they throw at their 'enemies', they made up in the first place.

    Fucking 'rats alright.

  14. Looks like Enty needs to block some more trolls.

    We don't care for politics here, go back to the DM and post under your multiple dummy accounts there.

  15. @Andi, hard to stay away from politics when Jussie made it about politics and the blind is about him. When all of Hollyweird and celebrity-land seem to be able to talk about is politics, preaching to us plebs, telling us whom to vote for, what to believe and whom to support, while ranting from inside their bubbles, then they're fair game for us to judge and talk about. Especially when they're involved in fake hate crimes.
    May I suggest you fuck off to a safe space in North Korea, if you can't handle differing political points of view that seem to get your panties in a bunch.



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