Saturday, May 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 16, 2019

This A+ list news anchor was wearing lifts at least a couple of inches high for his cable network's upfront.

Anderson Cooper


  1. He isn't that short,not like Don Lemon,who many guessed.

  2. He's not short at 5'10" and he's pretty thin which would make him seem taller than he is.

  3. Still, always optics optics, people like a taller man.

  4. The higher the lifts, the more insecure the man.
    Such an easy way to hone in on a man's vulnerability.
    Like a woman who has big implants.
    Screaming, "I am valuable"

  5. I still love him. Don't care. Just sad that he feels the necessity, but maybe he wants his legs to look longer.

  6. Agreed who cares.... Tom Cruise wears them, Ryan Seacrest, Ben Stiller, Prince wore full on high heels. Women wear heels all the time who’s gives a fuck.

  7. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Candy Vanderbilt should have just worn her 6" Jimmy Choo's. You know she's got them.

  8. Probably going for the intimidation/impression factor

  9. Does he shop the Petites section?

  10. I recommend the documentary they did a few years ago on HBO about him and his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt. It was really interesting. She's a fascinating woman with a tragic history-especially the death of her son and Anderson's brother, Carter

  11. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Think about how weird it is that one of the most respected, trusted names in "news" just happens to be the heir to one of the great robber baron fortunes (whether he says he's inheriting the actual money or not).
    This is all about "breeding" with these people as much as it is about money. It's not for looks or intelligence, it's just about carrying on certain bloodlines for some weird reason that is probably complete bull**** in reality but not to them. They believe themselves to be superior, and whose to argue? After all they do have the $ and power.
    What happened to Carter the suicided son?
    Remember it's nothing supernatural. It's just what these people believe they are and what they have done and will do to keep that status.
