Friday, May 24, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 14, 2019

The alliterate talk show host wants you to believe one thing, but she sits at home most nights alone with no one to talk to.

Wendy Williams


  1. There's always Alexa or Siri.

  2. Her choice. She needs to work on herself anyway, being alone would be a good thing for her if she only realized it.

  3. She was such a hateful mean woman for so many years I am sure she does sit alone.

  4. @MountainMama - I was on a jury in January when WW's issues were first heating up and we had quite a few black people on the jury who were UP TO DATE on the gossip in ways all of us in the CDAN community would have tipped our hats

    So at one point during a break I mentioned a little WW gossip and hoo!! it got exciting, we went back to her radio days (this is in NYC btw - Sam Waterson from L&O does our court instruction videos) and needless to say, the people who have known WW since DAY ONE say she is a nasty nasty piece of work who deserves what she's getting now and THEY TOO remembered what I remembered from 20 years ago (us old hoes) when Kevin was thumping on her in the studio.

    By all accounts, she's not a good person.

  5. Kevin is also a total POS, which goes without saying.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Kevin has a strong pimp aura. Very similar to Ike Turner ..IMO.

  8. Wendy VS. Angie Martinez feud is a classic it goes back a couple of decades.

  9. @hunter, oh that is some good tea and substantiates everything I have thought about her for years.

  10. Well I believe Aliens are already among us, and she can't make me believe otherwise!

  11. Ahh, I was waiting so long for the daily WW blind

  12. Hunter-- LOL, I love that you turned downtime during jury duty into a full-on tea party!😁 Bummed to hear she's not a good lady. I hoped she just got bitten by the gossip bug, like the rest of us.

  13. Wendy needs to take some time and work on herself. Alcoholics aren't supposed to be dating too soon into recovery anyway. If it bothers her, she can start doing some volunteer work.

  14. People are saying she's not divorcing her husband this is all a ruse

  15. Call me Wendy! I've got time for you.
