Monday, May 20, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 10, 2019

I warned you this would happen. Not only are the tabloids ignoring the obvious and treating the public like fools by suggesting/implying/hinting/saying it straight out that this A- list reality star and the foreign born former boy bander are dating, now they are dragging into it this athlete who is "jealous." Stop the madness.

Kendall Jenner/Harry Styles/Ben Simmons


  1. The public are fools. So I don't see any problem here.

  2. To be different, maybe Kendull isn't gay, maybe she wants to be a man(?) Perhaps that is why she doesn't just come out.

  3. Harry and Ben should date it would be more interesting than either dating Kendull

  4. Just ridiculous...the girl is successful, she doesn't need to be a tabloid story. Kris and her crapfest hype-machine did her such a disservice with the hyperbole before her ProActive campaign. Im surprised kendall didnt fire her. If this is Kris generated press, she needs to stop. If this is just dumb tabloids doing dumb tabloid nonsense, it's getting way more eye rolls than believers.

  5. I bet Simmons is a catcher, cause he is scared to shoot.

  6. Ben and Harry's Ice Cream?
