Thursday, May 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 22, 2019

Those wedding earrings made an appearance at the Easter service after not being seen since the actual wedding itself. Guess that means the cheated on more senior princess is not going anywhere.

Kate Middleton


  1. Does anybody really believe this happened?and was it with the tall slim girl with the long brown hair they used to be friends with?

    1. I read somewhere, he cheated with some female who used to be a friend..

    2. I read that too. Someone with a floral name. Lily, Daisy, Rose, Violet, Petunia, Creeping Phlox... Something like that.

  2. When she is figuring out her outfits, does she ever wonder "Wow what innocuous item on my person will make people completely lose their minds today?"

  3. I don't believe the cheating accusation. I think this was William and Kate sniffing out loose lips within their circle: Harry. I think Harry was confided with this secret, being the dim witted cretin that he is, he shared with sparkles, and sparkles of course ran to the press with this juicy smear.

    That's why the huge headlines of the brothers fighting and not speaking and whatnot. And that's why the threat of an African exile.

  4. Kate is being honoured by the Queen tomorrow, for her service to the Royal family. The firm is behind her. Not so much the planter of this rumour.

  5. Yeah, this is nonsense. One of the women behind “The Toast” confessed she made it all up and left Twitter. She said it was her “personal theory” but she lives in Utah and was relying on what she believed were hints dropped by the Daily Mail.

  6. The earrings were a gift from her parents, so how does this have anything to do with the state of the marriage?

  7. Ya nah. Bill Willie didn't cheat. All a rumour instigated by MM that jealous bitch.

  8. Yes it happened. Rose Hanbury. Kate has since exiled this once close friend from her inner circle. No "leaker identification plan" would result in a future princess cutting off a dear friend and having a rumor spread that would hurt the future king's image.

    Of course Me-again let the world know about the cheating; thus the couple's feud. I hope Me-again likes Africa!

    1. She'll just give that wide eyed look of, "OMGGGGG!!!" wonderment that's permanently etched on her face. She needs a facial coach (not Harry, in before Count makes a comment).

  9. Rose was never a “dear friend”. Kate comes from a middle-class sporty clique. Rose was a model.

  10. Markle fell for the oldest trick in William's book, outing a snake.

  11. Hey, Nutty.

    what about the article that Harry is supposedly traveling next week, by himself. why would he do that if a baby was really due any day? wouldn't he want to be home with his wife and new child??

  12. Does he get to behead her when things don't work out?

    1. I actually LOLed at this for no reason I understand.

    2. J, I always say we should bring back high profile public executions. Make a day of it, take the whole family, bring a picnic and watch a scumbag punch their one way ticket on the Hellfire Express.

    3. Astra, the people in my hometown would absolutely hitch their wagon to that idea. We have a yearly festival that actually celebrates the time of year when the public executions would happen.

      It's a small town in Kentucky. The hangings attracted such a large crowd that farmers and vendors would travel to our town and set up shop. It was apparently an extremely lucrative opportunity. So lucrative that the vendors kept coming back each year even after we stopped hanging people. The festival has been extended into a 4 day event nowadays. It's essentially a combination of a ton of food booths/trucks/tents and a huge yard sale/flea market. And so much counterfeit designer crap. It draws several hundred thousand people to our area every October. It's called Court Days, lol.

    4. I forgot to mention that there's an entire street designated to gun sales during Court Days. It's on Queen Street but we call it "Gun Alley" during Court Days.

    5. What a fantastic way to celebrate the killing of innocent black people....

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @raven, Why so he could watch a sofa cushion pop out? They'll let him know when the surrogate is ready.

  14. That's an odd one @Raven, especially the secret engagement in Amsterdam the day before the publicly known when in The Hague. Probably going to Soho House Amsterdam to get shitfaced, lol.

  15. Yeah, Raven, it’s weird.

    There is some talk that the baby has already been born to a surrogate and they are waiting out the adoption process.

    Alternatively, that the surrogate’s baby was born in March or something and they are delaying the announcement and photos so it won’t be so obvious it isn’t a newborn.

    Or there is no baby at all, and they are working out the repercussions of that.

    Or she really is pregnant and really is overdue, and he will rush back if needed.

    Take your pick.

    1. Nutty, dis you see the tweet that someone represented that MM underwent the IVF implantation during her short Toronto visit at the end of 2018? If true then it accounts for the early May due date. But where dis the fertilized egg come from? Remember how CDAN had a blind about the visit and suggested it was to score drugs or something like that. Agree it can be any scenario.

    2. Message didn’t land in the right spot.
      Also *end of AUGUST 2018

  16. yeah so did Meghan skip Easter because she may claim later that was the birth date after all ala surrogate or was she really ostracized for the William/Kate infidelity rumors. Also of COURSE Kate is not going anywhere. Why or how would she? The earrings weren't a sign she isn't gong anywhere. They were a sign she is "standing behind her man and her marriage" so to speak.

  17. Tossup between 1and2,number 3, she's done,4,no way now,induce labor or risk the health of both. I thinking 2 was done with Suri Cruise, not even a blurry newborn photo.

  18. LOL @Brayson. i know, right??

    LOL @Snatch and Ladders

    @Nutty - thanks. i was reading your blog the other day (which is always great) about all the alternative situations. i guess i'm just naive that the BRF would be complicit in something so shady .. and for what reason? because them saying, "hey, MM can't have a baby so we're going to use a surrogate" would be such a horrible thing??

    just as shady as Beyonce's first pregnancy. same folding pillow abdomen thing. lol

  19. maybe harry is picking up the baby in amsterdam.

    and/or it will be announcced, mm goes into labor tomorrow, and grabbing the headlines from the queen honoring kate tomorrow.

  20. I never comment, but on this occasion I feel I must.

    There categorically was no affair.

  21. Kate wore the earrings a couple years ago at the Order of the Garter ceremony.

    I don't believe the cheating rumors.

  22. JNE you might have it! Announce on Kate's ceremony day with the Queen.

  23. Jje- my thoughts exactly!!! I am sooo hoping dear Meg doesn’t disappoint and the baby shows up tomorrow. If only we could get our hands on that tracking order..

  24. @Nutty love your take on all things Royal!! Always great scoop/analysis

  25. Kate was her claws in Wills since 2nd year of Uni. She has put up with him & his cheating for a looonnnngggg time. She finally got the ring & popped out kids. She ain't going no wheres.

  26. & of course here is "Nutty" yet again. Wills has been a known cheater. If you really knew anything royal that wasn't racist Meg hate, you would know that.

  27. Here's my question. How low do someone have to go? How does MM have no pride, no shame whatsoever. She is a constant embarrassment yet she is determined she is right and won't adjust her ways. Does she not realize people are laughing at her, not with her. She is so fringe in everything she does. I would be mortified if people were so critical of me and I certainly would take advice the palace would give. She's a special kind of arrogant, stupid witch. I get Hollywood types are more type a personality but she hasn't even made it in Hollywood to warrant her better than everyone attitude. All this to say I'm waiting eagerly to see her downfall. It will come sooner than later I suspect.

    1. * cringe not fringe. Damn autocorrect.

  28. I wonder if the people here reading these, commenting on the cheating! that must be happening, and how preposterous! that is... realize that at least half of the people here are either cheaters or (right now) being cheated on?
    My point: cheating is not only for the "babyeating satanic cumblood drinkers" of the royal family.
    Peasants do this too.
    You peasants, your husband's... your wives... significant's happening.

    I just feel like some you need to hear this
    You're welcome.

  29. I'm really concerned about how all this negativity is affecting MM's pillow baby.

  30. Not everyone values fidelity in a marriage, but most do value discretion. Who knows why Kate threw Rose to the curb, and no one but the Cambridges know what makes up their marriage.

  31. Kate’s stylist was made a member of the Royal Victorian Order today, don’t think we’ll see that other tramp Jessica Mulroney getting that anytime soon.

  32. and what is THIS about???

    dumbest reason ever to "unfollow" your family:

  33. Justme : Sparkles is a classic sociopath. She has no ethics, no morals, no shame, no self awareness.

    Thing is, there are smart sociopath, they plan their moves out carefully, they play chess and mostly win, because they think 5, 6, 7 moves ahead. These people are very intelligent and very very dangerous.

    She is the other type.

  34. @Justme but "fringe" worked too ... you know .. lunatic fringe???

    @Brayson ... the stress must be unbearable .... poor pillow baby.

  35. Thank you, @E.

    @Raven, I think the Royals were caught unaware by Meg's pregnancy announcement.

    According to British law, a child born of a surrogate can't be in the line of succession. A baby has to be "of the body" of a Royal woman or Royal wife.

    Had Meg announced from the beginning she was using a surrogate, I think she would have gained some public sympathy, but her child would not have had a title or been in line for the throne.

  36. Damn I need a drink after trying to sort out that pidgin.

  37. BTW, this entire saga will make for a great finale to "The Crown" - season 5, maybe, since Season 3 will introduce Diana and Season 4 will probably cover the Chuck and Di divorce and "annus horribilus" in 1992.

    I wonder who they'll get to play Sir Geidt, the bald evil-looking mastermind behind whatever the Royal Family's plan is at the moment.

    Jude Law should be entirely bald by the time they get to filming. But could he play evil enough?

  38. You got burned Enty. Kate wore those earrings almost three years ago June 13, 2016 at Order of the Garter ceremony. Not "...after not being seen since the actual wedding itself."

    Your royal sources are poor, no matter what they tell you. You also need to recognize that when you make mistakes like this, it casts doubt on all your other blinds too. Your judgement is absolutely in question.

    If I wanted to get info from Meghan's mouthpieces I would have gone to Lainey and Omid Scobie. I come here for a glance behind the curtain of the news, and you are just wasting my time.

  39. Evil? I rather think Lord Geidt is the only sane person in this melodrama.

  40. Pops popcorn and tunes into another episode of as The Markle Turns

  41. This trick is done, stick a fork in it

    Even the Celebitchy Stans are finally seeing something is up with this chica

    I for one, love Karma

    She is a bitch who always gets paid

  42. Heatherbee-- the tracking order, lol!!!😂😂😂

    It just scientifically cant go on much longer, tomorrow would be almost comical, just bc it keeps the pot stirring!

  43. Raven - I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you refer to my Satanic Babyeaters.

    I do think the term is hilarious. It is also hilariously accurate if you read about them, ha.

    I also enjoy Nutty's discourse on all this and her willingness to allow for multiple scenarios, I get the impression she is consolidating theories for us. I dove in pretty deep to some other places, this stuff gets fascinating.

  44. @Jne I think you've got a very good idea there!

    I had a theory that Meghan's PR people are releasing all these ideas of MM wanting a home birth, no pics, etc to rile up the public THEN she'll have a "medical emergency" and will be rushed to the Lindo Wing. Harry will step outside and announce she and the baby are recovering, etc. And BOOM, MM gains public sympathy and gets to fix her image.

  45. William cheated!
    Sparkles is an attention whore!
    Did she get arrested?
    The media NEVER lies . . .

    I know what they're hiding!
    It's not Harry's baby!
    Meghan got knocked up during that trip to Toronto.


    1. LOL nice one! But he’s a raging republican (often seen at the Trump Hotel in DC)...clever nonetheless and well done

  46. I can see why a guy or someone who has never been pregnant might actually believe that she had IVF or got knock up. But those of us who have been pregnant laugh at the thought of being able to squat down in 5 inch slingback heel and then pop right up again. That is just hilarious, and I don't care if you are Yogananda or whatever, it just ain't happening. Sorry, but scratch that option off the list. Girl is in some hot water now. That surrogate had better get busy or a few too many eyebrows are going to get raised.

  47. Lady Constance, and Heatherbee: LOL!!!

  48. Lady Constance: Gonna steal your line about Karma. Too funny! Thanks! And, it's absolutely true.

  49. She’s a full on narcissist with delusions of grandeur. I wonder why we never heard of her before she landed Harry, other than that cable show no one ever watched.

  50. If Markles announces the baby at Kate's ceremony, Geidt will have Markles beheaded.

  51. @Rabbit It is so true!

  52. Rose is old, old, old, old, old money and aristocracy. It's probably true.

  53. 2019 and people still give a crap about royals. How dumb is humanity?

  54. I really hope that when Markle goes away she takes her paid cheerleaders (and paid anti-Cambridge trolls) along with her.

    They're beyond obvious, Meg.

  55. Anonymous7:41 AM

    MM is back posting on her hidden Twitter accounts. She's still miscalculating her own due date. (How stupid is this girl?) TheYoungRoyals1 is confirmed as MM since she is openly chatting with Omid Scoby on that account today. Her other hidden account Standbyme2018 is public again and she's posting away on it too.

    Dripdrop and Torontopaper1 both posted new statements. She's definitely an Epstein hooker. There is no baby just waiting to arrest her when she finally announces the birth. The BRF gave MM a push yesterday by publicly announcing Harry is leaving for a tour on May 8th. No one would accept that Harry would leave an overdue wife to go on a tour. The whole fiasco is coming down to the wire. I admit it. This is my crack. I'm helplessly addicted to this soap opera.

  56. @Nutty_Flavor - (I agree with @E) I love your blog, esp the write-up of different scenarios, and your generosity of the best-case (it’s all true), though not sure any of us think it’s likely, I too believe this is the best-case (if only).
    - yeah, something seems to be up with obtaining the baby - it’s got to be a surrogate, yeah? what, with all the stiletto heels and kneeling in the 8th month, knees closed, lack of swelling of any kind… i have nothing against that, just… i wish it were being discussed openly, instead of implying that it’s somehow wrong or shameful. idk, jmo.

    @:|raven|: - it looks like they just announced Harry’s cancelled his trip to Amsterdam, “amid logistical complications.” … “At this point, the Duke of Sussex, who is currently awaiting the birth of his first child, still plans to travel to the Hague on Thursday.” So, idk. He’s decreased his travels down to 1 day instead of two..

    @Snatch and Ladders - I agree, I think this was “shared” to prove/find the leak.

    @BoldOfLightning & @Caramelia - Yah, I’m not sure I care so much, if there was or wasn’t an affair, and no I have no idea why I don’t care so much - it feels like a private matter that wasn’t asked to be made public… Parading around publicly with a very unlikely pregnancy that you announced during someone else’s wedding, to steal their thunder, though… makes you fair and open to discussion.

    @Brayson87 - “sofa cushion” and “MM’s pillow baby”… lolll (your concern for how all this negativity is affecting MM’s pillow baby still has me in fits of giggles)

    @Jne (@Sunnykm, @HeatherBee)- omg, totally! I would bet all my nickels that MM announces tomorrow during the Queen’s ceremony honoring Kate… That’d be just so CLASSIC.

    @Thursday November - agree that Kate is here to stay (Idk why I am very fond of Kate, but there you are)

    @hunter - I agree and appreciate Nutty’s nutshelling summaries. :)

    @Magnolia Melee - yeah, it seems like her PR folks have been playing the longer/medium game, setting up all the necessary conditions for transfer of a surrogate/adopted-child, under cloak of privacy or something.

    @Lulu Filona - right? I was a right whale near the end, staggering around just to get off the couch, nvm squatting in stilettos!

    @Lady Constance - I agree with @rabbit, love your line about Karma being a b* who always gets paid. lool

    Anyway, love everyone’s comments (minus personal insults towards commenters), and just wanted to wave “Hi!” to my fellow watchers. :)

  57. I guess everyone is all sad (boo hoo) that Meghan didn’t have her baby yesterday to shit on Charlotte and today to shit on Kate.

  58. Actually, she has worn them since the wedding and before the easter service this year. She wore them in 2016 at the Garter Service at Windsor Castle... Check your facts MM before submitting a fake blind. You must be so angry, since all your drooling of William just isn't paying off or getting anywhere. too bad you only ever get scarfed by him!!



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