Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Blind Item #9

The permanent A list "singer" just found out her boyfriend gets paid to be her boyfriend.


  1. Poor Brit. This girl needs to catch several good breaks, and fast

  2. Again? It's not the first time..

  3. Was coming to say exactly what Sandy said

  4. I wonder what the angle is that suddenly has her mom trying to involve herself in the conservatorship litigation? Is she just looking for cash?

  5. Assuming one of her parents are paying him, my question is just why? Maybe she's easier to control when she has a boyfriend?

  6. This makes me very sad. I wish she could find someone who actually cares about her.

  7. Boyfriend/Handler/Bodyguard
    So stop paying him

  8. If I remember right from the last time, he was paid to act as her b/f and companion, but if he had sex with her, he lost the job. But she snuck around and had sex with guys anyway.

  9. The mom is getting involved now because Britney's dad may not be able to do it anymore or for much longer. As long as Jamie Spears has been runnng the conservatorship, Britney's mom has not been fighting to get in on it. I think if there was a better choice that she could trust, she'd rather have someone else do it. And Britney is asking for her mom to be involved.

  10. Good lord. Poor thing. Righteous anger would just cause her more problems. Who can help her break from all of this? She can't trust anyone. What a shame.

  11. The have practically imprisoned her. Making her work to keep the money flowing and creating false boyfriends to appease her. This is nuts. Poor girl.

  12. This could cause another setback in her mental health. Who's paying him? Her parents? Why? She can attract a boyfriend certainly.

  13. I hope poor Brit can get away from these people and retire to some small town in Louisiana with her kids.

  14. Getting strong Clara from Light in the Piazza vibe off of Brit.

  15. Mk ultra mind control isn’t a joke

  16. Counterpoint. None of us actually know how bad her mental health problems are but the way the judge responded to her and the level of control her father has been given suggests very very serious. If he's made it so she can work and live a luxurious life and found a guy whose company she enjoy it could be a lot worse for someone with such serious mental health issues.

  17. They might just be paying him to make sure he doesn't try to leech off her or steal her money or supply her with drugs. Much safer in the long run.

  18. Someone probably just blurted it out, perhaps in court? How humiliating.

    Yes she needs to move to the country and get some puppies. Maybe chickens, too. Both of the places her parents live are beautiful// Mom has huge estate.

  19. +1 Bee, it could be a case of manufactured life vs spending the rest of her days staring at the wall in an institution. Which would you pick?

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  21. go fuck yourself Melissa, git outta here!!

    1. Oh, I see you've got this.
      Carry on!

  22. Lol who phucking using the term “highly functional” to describe someone? Exactly Hunter, Melissa GTFOH

  23. Poor Britney :( I think we all knew it before she did!! That has to hurt.

  24. I mean, did she really believe a young hot guy like him, would date her if she wasn't Britney?? Let's be real now!

  25. Brayson, I think you're right. People forget that Sam Lufti used that fake pap boyfriend to help manipulate Britney. I don't think they want her having another Vegas wedding. Jason Alexander was a decent guy and agreed to annul the marriage, but then they were stuck with K-Fed the leech.

  26. Poor girl never had a chance. So sad.

    RIP Tim Conway

  27. Have these "Britney People" ever thought that maybe Britney is better off without the "Man" in her life?

    Sometimes US Men just get in the way!


  28. I believe she's the one who can't stay without a man @DavidHowesCREBoker

  29. Who would have thought Kevin Federline would be the best of the bunch? He's been with his current non-famous wife for several years now and seems to be a devoted father.

  30. @Tea Cup, Being a good husband and father is easy when Britney Spears is paying all your bills. ;)

  31. How in the fuck is Brittany permanent A list?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Her f***ed up family sold Brittney out a long time ago. Wonder why her mother is acting so caring now. Perhaps she cares about the money train. What Brit really needs is to be de-programmed from her mind control and the abuse she's suffered all these years as everyone's little puppet.

  33. I think it came out that the lawyer boyfriend was paid as well. I think the theory is they are compensating the bf for making himself accessible on britneys schedule, which made most jobs impossible. It kind of makes sense, you just pray that the rest of the relationship, in terms of meeting and feelings, has developed organically. Now, whether there are extra caveats, like checking meds or not letting her drive or whatever, i have no clue. I would hope most of those would come from general concern. If Brit had no clue of any of this before court, and it was revealed without explanation, it had to have been heartbreaking. The blurred lines on all of this are so complicated.

  34. It's amazing how everyone thinks Britney would be just fine if her parents would leave her alone.

    Hello... the reason she's under a conservatorship is because she has severe mental health problems that lead her to a) hook up with shady guys who used her, b) unwisely drain her bank account buying up property and cars (putting a lot of cash down) at an alarming rate, and c) have a public breakdown that was damaging to her personally and professionally.

    How quickly people forget how we got here in the first place. SMH.

  35. I really hate that Britney’s father is being dragged now. I well remember how it was her mom who had been the stage mom pushing Britney when she was young. The father stayed out of it and liked living the simple life back home. When Britney had her psycjic break her father rather heroically stepped in and saved her life with the conservatorship. This enabled Britney along with Kevin Federline’s cooperation to have a relationship with her sons. Keeping her working was probably good for her and kept her from aliding off the rails. Also a lot of times mental illneas comes with a strong sex drive (bipolar for example) so arranging for a lover is only compassionate in my opinion.
    Meds work and then sometimes stop working. Then the docs have to bring you to ground zero to figure out what works.
    I hope they find the right combo for her and that her father makes a full recovery.

  36. Previous blinds have indicated that Britney ALWAYS finds this out. She's got to be pretty far gone if she doesn't get it at this point.

  37. Britney cops a lot of flack - not on this site, for not being quite right and coming off as a bit strange in interviews etc. The drugs used to help someone maintain some sort of balance when you have a life-altering mental illness are very very strong and have serious side effects. I give her a lot of kudos for functioning as well as what she does. I just hope that this push for freedom is coming from Britney and not orchestrated by other people such as Sam Lufti.

  38. This sounds like a blind the old manager submitted; the one with the restraining order. #freebritany dude.

  39. The free her thing is way wrong. She’s still alive today because of her father. People forget what happened with her. Mental Illness isn’t like cancer that can go into remission. She’s clearly not capable and she’s in real trouble the day he’s not in control because his judgment has kept her rich and alive. Left to her devices, it will not to well for her. Which is sad because she’s nice by all accounts. Awful.

  40. Maybe Britneys mama needs to reflect on the dirt she swept under the rug regstding the abuse BOTH her daughters suffered through on their quest for fame and a nice house for, "Mama." They ALL have blood on their hands.

    1. Thank you @karma...there is a very interesting YouTube video on the Jamie DLux channel that talks specifically about Jaime Lynn being raped and molested by Dan Scheinder and that’s how she ended up pregnant and it also discussed the abuse that Brittany endured as well as other young people at Nickelodeon and Disney. It’s utterly sick.

  41. How can Britney be a permanent icon? Even though she can't sing, she's a POP ICON. She's an entertainer. Her and Madonna.

    Britney seems like a nice lady, naive, but sincerely nice. I REALLY feel sorry for her. I want to hug her and tell her she's loved. I'm not really a fan, but I care for her as a human being.

    She looks so bad right now, and totally lost. Dead in her eyes for the past decade. Its really sad that Sam is another plant. How can these guys do this? All for a paycheck, yet they can't live their true lives?

    I truly wonder how her sons are doing. I also wonder are her parents REALLY good? Did or did he not molest her? Or, did Sam Lufti plant that? Ugh, that man is a root that they just cannot dig out. He's another loser who doesn't need to be on this planet.

    I don't see Britney living a long life, at some point she'll say enough is enough, but I'm hoping she'll find the strength, find a man who REALLY cares for her, and help her thru her mental conditions. There ARE some men who would do that.


  42. Enough drugs and you can make anyone look crazy.

  43. TMZ is reporting that Britney may never go back to her residency. Her manager talked to TMZ and said she is in no shape to be performing and she may possibly have to retire.


  44. He's some manager, that one. Gee thanks Larry.

  45. Thank you @JL!!!! Preach on! This is what I have been saying

  46. Thank you @JL!!!! Preach on! This is what I have been saying



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