Friday, May 24, 2019

Blind Item #9 - From Reddit

From an escort who says an actor pays her to watch his show with him after they have sex.

This one is more sad than funny, but I think there's some humor to it. This client is a pretty famous comedic actor. He's on a pretty popular show and there's a good chance you've seen him, or at least heard of him. Think "Tina Fey when she was on 30 Rock" or "Jack Black at any point in the last 20 years" kind of famous. A lot of people would recognize him, and they generally think he's funny. He's also pretty cute; a girl I went to high school with had such a big celebrity crush on him that she changed her last name on Facebook to his last name for, like, three years. (I've signed an NDA and I will not share his name or any other identifying details).

Turns out he likes to watch the show that he's on after we have sex. Okay, fine, great, not a big deal. It's a decent show. He even gives me the email and password for the streaming service that it's on so we can watch it on my TV while we're still in bed cuddling (clients fuckin' love cuddling, man. They fuckin' love it). He laughs at every single joke that any character on the show makes, except for his own. When I ask him about this, he looks me dead in the eyes and says "I don't think I'm funny". (To be clear, he is specifically known for being funny).

But getting to watch TV with clients for an hour or two is pretty fun. And as someone who's working on a Master's degree in Social Work, getting to learn about the weird fucked-up psyches of the rich and famous is weirdly fun as well. 


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