Blind Item #8
When this disgraced producer was given an award by an A+ list royal, he spent that evening forcing this foreign born alliterate A- list mostly movie actress to have sex with him.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Weinstein/Asia Argentio
ReplyDelete+1 Tricia. Harvey received his CBE from Queen Elizabeth
ReplyDeleteWow QE2 just Wow. Bottom
ReplyDeleteOf the barrell
most people would describe that as rape.
ReplyDeleteYou mean his girlfriend of five years, after the first "rape?"
ReplyDeleteJ, you and people like astra are the reason I've been reading for years but rarely post. Every single time you say something, you come across as someone who desperately wanted to sleep with his Mother but couldn't handle the rejection of her saying no.
ReplyDeletePlease get counseling or at the very least, take your obviously ugly/perpetually single ass back to 4chan where you belong.
Pumpa Boo- Aww sounds like you’re TRIGGERED! Too bad for you. And I’m a woman, and am not into women, so please use that psychology degree to serve the customers at the fast food place that employs you, instead of stirring turds here.
DeleteIt’s totally easy to scroll on past my comments. I’m sure I would scroll on past your boring crybaby bullshit so why not do the same to comments you don’t like? It’s much easier than whining about something you have no control over. 🤷🏼♀️
Same goes to forever alone Lady Derek, and the other “WHO?” commenter 🤔😁
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWhy would anyone want to defend Weinstein without being paid?
DeleteI'm sure a psych degree would come in handy for that one.
+1 Pumpa Boo
DeleteThank you
"Spiritual advisers" - Freemasons - Royals.
ReplyDeleteBill Beard...funny........bestest friends of royals just happen to be pedophiles over and over and over. If the monarchs were average people , they would be shunned. But in the west , they don't go to prison...they get bigger parts more movies etc. Systemic problem with fascist governments ....big "tell" as they say in poker. ...fascists hate women and children. Only exception, Bill Cosby. ..and of course, he is black. Fascists don't like them either...seems like I read he has a background in naval prevalent in parents of stars living in Laurel Canyon. Mind on Laurel Canyon by Dave McGowan spells it out. Author paid for that book with his life.
ReplyDeleteI wish that someone would do a laurel canyon part 2 that would show how related they all are today.......
Deletepumpa boo, spending years letting anonymous people on the internet materially influence your life and your choices is pathetic. I counsel you to observe and accept the fact that people have all sorts of different opinions, some of which are different (and typically more well-considered) than yours.
ReplyDeleteIf you commanded more intellectual resources, you might assemble arguments to persuade. You don't, though, so you only bawl out solipsistic complaints and lamentations about your own weakness and fear.
This is mightily entertaining. Please post more often. Maybe rosie will give you the keys to Fake J.
Furthermore, lest ye think I lack the self awareness to understand the no one, least of all my dear mother, would ever desire to engage in consort of any type with me, I will let you know this: Deep down I recognize that I am a hateful, spiteful, terrible person who derives pleasure from causing others anger. The problem is that because of my resentment toward my family along with my generally weak personality leaves me friendless and lonely. The only attention and interaction I have is here, online, so even if it is to incite and enrage at least I am getting noticed for once. I pretend to have a full life to make others jealous, but really I am fully aware that I will likely die alone and sad in my bed one day.
ReplyDeleteOh, and in case I haven't said it enough times, Princess Diana was a slut and Harry's real father is Mark Dyer, lol!
Wow . Sorry to hear that J. Hope u find happiness someday. 4 real.
DeleteHi rosie. Roofie anyone last night?
ReplyDeleteThanks, Auntie. It's tough, trying to "understand the no one."
ReplyDeleteDon't you have to be British-born to be awarded like that, or was it an honorary thing?
ReplyDeleteYou are correct Lucky13 it was honorary and there was a lot of controversy about rescinding the CBE for Weinstein.
DeleteMolly, Dave McC's book was groundbreaking. I know people in the business that I have shared it with, in fact my last copy is still circulating. I read it when it was a work in progress, and it was even better than the print version because it was less edited. Too, I read at a place where the comments were also most informative. In short, nothing happens in a vacuum and it's too coincidental that all of that talent lived in the same hood, so close to Lookout Mountain.
ReplyDeleteOkay, forgetting the pigman this blind refers to, the Queen of England is A+++, Enty.
ReplyDeleteHer Maj isn't A+, okay? She doesn't rate below Elvis or MJ or Oprah.
Let's at least get that straight.
correction McGowan
ReplyDeleteJ, to say that I let someone "materially influence" my life speaks volumes about what YOU believe life is. I simply don't comment. To you, commenting on a forum is "Life" because it's all you have.
ReplyDeleteSecond, it's always been interesting to me to see how bigots believe themselves to be so intellectual. The gems you've dropped here have certainly shouted "Mensa Member." Look how you spoke to me vs how you normally speak here. You tried SO HARD to seem like a thinking being. If it weren't coming from such a loser, I'd say it was adorable. How did you get this way? I'm curious, since I rarely post and I very clearly have your attention, why not really get into your deviant based inferiority complex.
Your reaction proved my comment was factual. As this is truly all you have and all you'll ever have. Enjoy wasting time typing out comments that spend more time ignored by people who have no choice but to tolerate you. Now that I think about it, I've NEVER seen you ignore someone's comment to you. How hilarious. You really do have NOTHING but this site.
I bet you claim it's by "Choice" too, don't ya? Your Mother must be so proud.
"J, you and people like astra are the reason I've..."
ReplyDeletefunny stuff.
Also, re: Mensa, no. Seems we agree that's for jackasses.
ReplyDeleteLook how proud you are to be the woman hater who's name is put next to a white supremacist.
ReplyDeleteI'd expect nothing else from you. What do you even have? No friends. No family. No one who can stand you on or off line. This interaction is the best you'll get all week. Poor thing.
Yeah, pumpa boo, it's just desperately horrible. All the time I spend imagining it's fun to make fun of Hollywood hypocrites and poor morons who worship them, all the time I spend enjoying speaking my mind and playing dozens with a few simpletons... that's just a chimera. This sensation of my mouth smiling... it's really a stream of tears. I'm Niobe.
ReplyDeleteI do envy your psychic powers, knowing all about me. All I know about you is that some anonymous internet dude's crabby comments have influenced your choices for years.
J- It really means something to them to think that anyone who posts wrongthink online is some type of basement dwelling troll. They’d lose their mind if they ever realized that it could be anyone. The nice neighbor lady with a bunch of kids, the college kid, their very own beloved family member, etc. Imagine how triggered they’d be!
DeleteI’m perfectly content for anyone to assume anything about me here. It doesn’t change the reality of my life, although I do think it’s really funny that some of the people here that make up these scenarios, are basically forever alone, themselves. I suppose misery loves company? Like, why do they think and believe all of the “right” things that make them a “good person”, yet nobody wants them?
Really makes you think 🤔🤔🤷🏼♀️
Oh, also 🔮
ReplyDeleteThey're Hollywood hypocrites that you spend your life commenting about. What does that say about you?
ReplyDeleteYou spend your life "Commenting to morons." What does that say about you?
You claim violently hating women is nothing more than "Speaking your mind." What does that say about you?
All I know is that you are some anonymous internet dude who spews hate and bigotry to people you believe are morons about other people you think are hypocrites. Hmmm...WHAT? DOES? THAT? SAY? ABOUT? YOU?
I said I don't comment because I usually (Today being a rare exception that won't likely happen again) don't associate with those who're bigots and frankly, beneath me and any other person who attempts to be decent. I wouldn't expect you to understand such a concept.
Now, as for a person having "Influence" over my choices, what do you call SEEKING out those that you claim are hypocrites and morons? How sad that THIS is who you actively choose to interact with. Unlike you, when I see someone who isn't worth my time, I don't engage. Today being a rare exception but then again...I actually have a life. Today will likely be our only interaction simply because you aren't worth my time. However, it's clear that you have nothing but time. Like I said, what ELSE do you have to do? You've openly admitted to coming here specifically because you want to talk ABOUT hypocrites and TO morons. If you had any sense, you'd be embarrassed. Instead, you'll just be you.
Says so much about you.
So, if you don’t associate with “bigots”, why bring me into your little slapfight/attention seeking comments? I’m sure you’re very special and superior and oh so open minded and progressive and you punch Nazis and all of that other SJW shit, and if it makes you feel better about yourself to think you’re “better” and “above” others, go for it. It’s always the same with people like you, you want to act like you’re so busy and important and don’t have time for shit slinging....yet here you are with your multiple and lengthy comments. Shouldn’t you choose to spend your time more wisely? Perhaps you could become a life coach, because you seem to be really special and superior and you could undoubtedly teach everyone the “right way” to live. I bet you have it all figured out!
DeleteYesterday was the first time I’ve even been here in like, two months, and you’re commenting on me. Looks like Astra Derangement Syndrome is still infecting special snowflakes! How sad ��
Seek help! Perhaps form a support group. You could call it “How to handle seeing opinions that I don’t like or approve of, on the internet”. It might help you move past the same tired and boring old shit that has been said a million times before, with no effect.
Oh pumpa boo, don't be hysterical.
ReplyDeleteJ is a troll--of the cowardly anonymous variety--that is best ignored
ReplyDeleteAlso, pumpa boo, why do you put quote marks around a series of words I didn't type in that order?
ReplyDeleteDon't tell me that, beyond having overwrought emotions and a weak will guided by anonymous internet commenters, you're also fundamentally dishonest!
Each tiny new thing I learn about you adds to my suspicion you may be a revolting, emotionally-flailing, virtue-signaling busybody. Sure hope I'm wrong.
Truth hurts doesn't it J baby? You are a fucking loser/troll/pathetic idiot/
ReplyDelete+1,000,000 to pumpa boo for figuring it out. Now J time for your graceless exit from a site you've polluted since January 2018 troll.
You try so hard every, single fucking day 8-10 times per thread to be cool and snarky under multitudes of alts and you can't because you are a fucking idiot. Now GTFO.
Oh did I mention you sound just like brayson87 and our little brain-damaged 8 yr old mentally impaired loser Jon 90% of everything you post jackass?
ReplyDeleteKeep posting at least today pumpa, I have your back, and Rosie seems to be here too.
ReplyDeleteSandy, your daily "hello DMer" posts are infinitely creative. You are myriad-minded indeed.
ReplyDeleteOh I'm hurt you insipid fucking idiot. Try harder motherfucker. You're a little child most likely sitting in a wheelchair waiting for mommy and daddy to one home and change your shit-filled Pampers. You are so pathetic trying sooooo hard to be cool and failing miserably for 17 months now. Get lost
ReplyDelete*come home* oh and fake J is very creative too, like braysons "stalker" and his own "hi brayson" fan. I don't know what was more harious, brayson having a stalker who lined across the street from him and posted here to embarrass him instead of knocking o his door, or the people who actually thought that shithead ever had a girlfriend to begin with. Much like you trying to point out you're a cool guy living on an oceanfront or my boy Jon deciding he is hot AF. Fantasy land.
ReplyDeleteNot really trying, sandy. Don't care.
ReplyDeleteGotta tip my hat though if you really researched when I started posting here. You must be a high-rolling baller's baller if you've got time for that! And I thought I was good at doing useless shit!
Jesus spel Chek *hilarious*
ReplyDeleteOh you are totally useless
ReplyDelete"Hysterical" and "Overwrought emotions." Are you 90 years old? I didn't even know people still used the word "Hysterical" after, what? Like 1930? That would actually explain a lot.
ReplyDelete"Fundamentally dishonest?" Repeating YOUR words back to you is dishonest? keep telling on yourself. YOU don't even like you but you seem upset that no one else does either. Why be surprised that you're correct in your own self loathing view of yourself?
It's so sad to see an old lonely man who spends his every waking moment blaming women for his never ending list of problems. Perhaps try looking in the mirror to fix what so obviously ails you. Your problem is YOU. The call is coming from inside the house, loser.
You really need to try trolling harder bitch, because you're not doing well so far today, maybe it's that 60 IQ and ten year old mentality keeping you from achieving anything with anybody challenging you huh troll?
ReplyDelete+1,000,000,000 pumpa
ReplyDeletepumpa, show me where I typed the phrase you put in quote marks. Or admit you make things up. That'd explain why you're so defensive regarding Asia Argento. A little sorority of fabulists.
ReplyDeleteSorry about using words which aren't crunk enough for you.
Sandy, your gangbanger "step to me, punk" mode is truly tiresome. Go back to pretending you're enty's friend, please.
ReplyDeleteCrunk how ghetto of you asshole. Try harder to be cool imbecile, it's not working and ever has (maybe because-I hesitate-you're not?) oh there I said it, bad, bad, bad me!!😩😩😩
ReplyDeleteTry harder, you're sounding too much like Jon and his pathetic attempts you stupid moron.
ReplyDeleteBTW if you step to me, I can back it up, wanna try stepping, but it may be hard to get stepping out of daddy's dark basement won't it? Then you have to buy Pampers too which may also be difficult for you.
ReplyDeleteSandy, "it's not working and ever [sic] has."
ReplyDeleteKeep trying baby, keep trying.. You're failing miserably as usual,
ReplyDeleteSandy, pumpa's somewhat interesting. You and your "hello DMers" aren't. Not just today. Never., I'm waiting for you to show me where I used that phrase.
pumpa. Sorry
ReplyDelete"oh J you're killing it today" said no one ever except your fucking alts. That goes for the other 2 alts I've already brought up here as well.
ReplyDeletePumpas very interesting he's got you nailed down to a tee as a pathetic useless fucking idiot with no life. So kudos to Pumpa for figuring that out.
ReplyDeleteSandy, you're funny when you're hysterical.
ReplyDeleteSay "hello DMers" for me please! That's a riot!
ReplyDeleteJ, once again, you just admitted that even YOU don't buy your bullshit. I'd love to "show you where you typed the phrase I put in quote marks." Since even YOU think you're full of shit.
ReplyDelete"Hysterical" You said, "Oh pumpa boo, don't be hysterical."
"Overwrought emotions." & "Fundamentally dishonest?" You said, "Don't tell me that, beyond having overwrought emotions and a weak will guided by anonymous internet commenters, you're also fundamentally dishonest!"
"Or admit you make things up." - You've just admitted that you say things with so little value that YOU don't even remember what you've said MINUTES ago.
Then you, being the truest hypocrite here, "Make things up" by trying to now change the story to this being about Asia whats-her-face when it is and will continue to be about a desperately pathetic loser who blames women for his own inferiority. Not ONCE did I (or anyone else) mention the Asia woman. Just you, just NOW because you know you're being exposed for the loathsome nothing that even YOU believe you are. I've seen you use this tactic before when you're being put in your place. It's never that YOU are the problem, it's always someone else who's the problem by "Defending" pedophiles. Which will always be the most hypocritical thing YOU could ever say based on your love of women being abused. You're a monster and even you know it.
No amount of woman hate will change the goiter that exists where you're brain should be.
So you made up the quote. Shame on you.
ReplyDeleteWell that escalated quickly.
ReplyDeleteUnlike you who has never been funny no matter how hard he tries right loser? And you really, really, really, really try hard, 8-10/thread every single, fucking day don't you jackass?
ReplyDeleteAnd shame on you for taking the side of pedophile defenders.
ReplyDeleteHow can you sleep?
Yeah Darth. Some people won't rest until I think what they think.
ReplyDelete+1,000,000,000,000 pumpa.
ReplyDeleteSay it, Sandy! Say it!
ReplyDeleteHello DMers!
It is brilliant.
J,look how white supremacist Astra comes to white knight for you. THAT is who/what you attract.
ReplyDeleteInbred Astra, it's not bright to say you'd scroll past when you so clearly wouldn't and didn't. The mind of the bigot is so obvious and weak. Also genius, if I'm triggered, what does that say for you-the person who COULDN'T just "Scroll past" my comment? Someone's feelings are hurt but it sure isn't mine. You and J are birds of a desperate feather. That's for sure.
Although, I haven't seen you in a while. It's interesting that your name was said and you appear. Either someone here knows you or you're actually using multiple names. That would explain a few of the other racist posts that seem to happen when you're not around. Why would anyone need more than one? You're literally talking to yourself. It's...well...expected.
Believe what you want. Maybe YOU are an alt of someone else here? Because I’ve never seen or heard of you before right now. How convenient that I post a comment for the first time in months, yesterday, and you’re bringing me up! 🤔
DeleteLet me tell you what I tell all the other haters. Scroll the fuck on by, if you have a problem with me and my comments. It’s really super simple. I don’t start shit here with anyone, but when I am mentioned, I’ll reply. I’ll also continue to comment here as often as I want, say whatever I want, whether or not the SJW brigade approves, and there’s absolutely nothing you or anyone else can do about it.
Unfortunately, everyone knows that you and people like you, can’t do that. Fighting “wrongthink” on the internet is like a religion for you people. You’re as zealous and creepy as any fanatic. Do everyone, including yourself, a favor, and mind your own business. Nothing you say changes anything. Find another wrongthinker to go on a crusade over. I’m tired and bored of the same old tired, trite “insults” and boilerplate SJW opinions. You aren’t the first, you won’t be the last, nothing you say is new, original or upsetting. It’s just boring. So very boring.
@pumpaboo. +3 million re:astra
ReplyDeleteHi Brayson87
ReplyDeleteNot that stupid POS can never, ever say again I ignore all his insipid bullshit spamming on this board.
ReplyDeleteWhoa Astra! I didn't even get to finish my comment and you had to come back with spit flying. Tell me again who's "Triggered" here. WOW! That was one heck of a hissy fit you just threw.
ReplyDeleteA grownup using words like "Snowflake" and "SJW" is really devoid of even the basic thought process needed to be a decent human being. Whew! That was so much anger from someone who was barely mentioned even once.
Please take a nap. I mean...damn, if I'm a "Snowflake" what the hell are you? Sheesh! You gonna cry now? What even?
You’ve been doing this all day. You are triggered. Bless your heart.
DeleteAnd your team is roofie-dropping rosie and Suge Knight -- oops, I mean badass Sandy. No doubt when actual racist/white supremacist Viking Song (I know, right? Subtle!) comes along she'll sign up too.
ReplyDeleteAs for astra, I don't give a fuck about him/her either way. And I'd encourage him/her to reciprocate that indifference. It's just an internet comment board. See how easy that is? Try it on me!
Especially since you're a liar who makes up quotes. In a hysterical rage.
You’d better care, J! Since we are totally the same person and all 🙄🤔
DeleteTwo people that have sort of similar opinions on things....existing online??? It simply cannot be!!!
It is the Lord's Day, can't you people day drink enjoy the day? I haven't missed this shit.
ReplyDeleteAnd your team is who exactly troll?
ReplyDeleteC'mon, Sandy. Say hello DMers.
ReplyDeleteEvery time you do that I take a screen shot and forward it around. My friends are like "DAMN! WHO IS THAT CREATIVE DUDE???"
Seems like your ADHD is hung up on the word "hysterical" today doesn't it you brain damaged fucking idiot?
ReplyDeleteTry harder.
ReplyDeleteOk. Please please please say hello DMers.
ReplyDeleteTry harder you fucking moron. You've never been snarky you're too fucking stupid to be a smart-ass so keep on trying and don't forget to have your shit-filled Pampers changed when mommy and daddy get back home.
ReplyDeleteI said please three times Sandy.
ReplyDeleteWait! Wait! Wait! J, did you just say and "Actual racist" as if you don't believe astra is racist? Holy crap! So you're even worse than I thought. That's not surprising but sure is creepy to know how low you're capable of sinking.
ReplyDeleteJ, why...why did you just say you forward something to your...friends? Friends? FRIENDS? Don't do this. This is actually sad now. Don't.
If you truly don't believe a white supremacist who's coming to your rescue is an "Actual racist" then I think I'm done. This was all well and good until you crossed that line. The woman hate is enough. Having no issue with a white supremacist too? I don't know how anyone even gets to this level of hate.
Oh and J's buddy, Inbred Astra-why in the world did you start your comment with being upset that we think you're a basement dweller-claim that you "Could be anyone" and then say that the people who don't like bigots are "Basically forever alone" and say "Nobody wants them?" You, like J, are arguing with your own image. My goodness, go get some therapy. The levels of hate you two bigots have for entire groups of people is so desperately sad and proves your own belief in your inferiority.
Hating others won't make you better. It hasn't thus far. Grow a soul. I don't know who raised you two or why they didn't love you enough to teach you the difference between right and wrong but holy crap you two are sad, desperate and creepy and yes, I do believe ALONE and not by choice.
Believe what you want. It seems really important to you to think this.
DeleteWhat isn’t desperate or creepy is starting shit with someone that has never noticed you or your comments. That’s totally normal.
When Sandy says hello DMers it is new and original.
ReplyDeleteADHD works that way, you lock in on a topic with the damaged brain and it sticks.. And of course you also have the mind and IQ of an eight year old, so that doesn't help matters either does it you simple-minded moron?
ReplyDeletepumpa, your sentences don't all cohere.
ReplyDeleteYou should lie down for a spell.
Oh Inbred Astra, did you just do the nanny-nanny-boo-boo I'll do what I want thing? Sheesh between that and the "SJW" thing, my goodness, please be a 12 year old. Please be a 12 year old.
J, you're losing steam dear. Did your white supremacist friend throw off your mojo?
ReplyDeleteWait? When did anyone say you were the same person? What the hell are you talking about? The "Snowflake" hate really getting to ya?
ReplyDeleteAstra, I suppose we have some similar opinions and some very differing ones. Same goes, no doubt, for hysterical pumpa and I. The world is like that. Healthy people figure that out by, say, their mid-twenties. To some exceptional people it's an understanding which comes naturally at a very early age.
ReplyDeleteAnd then there are people like Sandy, shouting over the internet that those from whom they differ on this or that issue are wearing poopy diapers.
I wonder: does anyone choose to be like Sandy, or is there some genetic problem at play? Or perhaps an unspeakable childhood experience? Although folks like him are comprehensively annoying, you can't have a heart and not feel pity.
Yeah, I never heard of hysterical pumpa before today. But as far as I'm concerned she has every right to post nonsense online. Although making up false quotes shows you right away she's a bad-faith actor.
ReplyDeleteToday’s edition of “Pot Meet Kettle” is brought to CDANers by Trolls R Us.
ReplyDeleteDo you four folks not realize you’re exactly what you accuse the other poster of being? It’s tiresome and childish for those of us who come to read amusing and/or insightful comments.
I do admit, after seeing his photo, I’m amused when I read Sandybrook’s “tough guy” comments. ����♀️
Keep it up jon/J almost word for word for word like the last time you tried to come for me you fucking idiot. But that's brain damage and short term memory for you isn't it? At least try to be a little creative and not be so obvious that you are a complete fucking Moron OK shit for brains? I know your defective brain tries, but try harder jackass.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, iknowpeople. You are right.
ReplyDeleteIt's difficult, though, when someone attacks you with dishonest ad hominem like this pumpa person did above to me.
And Sandy. They really seem to hate me, while I'm just having some fun with them. Rather frightening, but we do live in a world full of desperate and irrational people.
ReplyDeleteInbred Astra, I mentioned your name exactly once and you started to piss down your own leg and then accuse the clouds of raining on you. You haven't noticed my comments because before today, I only commented twice. There is always something hateful here and I just want the dang guesses. I'd had enough today so I spoke up. Ya know, the thing you and J claim you do but then fall to the ground and scream and cry when someone else does it. You said earlier that you'd never seen me post. Well, I found one I posted on a few months ago:
Now you're saying that you "Never noticed" my comments. Which is it? My goodness, you and J are so used to getting your way and having people ignore your hate that the second someone steps up and says the hate you two spew is ugly and has no place here, you both chase your tails, change the conversation 15 times and then get mad when you still can't win an argument. Just be nice. Why is that so damn hard? This should be a FUN place. THAT is why you two bug me not because I care about your bigotry but because THIS PLACE shouldn't even have that crap. People should be guessing or guessing or guessing. There shouldn't be any other bull and I come here for FUN not to see the never ending barrage of hate against anyone who isn't a man or white.
You two are everything that is wrong with this world. You believe the world should bend your will and not the other way around. If you can't handle living in a society go live in a cave and yell about how much you hate the moon. Why do you 2 (and your alts) have to bring this shit here?
Why can't there be a place where people just talk shit about celebrity without politics or bigotry? What I'm asking for is so small but people like you simply can't imagine a world that doesn't revolve around you. Your hate is exhausting and yes, I know nothing I say will matter because I might not be white and I might not be a man and therefore, not human to you two. 4chan loves people like you, why even come here?
You hate celebrities. You hate the forum posters. Why are you here?
Here’s the thing. This isn’t your site. You don’t own it, you control nothing, and you don’t get to determine what can be posted here. If you have a problem with my comments, then you can let Enty know, and if he agrees with you, then he can ban me, moderate the site, whatever. None of your angry comments to me or J, or anyone else, are going to make a difference in any way.
DeleteSo, basically, you can either keep ranting and raving and being super mad that someone that has opinions that you disagree with, can comment freely here, or you can try and get me banned and the site moderated to your liking, or you can ignore me and the commenters you dislike.
That’s basically the reality of the situation here. All the rest, is just noise. My motivations for commenting here, are irrelevant to you. Why do you care? I don’t care why you do what you do. It isn’t important. The fact is, that nothing you say to me will change anything. But if it makes you feel better, good for you, I guess.
You are pretty desperate aren't you? Trying so hard to be a cool kid here and failing at every, single attempt you make. But I do laugh at your pathetic attempts so there's that for you anyway shit for brains.
ReplyDeleteJ- I don’t have a problem with Sandy, he’s never been rude to me or attacked me. I have no idea how he feels about me or my comments, and that’s fine with me. He may hate my guts and think I’m like literally Hitler, but he appears to be able to live and let live, with me. And that’s really enough for me.
ReplyDeleteI’m not really trying to become friends with random commenters on a gossip site. I just like to comment here because it’s one place where people can pretty much say what they want. I tend to respect that, even when people say things I think are absolutely retarded, I just scroll on by. It’s not that serious to me, I am pretty good at moving on. It really is just the internet. Some of the people here though, good lord. You wonder how they live in a world where not everyone is exactly the same. Even a bad old eeeeeevil “white supremacist” like me, can manage to tolerate people, places, opinions, and things that I don’t personally like or agree with. Go figure.
Lordy a hall monitor.
ReplyDeleteOh I don't have any problem with you Astra, none at all. We don't agree 100% on everything but we're good.
ReplyDeleteJ,the quotes around words or phrases are to emphasis what you DID say. Which is why when you asked me to prove you said those things, I did. To keep saying I lied about quotes is more evidence or your true nature.
ReplyDeleteYou are hated because you are hateful. You spend your ever moment here talking about how much you hate women, how they deserve to be raped or beaten. How it's their fault for staying but never the mans fault for hurting them in the first place. You are cruel. I can't imagine being someone who's been raped and then coming here to constantly see you blame the victim. This place should be laid back and fun has become a nightmare because of people like you.
You were never attacked with ad hominem. You are a terrible human being and you know it. That is why you've stopped addressing my comments and keep lying about what's been said. You are mean and proud to hurt strangers. I wish you would be banned. You have no business being here. Neither does Inbred Astra. This place should be fun. You go out of your way to ruin it.
You have your opinions on what should be allowed to be posted here. But this isn’t your site. You control nothing here. What you think about the comments, is irrelevant because it isn’t your site. It’s extremely arrogant of you to think that you speak for everyone, and that you know how it “should” be.
DeleteWhat creates this mentality? That everything should be the way that YOU think it should be? That you have the right to come on here and act like you know what’s best for the site, even more than Enty? Why don’t you go start your own site, where everyone can be moderated to your liking?
Well, apparently Sandy hates me and would wring my neck, then tear me limb from limb if he got the chance.
ReplyDeleteWhich is asymmetrically amusing because to me he's just some annoying dude who types hello DMers all the time. Today's a bit different because his writhing and frothing are amusing... but there's no getting around the fact I don't give two fucks in a cat's ass what he thinks.
I'm old enough, and established enough, to not worry about the new intolerant red guard taking shape. It'll be other, younger people having to deal with the shriekers and puritans in meatspace. Kind of a golden age for me, I can laugh att the knuckleheads before they're ina position to do real damage. But my timing is usually good.
"You were never attacked with ad hominem. You are a terrible human being and you know it."
ReplyDeleteNow that's a REAL quote, and no doubt some sort of world record!
No J, here is the best one:
Delete“You are mean and proud to hurt strangers. I wish you would be banned. You have no business being here. Neither does Inbred Astra”
So upset over being mean and proud to hurt strangers, then in the third sentence, is mean and proud to hurt strangers! You just can’t make this shit up! How can a person be so....unaware? Fortunately, I am never hurt by the opinions of Internet strangers so 🤷🏼♀️ Especially not ones that can’t come up with an original insult to save their life.
Established at what exactly clown?
ReplyDeleteNo,Inbred Astra, it won't change you. You're a hateful person. You thrive on being cruel to strangers and then playing victim when you get someone who is sick of your drivel.
ReplyDeleteI don't see bigotry as a "Disagreement" that is something that only bigots do. What you spew is hate but you're right, you aren't going to stop because like you said, there is no place, even on the internet, that wants you around so this is the only place people like you and J have.
It really is all you have.
As for you Sandy, if you don't have a problem with a white supremacist, I don't need your help. BOTH of these people are monsters. Period.
I came here a long time ago through a friend who said she used to love this place and then a bunch of shitty people showed up being hateful. People just want a place to have fun and bigots ruined it for her and I know for a fact that you've ruined this place for others.
But that's the point isn't it? By your own admission, you have no where else to go. So people here have to be punished with your hate. It's terrible that people like you take such pleasure in cruelty. Yet you call others "Snowflakes" and good lord..."SJWs" both terms that rose to popularity by being repeated by 12 year old on tumblr in 2012. Honestly, you really are a terrible person and a true idiot.
You may not be the same person as J but you both thrive on cruelty.
Education, money, career, housing, avocations, relationshis (intimate and otherwise), health.
ReplyDeleteThose facets of my life are in acceptable-or-better shape.
👏👏👏👏 Guess what you're still a loser.
ReplyDeleteI remember being in China and seeing all the beautiful things smashed to bits because people like pumpa deemed them unacceptable. Haven't been to Syria or Afghanistan, but similar sights await there.
ReplyDeleteJ, you're now comparing me saying this site should be fun to fascism? My GOD? The lengths you and Inbred Astra will go to to be seen as victims. You aren't victims. You're two hateful people who can't handle any push back of any kind. Two fragile egos with no place to go.
ReplyDeleteI said you were a horrible human being and you knew it. You are and you do.
I have questions about that list of "Establishments" you claim. Who would ever be in a relationship, intimate or otherwise, with someone who hates themselves and half the population?
Inbred Astra, you're right, this isn't my site but you're also wrong about me wanting the ability to eliminate people. I just want to come here, read blinds and guesses and not to have to sift through hate. Why is that so hard for you to understand? No, never mind, I know the answer to that. Without the hate, neither you or J would have anything to say.
Like you admitted, this is all you have. This is everything you are. This is it for you.
Inbred Astra, your believing it's "Mean" and "Hurtful" to say a gossip site should have nothing but gossip says a lot about your mentality. It's what you are. It's who you are. You aren't hurt but you keep typing like you are. Why reply if I don't matter? Why even comment at all considering how small the item was where your name was mentioned? You were hurt because you believe you should get to say what you want but when someone pushes back, you cry.
ReplyDeleteDon't talk of original insults when you use words like "Snowflake" and "SJW." Who's unaware here?
pumpa, I think you are a very funny and a very silly person.
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed by the hate you bring to the table. Must be some sort of performance. Because I just don't care about you. Take tonight. If you have a great dinner, fall in love, win the lottery... I don't care. If you sleep under a bridge, or jump from one... I don't care.
And the fact that you make up false quotes means I'm not going to engage withyou seriously. Nope. Just amuse myself watching your outrage grow and grow and grow... signifying nothing, and to no point whatsoever.
J, "I don't care" doesn't work when you're taking the time to reply and blatantly lie. There were never, ever "Made up quotes" as I had no trouble posting each and every comment you made in regards to the items in quotations. Just because you are old, out of touch and incapable of understanding basic online typing, doesn't mean someone "Made up" something.
ReplyDeleteI've mentioned this now 3 times, yet, you keep coming back to it. What? The comparing someone saying a gossip forum for guessing blinds should only have guesses being just like fascism didn't work as well as you'd hoped?
The fact that you would even make light of something as serious as fascism further proves your inability to have even an ounce of humanity. By the way, I'm still waiting on that "Relationship" question I asked to be answered and no, those quote marks aren't some "Made up" quote, genius.
For someone who claims to be so established, you don't seem to be very bright...but most bigots are, aren't they?
Also, who the hell says they don't care if someone jumps from a bridge? Oh wait! I know exactly what kind of person says that.
ReplyDeleteWould you mind running that through google translate?
ReplyDeleteI am not concerned with what’s “mean” or “hurtful”. I don’t really care one way or another. All of that is subjective and what may hurt one person may not hurt another. That is your obsession. From what I can tell, it really triggers you that opinions you don’t like, are being posted here. So you are lashing out in an attempt to hurt those that post those opinions. You seem to think that, because you are easily upset and hurt by words on a screen, that everyone else is too. So you keep “insulting” me, maybe hoping that THIS TIME will be the time that really gets me. Is this accurate?
ReplyDeleteI am here commenting on this because I can. Plain and simple. You brought me into it, so here I am. You may be confused. I have never once advocated to have your opinions of me banned or censored. You can call me whatever you want. It doesn’t change anything in my life, it doesn’t affect a single thing here IRL. It doesn’t change a thing on this site. If it makes you feel better to rant and froth and rave about me, then I’m glad. For some reason this really seems to trigger you.
Y'all have way too much time on your hands.
DeletePeople jump from bridges every day, pumpa. Babies are born with HIV and then some of those get cancer.
ReplyDeleteGotta choose to live or not. Yea or nea. Because horrible shit's gonna happen. Why, people are even going to make blog comments you don't like.
You're like a spoiled, petulant, incoherent child. One that's new to our sad planet.
And your fortunes, good or bad, aren't my concern.
lol bolly. Sorry
ReplyDeleteAnd to think this was just another blind about Pigstein. One,QE 2 is permanent A+++. 2,surely the actress can't be Asia,A-list? On what planet? It must be another,someone who is much more sympathetic. J is,as usual,wrong that someone like Asia can't be raped, but Asia did "date" Weinstein afterward and her own questionable behaviour puts a sense of doubt in many minds. 3 Pumpa boo has only recently used this name,the writing style and the "concern troll" comments shows up too often to be a coincidence. Shame on us for feeding trolls,I guess.
ReplyDeleteGuesser, that's fair.
ReplyDeleteInbred Astra, words like trigger, snowflake and SJW only serve to show your inherent immaturity. I'd expect nothing more from you. Most bigots aren't capable of more. As you continue to prove.
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't believe I or anyone else is capable of "Getting" you. I think you'd need a modicum of humanity for that. You are proud of having none. It's the reason you are what you are. You said you have no where else to go. I believe you. It's sad but true. I don't think there is a single thing that will change you or "Get" you. I know I'm talking to someone who traffics in cruelty because it's all that you have. That doesn't mean I (and many others) don't get sick of seeing it on a gossip site that has nothing to do with your hate.
bollybiy, believe me, I know how this looks. I rarely comment on this site- I'd just had enough.
J, when you know you've been beaten, just keep announcing you're too stupid to understand. That's not obvious, dear. I'd expect nothing less. After all, how could YOU be any less than you already are?
Ok whatever you say pumpa. Whatever you have to tell yourself. Yet, in all this, I’ll still comment here and you’ll still be unable to stop me or anyone else. Yay for you!
DeleteGuesser- agree on Asia- no way A unless only due to publicity over #meetoo. Not as an actress. With Weinstein could be a lot of legit A actresses (holly hunter, amy adams ect) but the ratings have been out of whack on cdan as of late so who knows. Probably meant to be her.
ReplyDeleteUm guesser, outside of today, I have posted a grand total of TWO times. Can you link me to someone who has a similar "Writing style" and so called "Concern trolling" as me?
ReplyDeleteI've seen this tactic before. You try to claim someone is a super secret agent of some sort who's been doing this all along but you can't quite place where you've seen them. You can't quite remember. You know that they may have, maybe, might, sorta kinda remind you of someone but you don't know who, where, why or how.
What I do wonder is if guesser is an alt because-why come in now, claiming something they can't back up? Hmmm...
J,did you really just try to spin your shitty comment into babies being born with HIV? You really have no depth you won't sink to, do ya?
Yeah pumpa you sure kicked ass.
ReplyDeletej, your at least. You really are despicable but that's what it means to be a bigot.
ReplyDeleteGuesser, still waiting on that link.
ReplyDeleteagree with mischief- her maj QE2 is A++++, higher than all the celebutards in lala land. she'll be remembered and in history long after the others are dust or soylent green.
ReplyDeletethe rest of you all are crazy and need your meds checked
DeleteHarvey and Asia Argento
ReplyDeleteI am by far the most intelligent person to ever comment on this site. Can't you tell by my word choices and scintillating vocabulary? Or the way I will not stop needling someone for the occasional malaprop or non sequitur even if only made out of haste or the dreaded fat-finger?
ReplyDeleteI also have very many intimate relationshis. So very smart, rich, experienced, such a full life. That's why I have been posting here all day.
Here's Fake J again.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I've got too much time on MY hands, but living to pretend you're me is really quite sad. But, I'm happy to see my enemies miserable.
@pumpa boo,you proved me right. People who have posted twice in months don't suddenly do ten thousand posts on a rather ordinary blind. I am not an alt,been here since the Amber book scandal,full frontal Fridays,Timmy Shimmy,no ads,you name it. Also posted my photo at least twice,and have revealed more of myself than I should. I have no intention of dissing you or anyone else. And I don't think you are a "super secret agent",just someone trying to get attention by trolling an easy target. And my memory is fine,just keeping this a blind for now.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't they just show up, FINALLY, when they've had enough?
DeleteWhy is it so difficult to believe that most people just read and scroll on by every day?
It's quite possible that this is finally just the day that someone took a stand. It was brilliant too.
Well done pumpa. It's about time
Rosie love all day.
DeleteThis thread was a dumpster fire & could not have happened to 2 more deserving people...(insert Vincent Price diabolical laugh here). LOLOLOL.
GET IN THAT ASS PUMPA BOO. We are here for it!!!
This is something more recent than QE2, Weinstein, and Argento, which is seriously old news and not a blind.
ReplyDeleteI'm psyched that this pumpa person is out there in the darkness someplace, stewing and steaming over me. It's like an angel flapping his wings to put wind at my back.
ReplyDeleteA hysterical angel with piss-poor dialectical skill, but those are the cutest ones!
J I know you live in your mother's basement, you are ugly, fat, a slob, and basically have nothing to do. Perhaps you are even institutionalized, in jail, in prison, in a mental ward. Something. You aren't normal by the biggest definition stretch of the word. You focused on this site with all your icky ugly comments only says what you are. You are all the ugly things you write. Truly. People who agree with you? Also pathetic losers.
ReplyDeleteHas Prince Charles or Prince Williams given an recent awards?? Other foreign born are Asia as Tricia guessed, or Keira Knightley and technically Amy Adams. Any other disgraced producers??
ReplyDelete+1 @J The girlfriend who didn't get the expected career boost
ReplyDeleteGuesser, how could I have "Proved you right" when I am, in fact, someone who's only posted twice before today and today could no longer take the "Women deserve what they get" bs J always vomits on this site? It's not that hard to believe because it's true. Now, you claimed I had a "Similar writing style" solely for the purpose of dismissing my very real concerns and defending one person who hates women and another that hates Black people. In what world are you even pretending to be anything but a bigot yourself? For the third time I ask, who's "Writing style" do I share? Your non-answer does prove something, you're choosing to speak up to protect horrid creatures. What kind of person lies to defend bigots? There will be no link because you knowingly and purposefully lied to protect these monsters. If you can't answer with actual proof,that will prove you knowingly lied to protect bigots and only a bigot would do that.
ReplyDeleteYes, Inbred Astra, in all this I will be unable to stop you from commenting. How sad that this is the very best you can ever hope for in life? I wish you could fathom being a decent human being.
J, poor unfortunate, loved by no one j. Why would you be happy about someone stewing over you? Why don't you have anything more in your life? I will continue to come to this site and continue to scroll past as I have for months on end. Today I'd seen enough but Inbred Astra is correct, you and your fellow bigots will continue to spread hate and cruelty but I'm glad I spoke up. I know how many people wish they could just enjoy this site and I at least let them know that they aren't the only one's fed up with people like you spewing your hate everywhere.
It does say so much that when all is said and done, the best you could do was claim you didn't understand, the best Inbred Astra could do was say I can't stop her from posting and the best guesser could do was invent a story they (and everyone else) knew was false.
It sucks that people can't have one single place to come and see/guess gossip without bigots who openly admit they have no where else to go, ruining it but yes, you will continue because...cruelty to strangers is all you have.
The fact remains, I had time today but the rest of you, have time EVERY day. This is all you have. It's all you'll ever have and it's still far more than you deserve.
To some of the people I've spoken to before today about these people, you aren't the only one's fed up. I'm sorry I let this go on so long today but I'm not sorry I spoke up. These are terrible people who're truly proud of their hate. There's never a bad time to stand up against bigotry. Maybe one day someone will do something about all the non-guessing people here. That would be great.
Fingers crossed.
The best lack all conviction
ReplyDeleteThe worst are full of passionate intensity
Quite a show, pumpa. You're a real blog-comments freedom fighter. I've seen some keyboard warriors in my day, and some ridiculous vainglory, but you... you've done something truly remarkable. lol
You need to design yourself a flag.
Concern trolls always get the last word. Where did I lie? Everyone here knows I have called out J numerous times. Everyone who knows me knows I am not even slightly bigoted. So the lower you go,the higher I am. Calling someone a bigot is your last defense. Trying to turn a gossip site into a place for you to get acclaim."Maybe one day someone will so something about all the non- guessing people here. That would be great." Yourself included? And no it wouldn't. It would just be another Blind Gossip,moderated for only those who agree on everything. And that will be the end of the site. Which I suppose is what you want. Numerous commenters here have called out the posters many times, myself included. I did not lie, I stated something I believe to be true. And I won't lower myself to the petty name calling you do. Won't take the bait. Good night.
ReplyDeleteJ, "Keyboard warriors?" Inbred Astra is really rubbing off on you. What's next, "Snowflake?"
ReplyDeleteGuesser, I know this will be hard for you to believe but no, I'm not a so-called "Concerned troll" just sick of where this site has gone over the last 2 years. Once again, you show your true nature by claiming people actually GUESSING in a forum set up for *gasp* GUESSING would be the "End of the site." You absolutely lied because you said I had the "Same writing style" as someone else and I have asked you THREE DIFFERENT TIMES who this mysterious person is and you can't answer because you intentionally lied to protect bigots. I've seen you make comments to J but if you see what you do as calling him out, why the hell did you feel the need to jump in when I did it? Why call me a troll when I couldn't be farther from that? Why intentionally lie and claim I might/maybe/possibly/sorta/kinda be someone else but don't ask who because you know you lied on purpose.
It's the lie that told on you. You knew you were lying and why? You don't like where this conversation went? Fine but why lie to protect a rape apologist and a white supremacist? You didn't believe it was true because if you did, you would have posted a link to who you "Think" I am, based on my "writing style" the first time I asked, or the second or oh I don't know, the third.
I don't care that you jumped in, I do care that you lied and then called me a troll when you knew, for a fact, that neither of those things were true. That was a shit thing to do and considering who you did it FOR, yes, I do think that makes you a bigot. You can talk about how "High" you are all you want but nothing will change the fact that you intentionally lied to protect two horrible people.
That is unless, now for the forth time, you can post a link to someone, ANYONE who has the same "Writing style" as me.
Oh wait, you can't because you intentionally lied to protect 2 bigots....but you're not a bigot. Okay,sure. It's completely reasonable that a non-bigot would jump into a conversation like this, get angry at the person standing up to 2 bigots, invent a lie and then claim the person is some kind of troll when they, themselves AREN'T a bigot. Yep, sure. Makes perfect sense.
I'd like to thank you for "Not lowering yourself" to the "Petty name calling." I mean you should have been here earlier when there was some scumbag who called me a "Concerned troll." A pretty shitty thing to call someone but that isn't even the worst of it, the scumbag then made up a story about me MAAAAAAAYBE being someone else and they were SURE of it because they claimed I had the same "writing style." The not so surprising thing is that I asked the person who shared my "Writing style" repeatedly and they couldn't answer. Just kept calling me names like "Concern troll." I sure am glad you wouldn't "Lower yourself" like that piece of crap did. That would be terrible.
If you aren't a lying bigot, this will be easy-WHO SHARES MY WRITING STYLE? If you can't answer then explain why you told an intentional lie to protect bigots. Oh wait, you aren't going to do either of those things because bigots protect bigots. I sure hope no one figures out all the imaginary people with my "Writing style" ya know 'cause according to bigots, I'm a "Concern troll" and stuff.
Wow, look at that sermon! Truly a thing to behold. As self righteous, arrogant and smug as any pulpit pounding Bible beater, complete with the judgments, holier than thou moralizing and hypocrisy! I’m sure we’re all properly chastened and awed by your greatness. Thanks so much for “standing up to hate” because that’s so courageous and makes you a really awesome person! A true saint of this new religion. Such a crusader for righteousness! We aren’t worthy!!
ReplyDeleteLol but really. It’s a gossip site where people post comments you evidently can’t handle. If you need a safe space, I’d suggest Celebitchy. They seem to be exactly what you’re looking for. Or you can stay here and comment, and ignore the commenters you don’t like, and their comments. That would be the sensible thing to do. Calling out my “bigotry” doesn’t shame me, it doesn’t make you look any better, and it’s just boring for everyone. You can still walk away and convince yourself you’ve “won” here somehow. As long as you don’t start shit, there won’t be shit (with me). Unfortunately I doubt it’ll be that easy. You really remind me of this C.S. Lewis quote:
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.“
Inbred Astra, punkin', why haven't you stayed "here and comment, and ignore the commenters you don’t like, and their comments?" You don't like my comments but can't "Just ignore them."
ReplyDeleteWhen you post hate about Black people, that is not okay. When I say you're a bigot, you don't think that's okay. You reply because you CAN'T "Just ignore" comments you don't like.
I'm glad you liked my so-called sermon but the quote further pointed to your nature. To claim victims of your white supremacist bullshit WANT to be oppressed is disgusting but expected. Although, that isn't what he was talking about so it's no surprise that you would associate that particular quote with what you see as your own innocence.
No need to be in awe of my greatness but I can see how you'd be upset about morality of any kind. It's in your nature.
Wow you used the word “bigot” 11 times in your latest hysterical 888 screed. May I suggest a thesaurus?
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, it’s been fun and all but I’m about done. Hopefully we’ll see you around and I know I definitely look forward to more slapfighting and name calling, preferably after you’ve expanded your word power. I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll come up with! Don’t stroke out, ok? Deep breaths, hydrate. Til next time, have a good night! 😁👋🏻
Whew, I know what ya mean. I wish you'd keep it about the site and keep your racist bs off here but that would take human decency so no hope there.
Make sure when you look for new words yourself, you don't keep asking 12 year olds what words they use, mkay sunshine?
Wow! Shades of Wilton Manors Queens with their "one size fits all" Politics and grandeurs of know-it-all elegance.
ReplyDeleteThank you Rosebud. I'll ride this out but tonight will be it for me. These two and their defenders are bottom of the barrel scum and I can only allow myself to get this dirty every so often.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations,over 150 comments! And for no good reason. @pumpa boo, an opinion is not a lie. Calling someone
ReplyDeletea concern troll is not name calling. Again, you prove me right. Calling me a bigot, show a link. Oh, you can't, because it doesn't exist. I am choosing not to give your possible other names, I may even be wrong. But the more you say,the more likely I am not. If your intent is to get me to use your language you lose. Again,good night.
Guesser, you could prove me wrong, for REAL and show that I was wrong about everything and everyone if you could post even one single link to a poster that shared my "Writing style." Where's the link I've been asking you for? How rich that you would demand a link from me after I've asked, now, FIVE times for a link from you that you can't seem to provide.
ReplyDeleteA bigot would protect bigots. True or false? You knowingly lied about me having alts and claiming others share my "Writing style." True or false?
You "May" be wrong? Are you serious? At this point there is no other explanation for your attempt to stick to this blatant and purposeful lie other than protecting bigots. Why would someone who ISN'T a bigot go to such lengths to protect bigots?
The link to proof of your bigotry is right here in this thread. You INTENTIONALLY lied about me to protect bigots. Why would you do that? Why would anyone do that? It's a shitty thing to do, period but if you're claiming you're NOT a bigot, why would tell a lie that only serves to protect bigots?
You aren't posting a link because there isn't one. You lied. You knew you were typing a lie when you typed it and you knew why. Your lie was a hateful one used solely to protect hateful people. I didn't deserve that lie but the people who come here to enjoy random gossip also don't deserve woman bashing and anti-Blackness but you don't seem to see it that way. How could anyone think YOU ARE A BIGOT?
For the FIFTH time, who/where is the other poster who has the same "Writing style" as me? Only a bigot would refuse to post. Admit you lied or admit you're a bigot protecting bigots. There really isn't any other option at this point. You are providing proof of your bigotry by not admitting to INTENTIONALLY lying to protect bigots.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI agree with @Iknowpoeple - you all sound almost equally retarded, and the only ones who don't see it are you four.
ReplyDelete@pumpa boo, you and astra are opposite sides of the exact same coin, both extremes that meet when extremes go full-circle. There is nothing reasonable or balanced about either of you, both of you project.
speaking of astra - she hasn't posted in weeks or perhaps months and suddenly she's here, typing angrily while foaming at her mouth, for hours, like she was summoned? LMAO
Nah, J and Inbred Astra both have long histories of spreading hate on this site. I'm arguing one day because I'm fed up. I don't know that this makes me part of the same coin as a white supremacist. You might be over simplifying a bit.
ReplyDeleteit is you who is oversimplifying things, by repetitively calling somebody 'white supremacist' like a broken record, like that's some sort of argument. Just because you keep saying it, doesn't necessarily make it a fact, no matter how you interpret things.
ReplyDeleteAstra sees a Jew and screams 'Evil Joos' and then rants like a loon
You see astra and you scream 'White Supremacist' and then you rant like a loon
While astra (who is absolutely garbage) rides the wave of 'I don't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks, I'll come here and say whatever I like', which is sadly her prerogative, your wave is the super annoying, often ridiculed, complex-of-superiority-actually-fuelled-by-strong-feeling-of-inferiority-wave of 'I'm such a good person, look everyone, I'm talking back to the 'white supremacist' because I am such a great person, aren't I great, I have proof, everyone can now see how good I am, because I get approval by strangers from the internetl! WHITE SUPREMACISTS, Y'ALL'
People like you and astra, NEED an enemy, you thrive on it, you, love it, because it's the only way you can feel better about yourselves. And you will both stoop low and lie and manipulate and create your enemy, exaggerate and embellish, just you can find your comfort zone of mouth foaming rants against the particular group of enemies you have chosen at that particular moment.
What I'm saying is that your both retards, who lack serious self awareness.
Your. Literal. Description. Of. Astra. Is. That. Of. A. White. Supremacist.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that you, much like Guesser, agree that these people are bigots but don't see their bigotry as "Bad enough" to stand up to.
The problem with your claim of my "Need" is that it's proven false. I've been around for quite some time and as I've said numerous times tonight, I only spoke up today because I'd had enough. You DON'T see me here fighting all the time. Today and ONLY today is when you've seen this. Yet you've seen people like Inbred Astra and woman hating J be truly horrific day after day and you see that as no big issue.
People who side with these bigots have all claimed that I am only here to prove what a great person I am but why now? Why today? If this is such a NEED, where the heck have all these "Mouth foaming rants" been this whole time?
It seems the issue with every single person who's claimed I'm trying to show everyone what a great person I am, is that I won't let bigots run over me. Somehow, you see a constant spew of hate as equal to someone who argued for ONE day and so far, it hasn't even been that. I said a day. 24 hours. No more. Yet, I haven't even reached that but somehow, I am the same as someone who vomits hate on a regular basis?
You are showing your hand. You aren't mad at me for trying to prove what a great person I am. You're mad at me because I am speaking out against your friends. This won't continue for me past the 24 hour mark. I wonder how many times I'll be brought up by you and your friends describe as white supremacists but think it's wrong to call white supremacists.
Oh and since you claim Inbred Astra and I "Both lie" can you tell me what, SPECIFICALLY, I lied about? I sure can tell you about lies that were told on me but I'd love to know what lies I told.
ReplyDeleteThat was quite an outburst for someone who calls me unhinged for believing bigotry is wrong. Whew, I hope you get to rest those nerves soon.
ReplyDeleteUmmmmm...."boring and annoying and thick as a brick. You're all buzzwords, slogans and insults of the moment"
hypocrite much?
Go To Sleep!! I cannot believe you all went at this all night long. Over 12 hours of craziness. Too much...
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to make it 24 hours. There have been several people who've shown their true colors tonight. It's been helpful and should make things much easier for people who've been making the list.
ReplyDeleteTrust me, it's much easier to scroll past bigoted losers when you know exactly who you're looking to avoid.
Unless anyone else wants to talk about how Inbred Astra spewing hate about Black people, Jewish people and Muslim people ISN'T white supremacy or that j always claiming women deserve their abuse is ignorable, this can be the last post. It's up to the bigots.
This can be the last or we can keep going until 11:12am. I have what I need so I'm good either way.
Been around people like J all my life. Typical Gas lighter. They live to start up and stir the shit then they stand back and watch their handy work, "Look at you! Aren't YOU upset" acting surprised when that was their intention all along. Then they take the opportunity to tell you how they are far superior to you because you actually reacted to the bullshit they wanted you to react to. It's a pretty pathetic and maladjusted way to control their environment and engage people
ReplyDeleteSlimKeith +9000
ReplyDeletewho the fuck is pumpa boo and who let the psychiatric unit door open?
ReplyDelete@Molly - "Only exception, Bill Cosby. ..and of course, he is black. Fascists don't like them either...seems like I read he has a background in naval intelligence....." JFC, he was a hospital corpsman in the Navy. Equivalent of an Army medic. He was in 5 years and never made it past 3rd Class (E-4). He was NOWHERE near Naval Intelligence.
ReplyDeleteSo pumpa boo is making a list.
ReplyDeleteThat's always a sign of terrific character and good intent.
ReplyDeleteDecember 2018 in that creepy video when spacey said "We're not done" he was talking to the pedo elite
that includes the royal family (whose crest he was holding)
Second comment ever : pumpa boo, J, & Astra Get a fucking life!!! Ur not even funny to Reed 🤦♀️
ReplyDeleteHere we go with the lies again, @J? Why am I a White supremacist? Because I think "cultural appropriation" is hypocritical bullshit? Because I don't think it's OK for Black women to brand White girls as "basic" while calling themselves "queens?" Because I don't agree with the edited history that ignores the slavery and empire building carried out by PoC?
ReplyDeleteGrow up.
Like most misogynists, you're an ugly cunt and a sexual failure.
Well, yeah, Viking Song.
ReplyDeleteHey pumpa, here's your staunch ally Viking Song, right on cue.
ReplyDeleteShe can help you make your list.
Unknown, You seem to really hate it when people stand up to bigots. Hmmm...I can see why. Bigots of a feather.
ReplyDeleteJ, I don't know if I've ever seen someone work this hard to try to discredit someone who put them in their woman hating place. Sheesh. A BUNCH of people have been trying to nail down a list of people to avoid. I know this will blow your space where you mind should be, but some of us really do want to avoid people like you. Calling out two of you brought out other bigots in your defense. Now everyone who wanted to know who you were/who to avoid, knows. Lord...did you REALLY just try to turn a "List" into something nefarious? What wild pathetic animal raised you?
Nora, don't lump us together and if you didn't even read what was said, why even comment?
Viking song, I don't know if you're a full blown white supremacist like Astra but yes, you are racist af. You literally just went on a rant about Black people as a way to prove you're not a racist. You and J act the same way you just happen to have different targets. He's right to call you racist.You are right to call him a misogynist but you are BOTH clearly bigoted, hate fueled people. VS, what the hell did Black people ever do to you and Inbred Astra? You both seem obsessed with people who're minding their own business.
J, the fact that you think the things I've said are somehow personal to me like they are to you, is even more proof of you're inability to show empathy for other human beings. Just because someone hates you, doesn't mean I like them or would want them on "My side." That's not how decency works. Which is why you were so quick to call Viking song a white supremacist but so proud to stand with Astra. You couldn't care less if VS is a racist. Which they CLEARLY ARE. They are just a target for you. My targets are bigots. No matter who the bigots hate, if you're a bigot, I have a problem with you. Someone of your low moral fiber could never understand basic human decency. You're a terrible human being just like all of your defenders and every other bigot whether they defend you or not.
pumpa's making a list.
ReplyDeleteLike McCarthy did, like Sulla did, like Antony did. Like Stalin's shooting lists.
Can't resist that fascistic urge, can you? Gotta control the world!
What a miserable little intolerant piece of shit.
And with that moronic and completely J like statement, I'm out.
ReplyDeleteGood day to the decent and f*ck off to the bigots.
+ 1 million
ReplyDeleteI had to scroll to the end of this clusterfuck to see what triggered victim HAD to have the last word
ReplyDeleteJeez, this is what I get for reading the weekend blinds on Monday?
ReplyDelete@Sandy, we already went through this last summer. Don't drag me into any shit shows, I don't have any other screen names. We were doing a good job ignoring each other. You don't talk about me during the week and I haven't said anything about you. Have you just been trashing me on the weekends when you knew I wouldn't see it?
By the way, that person wasn't a stalker, it was some shill that had looked up various Braysons online and was trying to see if I'd respond to any specific taunts that matched with the identities they'd found. By the end they decided the name probably had more to do with sounding like brazen. I knew what they were doing, I called them out on phishing for info. I just hope they didn't go after some innocent braysons.
It's sad because I thought you were a cool commenter then you started flipping out on me for no reason. I'll just say what I said last summer:
Listen, I don't know if someone is using alts or messing with you, but I know I'm not involved. Don't drag me into it. Every time you bring me into it I'm going to say:
"Sandy has a conspiracy theory that anyone he doesn't like is actually one of many alt screen names of the same person. This mysterious person's goals are to torment Sandy and take over cdan."
Because I don't have any other explanation.
see comment by pumpa boo = just keep scrolling
ReplyDeleteWOW. All this wasted time and infighting while there’s SHIT going DOWN in Westeros!!! Priorities, War Council, ffs.
ReplyDeleteThe sperging has never been sweeter. kudo's to all.
ReplyDeleteAnd since there seems to be some confusion about what is and isn't racist, here is a handy chart to determine who is and who isn't a racist:
"black pride" = good.
"brown pride" = good.
"yellow pride" = good.
"jewish pride" = good.
"white pride" = EVIL and must be stamped out.
That why some like using the term "white supremacy" now, because the other was too obviously hypocritical for any one but say a @sandybrook into-level sentience.
@brayson - Is it true bray-bae isn't real?
@Thot, No, my SO is real, she laughs about some of the blinds I tell her and worries about potential wackos on here.
ReplyDeleteApparently the Man-O-Manischewitz rode someone a little hard over the weekend.
ReplyDelete@Pumpa Boo writes like @plot - With the ODD capitalization to EMPHASIZE their INANE points, like you REALLY think someone won't recognize YET ANOTHER new alt maryscott? You can't keep using THE SAME STYLE if you're ever going to be successful at it. At least, you managed to not type "donny moscow" while insulting other commenters.
👍❤️ Honestly, I didn't think it would take almost 200 to get to this. Sometimes word for word. I refused to go there,it was called a lie. I was called a liar, bigot,scumbag,etc. My crime was agreeing that Asia Argento may be a liar. Weinstein gets the last laugh because of people like her. @Thot Crimes nailed it.
Delete@J + 1 billion
ReplyDeleteThank God there is people like you J. I am tired of these hypocriticals! They fake how emotional they are. There is no defense for Asia Argento. And if you read this blog, you know about Tony Bourdain death. She is DISGUSTING! I hope she pays for everything.
What took Enthusiasm Quotes so long,lol.
ReplyDeleteHe was enjoying the show!
ReplyDeleteFwiw,200 comments here is like winning GoT,only with more bloodshed.
ReplyDeleteIt is funny how people with supposedly "open minds" will viciously attack anyone with differing opinions or beliefs. That's not how one persuades others to examine their point of view or to at least find some common ground. Every discussion needs people with challenging opinions otherwise it's just a bunch of people agreeing with each other, which leads to truth by consensus, which leads to mob rule.