Friday, May 24, 2019

Blind Item #8

The A- list reality star has once again hooked up with the foreign singer ex of the A - list mostly movie actress.


  1. Kendall and Soko(Kstew?)

  2. The Kappy suicide story is so ridiculously corrupt and insane, and this is what you focus on. Unreal.

  3. I don't believe Enty will touch the Kappy story. Something isn't right there, and not just that he was crazy. I think people are focusing on that to discredit his story.
    Anyway, between that and the way over the top blinds within the last year, Enty has really discredited himself. It's so fucking disappointing.

  4. Some people have a hard time with reality. Some people are more understanding re. abused kids in hollywood, they don't expect them to behave in the traditional cool way.America is hated by the world for ignorance. Case in point, when someone tries to expose the dark underbelly , they are immediately minimized. No exceptions.

  5. What is a Narcissist? (Defined)

    One who harbors a belief that they are special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions.

    A grandiose sense of self-importance.

    A need for excessive admiration.

    A demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes.

    As this seems to be a thread of totally non-related content, I thought I'd just drop this here myself.

  6. << excludes Tricia13 >>

  7. This is a gossip site - Enty doesn’t go too deep - that’s for us to do. For the real meat around Kappy go to voat v/QRV, 8chan or twitter (#QAnon).

  8. I don't get Soko's appeal at all. She's like a French Yoko Ono. I also don't get why Kendall goes after other people's sloppy seconds. Then again KStew seems to have bumped uglies with practically everyone, I can't keep up with her.

  9. The thing about Kappy is he could have killed himself,he could have stolen money and gambled it away,and he could be someone who tried to choke Paris Jackson. And everything he said could still be true. I noticed headlines of his death immediately put him in a bad light. Same for the woman who exposed Kevin Spacey,the one who was run over. I've seen nicer headlines for serial killers. Yes,it is part of their story,but these articles seem coordinated.

  10. QAnon has people thinking the deep state is a Democratic Party phenomenon
    Q provides low info repubs a sense of intelligence. But it is to distract from the crimes of repubs while thinking there is some fake plan to bring down the corrupt pedos. Lol what a joke

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      What else do the voices say. Lolz.

  11. @unknown
    a lot of us were just as hard on the Bush admin and on some, certain republicans who are no longer with us both figuratively and literally. some are gone from DC, some are just gone.
    establishment on both sides with TDS, newcomers with TDS
    it's just that the non-establishment democrats are off the rails with screeching about what - they don't even know - while the establishment (deep state) is behind them, quietly pushing...pushing...whispering in their ears...pushing

    Q hasn't got anyone thinking anything in particular
    Q has people thinking that things they thought were true...might be true and might change

  12. Ill agree with Kendall and Soko... Just trying to think along the intertwining lines in that model/actress/singers hook up crowd...have cara and kstew ever hooked up?

  13. Where did this even come from? This has to be the most random thing ive seen on here.

  14. Kind of sounds like Kendal hooked up with Kstews ex St.Vincent.

  15. Qanon has already been discredited as a fraud and hoax on 4chan mentally ill idiots he wanted to make fun of.

  16. QAnon was *never* discredited either on 4chan or anywhere else.

  17. QAnon is not about political party. It is about asking questions and researching for the truth. Both parties are corrupt. It is all about keeping people fighting amongst themselves, so that they never see what is really going on.
    And really the whole movement started with the Franklin Coverup which was Republicans- so to try to act like it is an ignorant repub movement just shows how totally ignorant you are!
