Thursday, May 23, 2019

Blind Item #8

This reality family is doing their best to get this foreign born former A+ list boy bander to film some episodes of the show but he wants no part of how they will try and make him look no matter what they say. If the family wants ratings all they have to do is let the one star tell her truth.


  1. Kardashian’s/Styles?

    1. And he and Kendall’s “romance”🙄

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Is agree with Harry and Kendall. Very convenient that she announced her and Ben Simmons “broke up” this morning. Wonder how they’re gonna spin Harry and Kendall “reconnecting”. She should just come out everyone knows already it’s getting old.

  4. +1 Kendall / Harry
    With “the truth” being her just admitting she’s not into dudes

  5. why do people think she's gay?

  6. Why don't they just let her come out? It would be a ratings bombshell and they could almost do some good with the LGBT community. I say almost because those cunts only do ahit for themselves.

  7. Why the fuck would Harry Styles go on their show? Yeah, good luck with that.

  8. Actually it could work if they had Cheban on too, next to him Harry looks straight as an arrow.

  9. Appearing on a the PMK show is about his level of talent and celebrity so why not?

  10. Harry is totally gay.

  11. Forget the bullshit narrative they’re trying to spin now.....

    Harry. would. never.
    And they should know that!

  12. Well Harry does like to get around, maybe him and Kanye can play with the pool table.

  13. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH the comments are funny. Harry would never? Kanye would never, remember? Now look at him.
    Styles is just another famewhore. Homeboy engaged in a faux romance with Kendall already. Hes already playing their game. Has been for a while. Good luck for him but most of all good luck to whomever believes 'he would never'. I admire PMK in a really weird way: she always gets her way. Wont be different with him.
    As for Kendall coming out, who knows. They will make a way to make it lucrative. Im not convinced shes closeted against her will.

  14. Kanye always seemed like a future sell out. Harry doesn't seem as interested. More into the music. He's not pumping out radio-friendly tunes like Kanye.

  15. Honestly Kendall and Harry would both be way more interesting if they were both gay.

  16. I see Harry styles' pr team is working tonight lol.The point is: isn't Kardashian association a sell out? I think any genuine artist would stay miles away from them. I dont eat this not interested bullshit when Styles was out there kissing K in an yatch for the paps to see, to point one out. I mean, if he didnt want his name associated, he wouldnt have. We wouldnt even be remembering his sorry bald ass.
    Pre-Kim Kanye was never a sellout. Now hes Kanye Kardashian that may be hard to remember but before his music and persona were something else entirely. And i dont think Kanye is radio friendly. Hes just happens to be a rapper, which is the popular genre right now. And honestly, what was even the last time Kanye had a hit? Lol. Last I checked he was releasing shit on Pornhub.

  17. Yes because the only excuse for defending Harry Styles is because I'm getting paid. It's the long con. I comment on every post but wait till the Styles one comes out to clean up his image. Still waiting for that check btw.

    Kanye's previous songs were much more heavily played than Harry's. He had one that played for a few months and that's it.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I mean, as far as I can remember 1D stans have been saying Styles will clean up his image. "After breaking up with [insert random girlfriend in here]", "after 1d disbands", blah blah blah. I mean, him for one, I don't doubt he's gay. I don't doubt he might come out someday. One thing that seems absurd to me is that he doesn't want the Kardashian association. For fucks sake. The only reason he has some name recognition is because he was the chosen one in 1d to "date" Taylor Swift. Ay! So much for "not interested". He's in for the game, that's what I'm saying. Deny it if you want to. I t doesnt change anything.
    And it was a joke, babe! Don't be so up in arms about it. I never thought you were actually paid by his pr team. I mean, not with the arguments you came up with. One hopes for more competence when there's money involved.
    As for Kanye, he was literally boycotted, remember? That taylor thing? And Kanye regardless what we think, did came up with some interesting, downright revolutionary tunes back in the day. Harry sounds like a throwaway song by an anemic Pink Floyd. Hes lucky payola is a thing.
    Anyway. Feel free to post about this in your - lemme guess! - Larry tumblr.

  20. I didn't even know he dated Taylor Swift. I just followed his music after he left 1D. Anyway I don't disagree Kanye was artistic in the beginning, my point was over time he became commercial friendly and outside of 1D Harry Styles has never seemed interested in that. It's been a few days so logging off of this comment chain. I don't know what Larry tumblr is

  21. I would like everyone in these comments to remember that Harry is openly out now, he showed up to the Met Gala with a man as his date...

  22. Yeah and in her Calvin’s, apparently she ‘tells her truth’ ... give me a break



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