Thursday, May 16, 2019

Blind Item #8

Despite all the talk to the contrary, this comic/actor/host/fired host is really splitting with his long time wife. They might delay it a couple of months to try and prove critics wrong, but the critics aren't wrong.


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  3. Never believe a guy who uses that much mustache dye.

  4. Was he the one with the daughter who was up to no good?

  5. He is the one who writes relationship advice books telling women how to act and how any problems in a relationship, including a man cheating, are the woman's fault

  6. It's def Steve and says long time wife so Kevin Hart sadly doesn't fit

    1. Ah true.KH/ Enika only married a few years

  7. Yes Steve Harvey wrote act like a lady, think like a man. He’s gross.

    1. And he was fired from Miss America or Universe (forgot that)right? Definitely him +2 to you and MM

    2. Yes he was and he’s losing his talk show and little big shots. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.

  8. How long did this marriage last?

  9. My first thought was Kevin Hart

  10. I have a blind item for you all...

    This failed Hollywood player turned celebrity impersonator, Our Nobody, assumed he had a great more or less true story for a script. It would have been about a porn actress in the 80s who was a federal informant.
    Problem is that Our Nobody hasn't any ties with the film industry anymore. Nobody knows who he is. The extent of his fame was that he had sold an idea in the nineties, but the project was never developed. But he assumed that the story he had thought about was GOLD.

    So, what's a poor boy gonna do? He pitches the dream project he has in mind and claims it is in production. In Our Nobody's dreams, Warner had attached to the script Christopher Nolan, with Anne Hathaway, Marion Cotillard, MΓ©lanie Laurent, Jennifer Lawrence, Jessica Chastain, Sandra Bullock, Emma Watson, Margot Robbie, Jessica Simpson, Meryl Streep and Diane Lane fighting for the main female parts, and Christian Bale, George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio and RDJ being considered for the male leads.
    And he posts it all on some celebrity gossip blog. With this bluff, the loser expects the rumor to spread, until every studio and agent has heard of this A-list project which is about the porn industry but not a porno, and start a bidding war for the rights. If it can pass as something that Christopher Nolan would direct with such a cast without sounding gross or shocking in the eyes of the smart readers who enjoy insane nights and days, it's definitely a surefire hit.

    Unfortunately, no studio appears to have taken an option on the story by our nobody. Back to the drawing board in Virginia!

  11. I agree this is steve...tons of changes over the course of the past year


    Thanks Angela!! Mmph. It's really YOU guys who are the smart ones, I just provide colorful commentary much like J and remind people of things which have previously occurred.

    And I try to keep Amazing Quotes from getting too out of hand with his side projects.
    Good to see you in OG form today Amazing.

    Ha. The "smart readers who enjoy insane days and nights." :)

  13. J is a racist, misogynistic cunt.

  14. @hunter

    It wasn't "insane days and nights", it was "insane nights and days", which is totally different ;) The website portrayed in the message is a product of my imagination or is used fictitiously. I do not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the message's content.

    More seriously, there was something that bugged me about the long "secret movie" blind item of January 2018 by Himmmm.

    What was actually the point of it, especially if it isn't true? This was one of the major claims made here last year, it was easy to check in the next few months, as a project directed by a A-lister with a cast of A-listers about porn would have been a major event. Yet, the blind item didn't feature anything negative, apart from the few digs at Kevin Spacey, Depardieu, or Jessica Simpson. What does it say about Hollywood or the people involved? Nothing.

    Then, I remembered that Himmmm has tried his hand at screenwriting, even if he hasn't received a single credit on IMDb apart from an amateur project he made at 23. And at this point, everything started to make sense. I read the blind once again, and I realized it wasn't about Christopher Nolan, the A-listers who wanted to be in the cast or even Stacey Donovan. It was about "one of the best scripts to come through Hollywood in decades" that also "has an amazing role for the lead actress". "It is one of the rare times lately when the material really seems to be king."
    And, for a project where "a studio already has tens of millions sunk in", who is that centered about the script? A screenwriter who had found an "ALL TRUE" story nobody had heard about before.

    Himmmm was basically starting a rumor about this amazing script that was about to enter production at Warner Bros., explaining also that it could still be dropped for reasons that had nothing to do with the quality or the commercial perspectives of the material. Then, if the rumor had gained traction, he could have get prospective buyers interested, as the script was supposed to be a magnet for talents, given the names he had alluded to.

    Also, it explains why such a bad script is supposed to be one of the best in decades...

    I give more details on the "reveal" page from last November:

  15. Gee, that’s strange. As a colored girl, I don’t find J racist and as a woman, I don’t find him a misogynist. I find him fucking hilarious. As I’ve said before, I hope you’re not raising sons Viking Song.

    1. Uh oh, you have the “wrong opinion”, so those people that would usually kiss your ass because of your skin color, will now attack you because you’re not part of the “diversity monolith”. You know, the ones that scream about “racism”, but seem to think all non white people MUST think, act, and be identical in beliefs, ideology, outlook, etc. Because that’s not racist at all. Not one bit. πŸ˜‚πŸ™„

  16. You assume people care what you think?
    Or care about what your hopes are?
    Please take a seat, oh righteous "colored girl"


  17. Steve Harvey's books have some good tips.

    It's his mustache that is vomitous.

  18. who refers to themselves as a "colored girl"? It's an outdated, somewhat offensive term in my opinion. I mean it's 2019 not 1919.

    1. Are you policing the way a POC chooses to refer to themselves? Isn’t that a HUGE thought crime in the liberal/SJW world? Are you white? If so, what would make you think that your opinion on self identification of non whites, is of interest to anyone? Even if you aren’t, again, who are you to tell anyone how they can or cannot identify?

      Lol and people think I’m the racist here πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

  19. Its Steve Harvey, he has been selling off his real estate and he has lost two major jobs (his talk show & little shots, now rumors that he will lose Family Feud)

    all of the gossip sites have been saying that he and Marjorie are divorcing.
    Her Ex husband is now out of prison and writing a tell all about his life w/Lady Heroin. (her nickname when she was married to his drug dealing butt)

    Keep watching

    Steve is a comic (not funny to me) and ALL of his jobs are in the hosting capacity. He is on his 3rd wife but writes a relationship book..which was trash.
