Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Blind Item #7

This former late night actress has always said she would never return to television. The pressure and stage fright she gets is multiplied with that much work. So, it is kind of shocking she agreed to a new show. 


  1. Wiig? From what I heard she turns down roles w too much promotional work. She has bad anxiety, maybe a true introvert?

  2. Sounds like previous blinds about Kristin Wiig, get her some anti-anxiety meds stat!

  3. You'd think she'd make enough bank on the movie side of things. Wasn't Wiig just announced as doing some movie with the woman she did Bridesmaids with?

  4. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Molly Catherine has said similar and has the new Emily Dickenson show.

  5. Anonymous8:59 AM

    *Molly SHannon oops

  6. Molly Shannon has a new MOVIE out about Emily Dickenson, not a tv show. It's supposed to be pretty funny.

  7. Amy Poehler. They threw added donuts to the comp offer.

  8. Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph are doing an animated show, and she’s talked about her anxiety in the past. Maybe Kristins not looking forward to the press… I love both of them. So I was glad to see she’s doing a new show. I apologize if this comment comes up twice

  9. Nothing more overrated than a SNL cast member. The show has been putrid for many years

  10. Isnt Kristen Wigg doing the Wonder Woman sequel?

  11. @yep

    yes, kristen wig is in the wonder woman sequel

    I havent heard of any new shows she's going to be in?

    I remember hearing her role in The Martian was cut down for weird reasons.

    Im amazing she was able to do SNL for so long, and as a cast/audience favorite, with stage fright and anxiety that bad

  12. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Yeah, she's doing an animated show with Maya Rudolph (she also was a guest voice on a show with Maya on Netflix - Big Mouth). I actually like her a lot and know that being on stage is hit and miss with anxiety sometimes. She was one of my favorites on SNL.

  13. Maybe she was coked up for SNL like all the greats.

  14. Well this is certainly not Tina Fey. Could it be a lesser known SNL alum? Maybe her stage fright meant less stage time for her.

  15. Kristen Wigg: one-note actress, and irritating beyond words.

    J: still hating on women.

  16. the reason Wiig movie with Jack Nicholson collapsed is because she wanted him to make an apology of sorts RE polanski

  17. Vanessa Bayer is on a new show.
