Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Blind Item #6

This former tweener actress turned adult A- list singer/bad actress is still in touch with the much older man she was most recently involved with in Europe. He won't come here for fear of a media circus, but look for her to travel internationally very soon and meet up with him.


  1. And Polanski. Sehr interessant.

  2. Selena and Assange: Much wow ; )

  3. Is it just me, or are today's "blinds" more like just a little bit visually impaired?

  4. Selena for sure. But not Assange or Polanski for crying out loud. Assange is hoping he never has to come here, and Polanski won't ever be allowed.

    I thought we thought about several months back that she was pregnant with some old rich business dude from Europe's kid? Remember the picture with her veiny milky looking breasts? What was that guys name? Tommy Chiabra?

  5. Sorry, Donna- we were kidding! 🙂

  6. Gomez all the people live a life I would never want.. They all screwed up in the head

  7. Yeah supposedly she yachted for a really rich dude and it turned into something more, rumors of a secret marriage and all that. It's good to see her shift from bad boys to sugar daddies. And unlike Bieber he has no trouble fulfilling all her needs.

  8. Selena Gomez must have a vagina made from gold.

  9. Damn that girl is good!

  10. Ooooo!!! He's good looking and only 5 years older!! Get it girl!!

    Yes, what Brayson said - except I was under the impression it was a Middle Eastern person, glad to see it's less tawdry than it had appeared. Hey - big deal if she met this dude yachting if it means she's happy.

  11. Lol, thanks HeatherBee! That’s what I get for skimming today.

  12. Holy shit Selena is making the rounds lately.

  13. Is this the same guy who ghosted on her and never responded when she told him that she miscarried? If it is: screw him. She deserves better.

  14. Elle would have been my answer if not for the A- singer thing.
