Monday, May 20, 2019

Blind Item #6

Look for the permanent A list "singer" to be out and about all the time over the next few weeks to show she is not being held captive. The thing is though, each excursion is heavily regulated and monitored and will end in a second if anything out of the ordinary occurs.


  1. I was really really hoping someone would say "It's Britney, bitch"

  2. Can we please just, like, take group custody of her and give her a nice soft bed and some cocoa and some fluffy blankets in a cool, dark, quiet room and let the poor woman rest? I'm afraid she isn't going to last much longer.

  3. +1 roque

    Her eyes are beyond dead, I fear she is not long for the world. Poor Brit.

  4. I'm still going to keep my car parked inside, just to be safe. Umbrella can scratch and dent the shit out of it.

  5. She needs bong hits and puppies. Telling ya.

  6. None of us are her doctor so I don't know why (except for gossip) we are assuming she's being held captive against her will, inappropriately drugged, etc.

    Weirdly enough, people with severe mental illness do unfortunately look drugged and sick, because they are. And a lot of the time they have to be medicated and hospitalized against their will because they don't know what's best for them.

    A warm bed and cocoa isn't going heal mental illness.

  7. If she is such a mess, why do her minders keep allowing her to perform and be seen in public. This smells to high heavens

  8. @ Krab, of course a warm bed and cocoa is not going to heal her. Neither is her current situation. I want her looked after by someone that has nothing to gain from her financially. Not her father and that manager that pushed her to do a Vegas residency. Who ever thought that was a good idea should be taking medication and not her money. I feel that her doctors were influenced to give her the kind of drug cocktail to keep her on stage and also to keep the world from seeing how badly she was suffering.

  9. Well--again--we don't know her diagnosis. Maybe performing is good for her mental health. Work is good therapy for a lot of people.

    Again, it's entirely possible she's being exploited, but her "looking drugged" is not evidence for that.

  10. I wish her stupid fans would STFU, because if any of them have dealt with a family member or friend that has a mental health disorder especially bipolar, they would know exactly what's up. This is an MO: they will try their hardest to convince others its not them with the delusions and issues, and try to deflect it onto others. Larry Rudolph himself said she may never perform live again. She's had a twenty year long career, and i'm sure she could move back to LA or stay in CA and live comfortably with her sons and never work again! I wish everyone would realize her mental health is whats most important, not their fantasy's and ideals of the old Britney!

    1. I think bipolar would be easy :(
      Isn't D.I.D. her issue? It is the only one that makes sense in regards to sealing docs and records. It also is not 100 percent fully treatable. I don't think I realized but YouTube has clips that show others who suffer and they basically blackout and have time lapses. Depending on which alter comes out. The movie Cybil with sally fields kept the disease in spotlight for years. There was a comment made one time about Britney that when the pink wig or the British accent comes out it is bad. I guess like a flare up or gets triggered. So if one alter is a bad girl drug addict that would e explain the no phone or car without supervision. With child custody issues I am sure she is forced to accept whatever. Her own parents said mental issues were obvious young, part of the reason they supported a creative life path and star search etc. That in a normal environment she would not have thrived or coped. Also, that has long as she gas the structure of projects and work going on it kept her healthier then random idol free time. The fail there is the intensity of work under the conservetorship. I am sure Vegas has its pro and cons. Stationary the pro but the schedule to have a venue the con. I am just posting this because I have known a few crazy people myself. It wasn't til I saw YouTube of 11 people living in one body that I comprehended how awful it must be to have spilt personality. There was the bulky, the little girl, the white, the organizer, the weeping one who cried and whined, the angry one etc. There has even been cases where an a later is paralyzed in a wheelchair and tests support it being physical as well as mental while that alter is active and in control. I think it was crasppy in Britney case that they raised her child support. Shame on the judge or shame on Federline if he blackmailed them with threats to make them agree. Not sure if they settled or a judge ruled that it just signed off on settlement.

    2. I have no idea what Britney's mental health issues are. I remember Sybil with Sally Field, I thought it was sad but fascinating. I wonder if it holds up after all this time. The book was brilliant.

      I grew up with Larry Rudolph's former partner. He only has glowing things to say about Britney and Larry Rudolph. I get the impression that Larry will fight to get her the help she needs.

  11. Unless she's being hospitalized again, going out (and supervised) seems like it should be a part of her normal routine. Making it some sort of trotting circle of the show pony for cameras and social media to shape public opinion is not normal, nor proof of health.

    The next few months should be a media-free trial run of a quieter life and finding the degree of independence she can handle. I think even a person with no mental health issues would need a period of adjustment from high level celebrity with regular performances to "retirement." That's why a few of us have mentioned projects like opening a dance studio, etc. Flexible involvement , but no spotlight.

    AlistDiva- i worry that you are correct, that some of this media blitz is brit herself trying to convince the world of normalcy, and not having a clear picture of what she really needs or wants.
    Praying for best outcomes for her

  12. So HEY - my old high school buddy has 12 people living in his brain and doesn't drive because "they put drugs in the water."

    He is medicated. Nonetheless, he walked nine miles to some random woman's house to have sex [masturbate] with a [invisible] woman he expected to meet there.

    She, understandably, called the cops who came and found my friend beating off in her shed. It's a funny story the way he tells it but MEDICATED PEOPLE CAN STILL HAVE ISSUES.

    Took a couple years to clear the charges on his record for that, no lies.

    Also they tazed the shit out of him. ha.

  13. These stories are why I keep coming to the comments sections

  14. Hunter-- oh my! That is quite a story, and Im happy he can laugh about it! You added a very important fact to observing this current Britney saga.

  15. Bipolar is not easy in the LEAST. Patients can go off meds and do extreme damage, financially, emotionally (severing friendships), and can even wind up in jail or worse. I agree Britney has DID as well as bipolar.
